[2.3] Teemo Guide - The late-game shroom-terrorist
The late-game shroom-terrorist
- Super annoying
- Secure objectives by carpeting them in shrooms
- Really fking annoying
- Great vision control by using the shrooms as wards
- Obnoxious
- Deny enemy vision by making everyone switch from wards to oracle
- Less 1v1 pressure
- Pretty mana hungry
Teemo Build
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Start by rushing Liandry's (always on teemo) then follow with soulstealer to start stacking. If against like Mundo or Olaf, maybe rush morello. If against fizz or zed, rush stasis. Other than that, just go through the core build, with gluttonous boots. For lash item: morello if they have a lot of healing, liandrys if you need to pop squishies, and void staff if they build mr.
Teemo Runes
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Skill Order
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Summoner Spells
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Go stealth, then drop a shroom on the enemy when he's in a group of minions. Then unload on him as he gets away. With any luck, the minions will pop the shroom on him wether he dodges or stays.
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Start with toxic shot, but put one point in guerilla early. This drastically increases its duration, and thereby its usefulness. Even if you get fed early, you're going to fall off 1v1 soon. Therefore, as soon as the tower is down, go roam, group and stack soulstealer with sneaky assists. When baron or drake is up, go cover them in shrooms to delay the enemy, sometimes killing them and even stealing the objective. Your shrooms will be on a cooldown of about 10 seconds by the end, and will halfhealth squishies. Enjoy!