by Houssam

[4.1b] Yone Guide - Steel and Spirit !

This guide is exactly how I play and do almost every Yone game. Although the build is not always the same.
Patch 4.1b
May 13, 2023 18:20

Steel and Spirit !

Hello guys , As you all know , my main is Yone . In this guide , you will learn all basics of Yone from zero and everything you will need to climb in rank with Yone . So enjoy it and i hope this guide will help you to climb !


  • High outplay potential
  • Resourceless
  • Mixed damage
  • Assassin and Skirmisher


  • Weak early game
  • Soul Unbound can backfire
  • High skill ceiling
  • No reliable escape

Yone Build

Best Build Guide for Yone

Starting Items
Gluttonous Greaves
Assassin build
Solari Chargeblade
Blade of the Ruined King
Quicksilver Enchant
Navori Quickblades
Death's Dance
Black Cleaver
Fighter build
Blade of the Ruined King
Solari Chargeblade
Quicksilver Enchant
Divine Sunderer
Black Cleaver

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Items : 

There's only one starting items for YoneYone , DaggerDagger . There's no any other item. 

DaggerDagger is the usual, the always, the common starting item for YoneYone

 Powerspike : 

you should know that YoneYone is weak in early game . his powerspike start when you complete Solari ChargebladeSolari Chargeblade

Assassin build :

  • Solari ChargebladeSolari Chargeblade Using an ability gathers Radiance (max 3 charges) for up to 10 seconds. While charges are stored, gain 25% Critical Rate. Attacks that crit expend a charge to deal 26-40 bonus true damage on-hit, increased by up to 150% against low health targets.
  • Each unique ability can only generate a charge once every 2s
  • Blade of the Ruined King , besides giving you 30 attack damage and 30% attack speed. Blade of the Ruined King gives you Thirst : 10% Physical VampRuined Strikes : bonus Physical damage equal to 6% of enemy's HP, Drain: hitting enemy with 3 attacks or abilities deals bonus 30 - 100 magic damage AND steals 25% of enemy's movement speed for 3 secs. Basically, it gives you the edge you needed to sustain and kill.
  • Boots, You buy Boots of Speed after you got Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King then you upgrade it into either Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves
  • Navori QuickbladesNavori Quickblades is one of the best items right now on yone that give Deft Strikes: Critical Attack reduce your non-ultimate ability cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldown. 
  • Death's DanceDeath's Dance  
    • +10% Physical Vamp

    • Cauterize: 30% of damage taken is instead dealt as a Bleed effect over 3 seconds.

    • And the last item to complete full build is :   Black CleaverBlack Cleaver that gives:
      Sunder: Dealing physical damage to a champion reduces their Armor by 4% for 6 seconds, stacking 6 times for 25% reduction.
      Rage: Attacks grant 20 movement speed and kills grant 60 movement speed for 2 seconds. Bonuses do not stack. Range champions gain halved values.

      •      If you choose to go for the fighter YoneYone build :

    • you will build the BloodthirsterBloodthirster for more healing and sustain in fights 

      • Bloody: +15% Physical Vamp
      • Bloodsworn: Physical Vamp overheals you, generating a sheild that absorb 40-320 damage. this sheild decays out of combat of 10 seconds
      • and Divine SundererDivine Sunderer as the last item in your build 
      • Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack within 10 seconds will deal 10% of the target’s maximum health as bonus physical damage (7% if the attack is ranged).

        If the target is a champion, heal for 7% of the target’s maximum health (3% if the attack is ranged)

        Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.

Yone Runes

Best Runes for Yone

Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

For the Runes :

Always lethal tempo for it's bonus attack speed

 Brutal : 7 AD and 2% armor Pen 

 Hunter Titan : 20 max health for every unique champ you took down (total to 100 health) and that 4% tenacity.

Sweet Tooth : Do I need to say? Extra gold and Extra Heal 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Way Of The Hunter
Way Of The Hunter - Passive
Mortal Steel
Mortal Steel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spirit Cleave
Spirit Cleave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Soul Unbound
Soul Unbound
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Fate Sealed
Fate Sealed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners


Yone Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate is fairly easy. You just have to wait for him to use his Pick A Card and you attack. You can either use your Soul UnboundSoul Unbound Mortal SteelMortal Steel Spirit CleaveSpirit Cleave combo



Way of the Hunter (Passive)

Yone's Critical Rate is doubled, but his Critical Strikes deal 20% less damage. This means Yone only needs to build 2 Critical Strike items to get 100% Critical Strike rate. For this instance, Solari Chargeblade and Infinity Edge are the two best Critical Strike items to go for Yone.

Also, Yone's every other attack deals 50% of the attack's damage as magic damage instead. On top of the magic, damage from Solari Chargeblade makes it challenging to build defense items vs Yone.

Mortal Steel (1)

Yone thrusts forward, dealing physical damage. Grants a stack of Gathering Storm (not to be mistaken by the rune) if the thrust damages an enemy. At two stacks, Mortal Steel dashes Yone forward and launches a whirlwind that knocks enemies airborne. This dash can go over multiple walls on the map.

Mortal Steel is treated as an attack meaning it can Critically Strike for bonus damage and apply on-hit effects. Attack Speed reduces the cooldown and cast time. 

Spirit Cleave (2)

Yone Cleaves in a cone, dealing physical and magic damage. Yone also gains a shield that absorbs damage for over a second if Spirt Cleave hits an enemy. This is increased by 100% on hitting a champion, and Yone can get a bigger shield if Spirit Cleave hits multiple champions. At the start of the game, Spirit Cleave is mainly used for farming minions and trading easily vs the enemy champion.

Soul Unbound (3)

Yone dashes forward, entering Spirit Form and leaving his body behind for 5 seconds. During Spirit Form, Yone gains movement speed that increases over the duration and marks champions damaged with his attacks and abilities. When Soul Unbound ends, Yone returns to his body and marked enemies take a % of the damage Yone dealt to them as true damage.

Yone can also recast Soul Unbound to return to his body anytime. Stacking Mortal Steel before using Soul Unbound is essential to guarantee that you can knockup the enemy champion to deal more damage.

Fate Sealed (Ultimate)

Yone strikes all enemies along a path dealing Physical and Magic Damage, teleporting behind the last champion hit and knocking them towards Yone. This is an easy way to group enemies together at the end of Fate Sealed, so your team can follow up and deal a lot of damage. Fate Sealed can also be used right near the end of Soul Unbound to prolong the duration.



Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> AA -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 2 -> Skill 3

Skill 1 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 2 -> AA -> AA -> Skill 3

Skill 3 -> Flash -> Ultimate -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2 -> AA -> AA -> Skill 1 -> Skill 3

Skill 3 -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 2 -> AA -> AA -> Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Ultimate -> Skill 1

Skill 3 -> Ultimate -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 2 -> Skill 2 -> AA -> AA -> Skill 1 -> Skill 3



Yone’s early game is generally weaker than most champions. He is easily punished and his weakness in lane stems from his low range, lack of early sustain, and engage.

Mid game generally starts when the first couple towers go down at about 12-15 minutes. In mid game, your job as Yone is to pick up as much gold as possible.

Late game comes around, the main objective is to choke out even deeper vision if you are ahead, force a teamfight to get Baron Nashor , and close out the game.





For all of you who took the time to read this guide. Thank you! This is my first guide. Be sure to leave a like and comment. I need constructive feedback to improve. 

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