[2.1] Lux Guide - Lux Support Light em up!
Lux Build
Best Build Guide for Lux

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This build is very straight forward and I love it. Harmonic Echo is so good! gives the same stats as Ludens for 200g less and now your shield heals! I am also a big fan of Athene's as you can poke and fill the stacks up from ranged then more healing! CDR boots with Redeemer enchant also is works well giving you a ranged heal that can also be used for getting vision for a long range ultimate. Ardent makes you an enchanter for your ADC tho would prefer if we had Staff of Flowing Water in this game.. Protectors is good for keeping your back line safe and enabling another way to proc your heals/enchants finally SoulStealer for Ult spamming to really annoy the enemy late game.
Lux Runes
Best Runes for Lux

Aery is an enchanters BFF extra poke and extra shield.
Raw stats from gathering storm help both poke and shields.
Loyalty and Pack hunter for Dragon Lane, believe they stack if the ADC has them too?
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Lux Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Lighting the Way!
use your CC to combo your enemies and your shield to enhance your allies. just dont miss your skill shots, lux is good but can be difficult to master on wild rift. Most play her as a support as the other mid lane mages are so much stronger.