[2.3] Dr. Mundo Guide - Dr. Mundo S2 Guide (Jungle)
Dr. Mundo S2 Guide (Jungle)
- Great front lane due to his passive and ultimate.
- Great damage eventhough you are a tank.
- Nearly invulnerable to CC.
- Inmortal against FULL AD comps.
- Unstoppable in low elo.
- Inmortal against FULL AP comps.
- Ignite or Morello or Mortal Reminder and the party is over.
- The game is over if you have no team.
- Weak against hybrid comps (TONS OF AD AND AP).
- Weak at early game.
- If you get behind the game is over (probably).
- If you take too long on getting your items you will easily killed.
Dr. Mundo Build
Best Build Guide for Dr. Mundo

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Always go for
Ruby Crystal
gives you lots of HP (+150) (820 TOTAL HP AT LVL1). Great for sustain from your passive
Adrenaline Rush
and clearing jungle without loosing too much HP.
For first back you must buy
Bami's Cinder
On your first back you should have around 1200 gold and 1600 gold so you still have 600-1000 gold.
Here are some combinations to keep in mind:
Bami's Cinder +
Boots of Speed
Bami's Cinder +
Mercury's Treads or
Plated Steelcaps
Bami's Cinder +
Kindlegem +
Boots of Speed (go for this one if you feel confy and have +2000 gold)
Sunfire Aegis
is love
Sunfire Aegis
is live. The most important item is
Sunfire Aegis
why? here are the pros:
- Gives you juicy HP (+500)
- Gives you tons of damage (Once you have it you can rush drakes and barons by your own. No joke)
- Looks great on you.
For second item you will go for
Spirit Visage
(most of the time) it depends on if the enemy team has an AP MID/TOP/JG. If they're full AD go for
Randuin's Omen
Dead Man's Plate
depending on what you need.
- Too much healing? (Nami/Akali/BORK)
- Crit carrys are a problem? (Yasuo/Corki/Jinx)
Randuin's Omen
- You want to chase your oponents until the nexus.
Dead Man's Plate
It's time for upgrade the boots (in case you didn't bought them on your first back).
- Against AA champs (Yasuo/Jax/Kai'Sa) or HEAVY AD/FULL AD comp
Plated Steelcaps
- Against HARD CC (Braum/Alistar/Nami)
Mercury's Treads (eventhough
Burning Agony gives you tenacity, adding
Mercury's Treads makes you nearly invulnerable to CC)
Don't forget to upgrade them to TIER 3. I use
Protobelt Enchant
but feel free to try whatever you want.
For fourth item we have the mighty
Warmog's Armor
I love this item!!!
- TONS OF HP (+800)
- If you scape from death just hide on bush and get full HP in seconds.
- Looks fancy on you.
BUT if you need armor
Randuin's Omen
it's the best option in most of the situations.
Fifth item if you haven't built
Warmog's Armor
do it NOW!!!
And Last but not least the sixth item
There are a lot of options:
Force of Nature if they have tons of AP damage.
Dead Man's Plate if you want more movement speed.
Thornmail if they have too much healing.
Guardian Angel why not?
Sterak's Gage only if you are 15/1/3.
Full build examples:
Sunfire Aegis
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen
Protobelt Enchant
Warmog's Armor
Dead Man's Plate
(This one is my standard build)
Sunfire Aegis
Dead Man's Plate
Randuin's Omen
Protobelt Enchant
Warmog's Armor
(against FULL AD team)
Sunfire Aegis
Spirit Visage
Force of Nature
Protobelt Enchant
Warmog's Armor
Sterak's Gage
(against FULL AP team, pretty rare)
Sunfire Aegis
Spirit Visage
Randuin's Omen
Protobelt Enchant
Force of Nature
Dead Man's Plate
(against hybrid comps TOO MUCH AD and AP)
Remember that this is just a guide. Itemization is situational so trough playing and getting experience you will always know what you have to build in any situation.

Fancy Mundo
Dr. Mundo Runes
Best Runes for Dr. Mundo

Fleet Footwork
is the best rune for jungle Mundo.
- Gives you a lot of sustain.
- Potential 1 vs 1 outplay due to rune's healing.
- Allows you to chase your opponents easily due to movement speed.
- Takedowns restore 10% of your missing health (free healing for Mundo).
- Extra damage (nice for 1 vs 1 fights).
- More tenacity for Mundo.
- Currently it is the only rune from this branch that actually works well with Mundo.
- As we are the jungler we have to secure objectives so this rune gives you 10% bonus adaptative damage to TURRETS and 10% bonus TRUE DAMAGE to EPIC MONSTERS.
- Also gives +120 gold for each turret or epic monster we take.
- Just like
Hunter Titan is the only rune from this branch that actually works well with Mundo.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The most basic combo. Allows you to attack 2 times in 1 second. Usefull for clearing jungle and trading. Use E right after you cast the auto attack for cancelling the animation (you will still doing damage don't worry).

Similar to the first combo. Flash will cancel the animation and it will be an instant E. (Usefull for securing kills)

Engage with infected cleaver to slow and get close to the enemy, use the animation cancel and burning agony for extra damage.

This one is for engage the enemy team. Burning agony for tenacity, then protobelt for gap closer, infected cleaver for slow, Sadism for endure the damage and masochism to deal big damage on your next auto attack.
Dr. Mundo Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
General match up:
Amumu isn't a big deal since he is tank and don't have too much damage compared to Dr. Mundo. However his lvl 5 powerspike is important so always be careful.
Jungle clearing:
- You are superior since you don't use mana, this is a huge advantage.
- More damage than him.
1 vs 1 at river:
- He can't respond 1 vs 1 fight in river.
- Your
Burning Agony deals more damage his
Despair .
Burning Agony counter's amumu CC.
- Amumu has better ganks thanks to
Bandage Toss but he doesn't have too much damage.
- Be aware of him to countergank.
- Don't understimate him once he's lvl 5.

That's all thank you!
If you have any questions let me know, I will answer as soon as possible. I hope this guide helped you. I'll bringing more guides in the future :D I know I made some mistakes. I'm so sorry, English isn't my first language but I tried my best.
I'll be updating this guide until Mundo´s rework reaches Wild Rift.

Mundo thank you