[2.1a] Jarvan Iv Guide - Jarvan IV- Demacian Support (SIMPLE GUIDE)
Jarvan IV- Demacian Support (SIMPLE GUIDE)
Jarvan Iv Build
Best Build Guide for Jarvan Iv

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Jarvan IV can be used as an aggressive support who relies on proper initiation and excellent crowd control.
First, build into a Locket Enchant for your Boots to help you and your ADC for defense in lane aggression. This will also help your team later on in team fights. Next is to build an Iceborn Gauntlet which works well with Jarvan IV. All of Jarvan IV's skills synergizes well with this item. Then after that, rush into Guardian Angel for this item will help you last long in team fights and also lets you dive onto turrets or onto awaiting enemies without fear of dying. Build into Sunfire Cape for more sustain and AOE damage which synergizes well with your ultimate skill which locks down your target with you inside a terrain. Move onto Sterak's Gage to give you more survivability and then Warmog's Armor to finish up your build for insane health regeneration. Making you a supreme tank.
Situational items are self-explanatory.
Jarvan Iv Runes
Best Runes for Jarvan Iv

Grasp of the Undying is an excellent rune for a Jarvan IV support. It lets you get more tanky and gives you sustain in lane aggression. Aftershock is also an option. Weakness is also viable for Jarvan IV for it helps your ADC deal more damage to your immobilized enemies. Hunter Titan for tenacity and Path Finder to help you roam easier around the map for team fights and rescues.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Simple engage. Use third ability to place a flag behind or on top of an enemy then press third ability again to automatically cast your first ability towards the flag so you can knock up enemies.

Lock down initiation. Same as your simple initation but you will cast your ultimate ability afterwards to lock down one or more enemies in place.

You might be surprised to see Jarvan IV as a support. But it is really viable. Jarvan IV's initiation has and always have been excellent. His combo Third ability into First ability(by pressing Third ability again) knocks up multiple enemies which gives your team an edge on team fights. It's range is also far which give your Dragon Lane an aggressive advantage.
Jarvan IV support is best paired with also an aggressive ADC like Draven, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Vayne. You can punish passive Dragone Lanes, especially enchanters like Janna or Soraka. You will struggle against tank supports though for Alistar and Braum can easily stop your initiation.
In team fights, you should always start going in first. Your team will rely on your initiation before they make their move. You should preferably initiate on their ADC or Assassin so your teammates can burst them easily. Your natural tankiness can help you survive team fights and push for victory.
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