[5.0] Ornn Guide - How To Smith
How To Smith
- very tanky in the late game
- a lot of cc and extremely powerful teamfights
- easy to master
- can buy items in lane to get an advantage
- Ornn is a bit weird to play at the beginning
- mana issues in the early game
- hard to pick up
- slow, low mobility
- needs some time to scale, weaker early game
Ornn Build
Best Build Guide for Ornn

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting items:
You almost always want to start with a
Ruby Crystal
and build
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads
after, depending on the enemy team.
Afterwards you should build [Heartsteel] and/or
Sunfire Aegis
into most matchups. For some matchups it's definitely worth buying
Bramble Vest
There is also very specific scenarios where you could try rushing
Dead Man's Plate
or even
Frozen Heart
but more on these kind of items further below.
Core items:
As Core items I would put items that you almost always want to build, because they are just overall very effective on
and good into most enemies.
- [Heartsteel] and/or
Sunfire Aegis are your bread and butter items. You build these almost every game.
Sunfire Aegis is just very good for clearing waves but also deals a lot of damag to champions. [Hearsteel] lets you scale into infinity. But I would not reccomend building it, if you have a hard time stacking it up. it is very hard to get stacks vs very squishy teams with a lot of mobility or range champions, becaus everytime you get clos to them, they just die before you can collect the stack. Just rush
Sunfire Aegis instead and go for
Dead Man's Plate instead, if you want to catch ranged champs. Or just build
Thornmail vs ranged AD or
Warmog's Armor if you need more HP etc. Just ignore [Heartsteel] in these matches.
- For your second/third item
Thornmail is a very powerful item. It will grant you tons of Armor to compliment your high HP from your firs one or two items, while also increasing your damage to enemies who like to use auto attacks a lot. You definitely want high Armor and MR on Ornn, since it also increases your [Ornn:3] damage.
- Another option would be [Kaenic Rookern] or
Force of Nature , in case you need more Magic Resist.
Amaranth Twinguard is extremely powerful as a 5th or 6th item, since it will push all the high resistences you got from your other items to the next level, perfectly rounding up your build in most matches.
Mantle of the Twelfth Hour is similar to
Amaranth Twinguard , granting less resistances, but some HP and a useful passive that helps you survive burst damage. Also better vs slows, while [Amaranth Armor] is better vs hard cc, like stuns and roots.
There is some Matchups, where I would rushBramble Vest to cut down their healing and deal some damage back. Like
Fiora ,
Camille ,
Tryndamere ,
Jax etc.
Thornmail can be a very strong first item vs some very specific champions like
Tryndamere or
Urgot , since they deal only phsical DMG and have high attack speed, resulting in a lot of thorn-damage, if they start hitting you.
Situational Items
Randuin's Omen is the best item if you are playing vs champions that build critical hit items, like most ADCs do, but also
Tryndamere ,
Yone and [Yasou]. Look at the enemy team, anyone building crit items? Does it feel like they hurt you too much? Go get
Randuin's Omen !
Frozen Heart on the other hand is a great item that helps vs high attack speed champions, like
Jinx ,
Zeri , [Kalista],
Vayne ,
Yasuo ,
Tryndamere . When thinking about which item I should get vs someone like
Tryndamere or
Jinx , I tend to go with
Frozen Heart instead of
Randuin's Omen , since they don't hurt me too much anyway ans
Frozen Heart will slow their attack speed down, which decreses their damage output, not only vs, but also vs my teammates, which they will probably be focusing anyways. It's a great way to protect your carry in a team fight.
Dead Man's Plate is a very niche item, that you should try to get early in the game, as your first full item, after boots. This item can help you vs ranged matchups, since it deals damage and helps you gap close.
Warmog's Armor grants you a lot of HP and regeneration when out of combat. I typically build this as one of my last 2 items if I already have a ton of resistances and feel like I need some more HP. It enables you to stay on the map between teamfights in the later stages of the game. You never need to go back to base, and can put pressure on the map by pushing waves and moving to the next objective first.
Fimbulwinter rarely feels very good on Ornn, you will be way weaker early on, but you will be able to stay in lane and use your abilities much more, thanks to the mana. If you are planning on building this, get [Tear of the goddes] asap, in the beginning of the game, so you can start stacking it up.
Ornn Runes
Best Runes for Ornn

This is your basic Rune Page you take vs almost every melee champ.
Grasp of the Undying
is amazing on
, because it will provide a ton of bonus HP, ocmbined with
's passive.
Second Wind
is also incredibly powerful, since you want to take short trades, most of the time. And
Second Wind
will help you regenerate some Hp lost in these trades.
For your scondary Tree you just take demolish into most match ups. There is matchups, like Sion, Maokai, Garen, where you need much more mana to fight them and clear the wave. In these matchups,
Manaflow Band
can be very helpful.

This one is for running away. Running away from
and maybe
. Minor runes basically stay the same, but you want
Phase Rush
just so you don't get run down as easy.

This one is for these annoying ADC or
toplane players. Poke them down with Q and
Summon Aery
or [Arcane Comet].
can help with poking them down, too.
Don't get hit too much, second wind helps you vs their poke. Get
vs ADCs or
Force of Nature
vs. Magic Damage.
Secret Knowledge:
will proc
Summon Aery
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Your Bread and button combo would be: Q, W, E, Auto, run away, to win short trades in lane.
If you think you can kill the enemy, try hitting a Q
Volcanic Rupture
, then Ult1
Call Of The Forge God
, E
Searing Charge
, Ult2
Call Of The Forge God
, auto attack, W
Bellows Breath
, auto attack. If they flash after your W
Bellows Breath
, flash at them and finish them off anyway. You can change the order of some of these abilities and also weave in some auto attacks, but that requires some practice and it's typically much safer to just do the basic combo.
Ornn Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
wet noodle fight, he can't kill you, if you dodge his Qs
Decimating Smash
and you can't really kill him, unless you build something like Divine Sunderer Second Item. Just focus on farming, and defending your turret vs his split push.

General Game Plan
As mentioned a few times, your goal is not to beat the enemy laner as hard as you can, or win lane aggressively early. Concentrate on farming and use your passive for item advantage. Only take short trades, since you don't have the dps other Top-Laners have in the early stages of the game. After the laning phase you always want to be in the teamfights. That's why I love to go
Teleport Enchant
. Just focus on what will be the next objective and move there with your team. Ornn
is a beast in teamfights, if you can land a good ultimate.