[2.2c] Braum Guide - How to become Strong and Bald
How to become Strong and Bald
- Front Lane
- CC area with Ult, Engage/Disengage
- High survability with (E) Unbreakable
- Follow Up with Teammates (W) Stand Behind Me
- Procs Slows (Q) Winter's Bite and Ult
- Very Strong (and bald) in Mid-Late game
- Easily to counterpick on Lane
- Stay behind on lane, no prio
- Need teammates to follow up
- Really relies on the teammastes (close distance)
- Gets Poke hard, without (E) Unbreakable
- No damage, and lack of mana
Braum Build
Best Build Guide for Braum

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Welcome to the build section of
after having a tough fight finding out the right path and items on Braum builds, finally got it and explaining as how it goes, first with the items order, and ending explaining some functions and reasons of some items.
First of all, usually will start of with Boots, the common case is to go for the upgrade of
Mercury's Treads
of course if at least they have at least 2 users with slows or CC, but the amount of Tenacity that provides is more than worth (35%) besides that it helps a lot the function of Braum peeling with Teammates. In case if there's not too much cc's on enemy team, and at least 3 AD users, go for
Plated Steelcaps
on the enchant, i really think that [locket enchant] is the worth to go for Tank supports (helps you to get the assist on area, besides it provides a huge area of effect on teamfights) it's important that you'r the user that goes with Locket, but if not, go for
Redeeming Enchant
tho it should be the Jungler who goes with it.
On the starting item, it just depends if you want to go all in with
Zeke's Convergence
as first item, but that depends if there's other Tank on your team, if not, go for boots and [Locket enchant] (as first item)
Depending on that, and as your Core Items, if your the tank of the team, go for
Protector's Vow
after of it
Zeke's Convergence
and finishing with
Warmog's Armor
usually a match will end on this items, if the match gets on slow phase and barons fights, finish your build depending and flex with which are the enemy champs:
In case of 2 users of At.speed, for example
go for
Frozen Heart
because it provides to your team more protection, you'r a support not carry, that why
Randuin's Omen
should not be a option for you, unless that the mentioned champs are the main carry, and perhaps you also want to finish the build with
Randuin's Omen
NOTE: Instead or replacement of
Protector's Vow
Frozen Heart
as i just said (2 carry users of At.Speed/Crit]
As it follow, if the team comp of enemy team is just standard, go for AD defense with
Dead Man's Plate
or AP defense with
Force of Nature
is the main ones to go because the extra movement speed that they provide. In other case go for
Abyssal Mask
if on your team you have at least 2 AP users (to maximise the damage of them to enemy champs, because of the passive of the item -Abyssal-
About the explanations of the items and why Warmog's Armor:
Zeke's Convergence
: The utility that provides is just the best, just that perhaps
is not the best user of it, because his ult is on range, but to maximise the effect and proc the 2 passives of the items (Harbinger) and (Frostfire Convenant) is better if you just can ult in front of the enemy champ, and get the 2 passives proc and see how the enemy champs can not even walk because of the slows, thanks to the
Glacial Fissure
and (Frostfire Convenant) you should not worry about the (Harbinger) effect on your allie, because it has a big area of effect, and always will proc the allies highest Attack Damage. Besides the ignite's from you on area and slow, and your allie one. Remember that the area of effects of the passive (Harbinger) and (Frostfire Convenant) is the glowing area around you after using your ult, first is blue (Harbinger on you) and (Frostfire Covenant) when it procs becomes Red. Just an amazing item if used if the right situations, along with
Glacial Fissure
Warmog's Armor
: The reason of it is that the stats that provide are much worth for the income of the cost of the item, besides, it helps to maximise the effect of the Rune
Font of Life
to note, with around 1.700 health procs the 50 HP per hit with a basic attack, and around 3.500, gives 100 HP. Besides and the most important thing that i figured out, if you start of with
Zeke's Convergence
and after the boots upgrade [even if the enchant is a plus of +300 gold] [locket enchant] when you finish
Warmog's Armor
at that poing of the game, its quite possible that your health its at least 2.500 heatlh to start proc the passive of the item (Warmog's Armor) and give you that extra of sustain and full recover of your health bar after a teamfight (of course the right runes will help with this effect, later on the guide i explain on the runes section]
True that with Warmog's Armor, you don't get defensive stats, but do as so
Zeke's Convergence
with the lack of health, so somehow each item complement each other. Thats why and as third item (plus movement speed) will be usefull to go for
Dead Man's Plate
Force of Nature
for the defensive stats] after it, anfd [braum:3] you'r inmortal if you can handle when you get out and in on a teamfight.
Frozen Heart
: I explained it before, but as said, for your teamates if more helpfull if you go for this item instead of
Randuin's Omen
besides, its helpful for
becuase it provides that extra mana that he really lacks of. The area of effect of the passive (Winter's Caress) is huge (almost like) [locket enchant]
Braum Runes
Best Runes for Braum

Runes section in detail and options:
is the current almost unique user of
Font of Life
because the nature and function of his ultimate [braum:ult] (range, and Braum is not a hard cc user as it can be
thanks that
Winter's Bite
helps also to proc the
Font of Life
is somehow not viable on Braum because you'r mostly not that close to enemy champs when you use your ultimate.
On the runes line of Domination (Red ones) your options with
are or
. It's more viable to go with
to surve much more and go in on a teamfight with your [braum:ult] besides, it helps you to survive much more, and proc
Warmog's Armor
easier and withouy that many risk. If your team doesn't have to much tools to make damage, perhaps it will be better to go with
debuff apliess to your allies to do more damage to them. (On area an multiple tarjets with your [braum:ult]
On the side of Resolve line (Greens): The most viable, on my opinion, is
Hunter Titan
because provides your that Tenacity that you need with Braum to be usefull in teamfights, besides the plus of the extra healht that provides you wih assist. (Up to 20% of Tenaciy for each of the unique takedowns assist) +
Mercury's Treads
a total of 55% on Tenacity stat. Besides this rune, other options perhaps are
but i really think that the stats are not worth it, and the ones that provide
Hunter Titan
are much better] or [regeneration] for sustain on lane, but truly not worth with Braum, because your a distance tank support.
On the Inspiration runes line (Blue): To be honest, the must to go if you'r support, and you want to commit to help your teammates, going for
Pack Hunter
is just provides your the extra gold you need to reach easily to your 2 powerspikes with
Zeke's Convergence
Warmog's Armor
. Besides the extra movement speed that always helps, and much more when Braum is always next to an ally.

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Not too much mystery with Braum on combos, basic stuff from him if you'r begginer
#1 The basic combo if you want to proc the passive effectively, if the situation is ideal, and the enemy team overextend, if hit with (Q) Winter's Bite, follow up with (E) Unbreakable wth no fraid on your bald face, go for autoattack from yourself to proc quickier the passive of [Concussive Blows]

All in, you usually engage, with the follow up of your W [Stay Behind Me]

Usually the sequence when to disengage or when you get in a problematic situation.
Braum Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Just focus on teammates
really relies on teammates, somehow is complicated to play him on soloq, and even more on low elos, not as well on high elo (ok on high diamong) tho, right now Braum is in a great spot, and probably the best Support, true that in lane can suffer again AP Support, but when you'r just out of that phase on the game, and have your core items
Zeke's Convergence
[locket enchant] and
Warmog's Armor
you will just crush teamfights and provide so much utility with all of your kit, base stats also by Braum are great, but it's just his [braum:3] and
Glacial Fissure
so good on the current state of the game and metagame.

About the skill distribution, on my personal preference, i maximize the (W)
Stand Behind Me
rather than the (Q)
Winter's Bite
just because it scale somehow better (more stats) Tho, its on own preference, it's totally reliable to prioritize (Q) rather than (W), even a mix-up between them. (Q)
Winter's Bite
also scales good on the damage dealt, just that not the % on the slow.

Gameplay - How To Play
In general, and depends on the matchup on lane, you just want to play safe, and to try to your ADC farm comfortable and safe, not letting the enemy botlane push to hard the lane, tho, generally your just going to stay under tower farming, it's has it's advantages and disadvantages, depending if the jungler play for your lane or not. As said, if you succed to get out of lane phase (after first Drake/Tower) the succes and impact that you'r going to get with
and his
Glacial Fissure
plus with his
Zeke's Convergence
is much higher than any other Support.