[2.3] With perfect tempo - Sona guide
With perfect tempo - Sona guide
- Has heals, shields, speed boost, damage boost and stun - basically everything.
- Increadibly easy to use with all basic skills having auto-aim.
- Increadibly short cooldowns in Late game.
- Scales quite well.
- Can make any poke champion useless .
- Has the face of an angel :)
- Squishy squishy .
- Heavily relies on Mana to function properly.
- Weak during the first laning phase - Mana runs quick.
- Her ult stun remains 1 second regarding of rank, as opposed to other supports like Seraphine or Rakan.
Sona Build
Best Build Guide for Sona

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Sooo the cons already said it but I'll say it again -
relies on Mana heavily, and I mean REALLY heavily. When it comes to stackable items such as
Archangel's Staff
, its best to take
Sapphire Crystal
early to start stacking ASAP. It will also help you spam skills more often in lane since you'll have more Mana to work with.
Your core items should be a nice pair of
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
tooped off with either
Redeeming Enchant
or [locket enchant] depending on the situation. After that, continue with the three main support items. Take
Ardent Censer
if your adc relies on attack speed,
Athene's Unholy Grail
if you need some extra MR, or
Harmonic Echo
if you have a lot of poke to heal. Whatever the order, all of these items should be in your inventory.
If late game has arrived and the audiance demends an encore, take
Rabadon's Deathcap
. The bonus ap will make all your buffs strong, since each and every one of
's abilities [passive included] have AP scaling.
Sona Runes
Best Runes for Sona

So why do we need each rune?
Font of Life
will give your team extra sustain, and since
doesn't have to really aim, her skills are rather easy to hit.
is more ap for you. The reason why
is less better in my opinion is because only your ult and purple notes from your passive will trigger it. And during a teamfight, its important to use the green notes more.
gives yourself and a teammate a tiny bit more defense.
Manaflow Band
have more mana, which means more skill usage.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

BATTLE MARCH IN D MAJOR - This song is performed by using
Hymn Of Valor
to poke, then
Aria Of Perseverance
to block any coming damage. Good song to play during laning.

Hymn Of Valor
, don't forget that your next basic attack will be enchanced to deal bonus damage. Use it if you can.

's enchanced
Power Chord
also deals extra damage to turrets. Once all your abilities are avaliable, spam all three quickly while finishing with
Hymn Of Valor
to have the strong, blue note. Play this song and take turrets down quickly.

DEATH SONATA IN F (you) MAJOR - Surprise enemies with this burst combo song and finish them off when they are low. Make sure your
Power Chord
is charged, then [flash] into and enemy and use your ultimate followed by a Q and finally an enchanced auto attack. Play this song to any low-health enemies and send them back to the fountain. BELISSIMO!!!!
Sona Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Its quite easy to out-sustain
during laning phase, since she has no heals.

How to be a good musician
1. Remember that
creates an aura with each skill, from which your team gets special buffs. Stay near them 24/7!
only lasts for 1 second, and is not exactly an ideal engage tool since its range is also quite short. So unless you and your whole team are hiding in a bush - Save it to shut down champions such as
during a teamfight!
3. Your green note is the MOST important note of all! it reduces a champion's damage by at least 25%! Spam it on the enemy carry when your team is fighting!
Song Of Celerity
not only boosts champions, but also minions. Help those little guys get to lane quicker to defend it!
Aria Of Perseverance
has both shields and heals. Don't use it just like that. The key is to use it right before you or your adc is about to get hit. that way the shield will absorb the damage and the heal will keep you sustained.
6. Make sure to stretch your fingers before a performance. You don't want them to get hurt :)