[2.1a] The Only Detailed Yasuo Guide [Plat- Gold Elo]
The Only Detailed Yasuo Guide [Plat- Gold Elo]
Yasuo Build
Best Build Guide for Yasuo

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items :
There's only two starting items for
Long Sword
Brawler's Gloves
. There's no any other item.
Long Sword is for those very squishy matchups early-mid game. You want that extra AD push combine with your runes. To get that extra win in lane.
Brawler's Gloves is the usual, the always, the common starting item for
Powerspike :
Zeal and
Kircheis Shard is picked up after you have your first 2200 gold. If you managed to kill your enemy midlaner. Your first recall should always buy
Kircheis Shard because of the extra 50 magic damage it gives due to Momentum. It also gives 20% attack speed. After you got your first item, finish it up into
Statikk Shiv
Statikk Shiv is your bread and butter in the early - mid game. Because it gives bonus 50 - 130 magic damage at max stacks. With most of the enemy team is under 1800 HP, you can solo kill almost anyone if you got the combo right. Especially if it's airblade combo.
Core items :
Blade of the Ruined King , besides giving you 30 attack damage and 30% attack speed.
Blade of the Ruined King gives you Thirst : 10% Physical Vamp, Ruined Strikes : bonus Physical damage equal to 6% of enemy's HP, Drain: hitting enemy with 3 attacks or abilities deals bonus 30 - 100 magic damage AND steals 25% of enemy's movement speed for 3 secs. Basically, it gives you the edge you needed to sustain and kill.
Infinity Edge Your mid - late game bread and butter. The moment you bought
Infinity Edge , you can get a double or triple kill. Or maybe even Penta. With this item, your Crit chance becomes 100%. 1 0 0 % , it means every attack you dish out, it crits. EVEN YOUR COMBOS. Avoid unnecessary skirmishes in the early-mid game unless you know you can win. If not, just keep on farming for
Infinity Edge
- Boots, You buy
Boots of Speed after you got
Statikk Shiv then you upgrade it into either
Mercury's Treads or [Ninja Tabi]
- The 3rd Boots Upgrade, is very situational. [Stasis Enchant] is for those moments where you position yourself wrongly and and wanted to reset with the help of your teammates.
Protobelt Enchant is picked up if you're truly rampaging the enemy team and wanted a bit more damage and extension for your combos.
Quicksilver Enchant is for those annoying CC, if there's more than 3 champions who have CC in their kit, pick this up.
Situational Items :
Bloodthirster is picked up for the 15% Physical Vamp and Shield. It also gives you more damage. More damage. More Crit, more kill.
Death's Dance is picked up if you want extended teamfights, it delays 30% damage taken for 5 secs. It's either this or
Bloodthirster . Just pick one.
Phantom Dancer is picked up after you're totally fed, you sell your
Statikk Shiv in place of
Phantom Dancer because of its shield. Stats wise, it's the same. But it's the passive it gives that makes the difference.
Mortal Reminder is picked up if you are really fed. Like godlike fed with no death's. This gives you the edge to get Penta kill.
Guardian Angel is picked up if you wanted to avoid death. My opinion, it's either
Bloodthirster ,
Death's Dance or
Guardian Angel for your 5th item. Unless you want to play it safe, then get a Physical Vamp item and
Guardian Angel
Trinity Force is an honorary mention. I've tried to build this after
Statikk Shiv instead of
Blade of the Ruined King , by buying
Stinger first to finish up
Trinity Force , the damage it gives is just insane. It gives you 200 Max Health, 20 damage, 40% Attack speed, AND +25 ability haste. Forget the Mana, I know you guys might say it's wasted. But you should give it a try. It's insane. The passive, which is 200% bonus base AD for the first 10 secs after you used the first ability is insane. With 1.5s cool down, it's basically free 200% damage on top of your Crit. Plus, the Attack Speed is higher than
Blade of the Ruined King . GIVE IT A TRY
- Notes : These items is very situational, there should be no same build for every game. You can see my Full Build (Crit Fighter]
Yasuo Runes
Best Runes for Yasuo

For the Runes :
Always Conquerer for it's bonus damage
- Brutal : 7 AD and 2% armor Pen
- Hunter Titan : 20 max health for every unique champ you took down (total to 100 health) and that 4% tenacity.
- Sweet Tooth : Do I need to say? Extra gold and Extra Heal
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Yasuo Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Twisted Fate
is fairly easy. You just have to wait for him to use his
Pick A Card
and you attack. You can either use Airblade or Beyblade combo.
Try to use
Sweeping Blade
on all minions to confuse him. It's always melee minion > caster minion >
Steel Tempest
Twisted Fate
Sweeping Blade
on caster minion or melee minion.

Passive Skill
Way Of The Wanderer
's Critical Strike Chance is increased. Additionally,
builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster.
Steel Tempest
: Thrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line. On hit, grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne. Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack and scales with all the same things.
Wind Wall
: Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds
Sweeping Blade
: Dashes through target enemy, dealing magic damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage, up to a max amount. Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for a few seconds. If Steel Tempest is cast while dashing, it will strike as a circle.
Last Breath
: Blinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. For a moderate time afterwards,
's critical strikes gain significant Bonus Armor Penetration Blinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. For a moderate time afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes gain significant Bonus Armor Penetration

Basic Combos
Beyblade :
Sweeping Blade
Steel Tempest
> [Flash]
- Must do in quick succession. The moment you press
Sweeping Blade straight away Press [Flash] and
Steel Tempest together.
- When you get the third stack of
Steel Tempest you can use this combo.
- If the combo succeed, the enemy will be airborne and you can
Last Breath away
Airblade :
Steel Tempest
Sweeping Blade
Steel Tempest
Last Breath
- This combo needs your 3rd stack of
Steel Tempest when it's 1.5 sec left. Basically 75% left on the stack timer.
- It's almost the same as beyblade but, you will apply the 2nd form of
Steel Tempest when
Last Breath
- By the end of the combo, you will have your
Steel Tempest ready. It's super deadly and you can 1V1 any ADC or APC (Mid carry)

Advance Combos
Keyblade :
Steel Tempest
Sweeping Blade
Steel Tempest
> Flash >
Sweeping Blade
Steel Tempest
Last Breath
- Your first skill must be stacked. At the 3rd stack, you start off with Beyblade
Sweeping Blade >
Steel Tempest > Flash
- But you must make sure your
Steel Tempest is on 1.5s left before the stack dies.
- After beyblade, you can do use your
Sweeping Blade and
Steel Tempest before they land and you
Last Breath straight away.
- This combo is super advanced, those with enough mastery and understanding of
Yasuo 's kit can and should be able to do this combo. It's super clean and very deadly.

You can already know if the game is in your favor at the champ select
- Assess the situation : know what items to pick up. If the enemy team have a lot of tanks, you want to pickup
Mortal Reminder ,
Death's Dance and
Guardian Angel . If the enemy team has a lot of Squishies. You can go All Crit with
- Is it a split pushing game or skirmishes game? : Decide what kind of game you want to play, if the enemy team have a lot of roamer, you might want to splitpush so that you can pickoff 1v1 or 2v2. Don't go OVERCONFIDENT EVEN IF YOU HAVE CORE ITEMS AND FED. Always assess the situation first.
- Synergy :
Malphite has the best synergy with
Yasuo . Any champ that can knock up the enemy team is
Yasuo 's friend.
- Fighting near DRAKE : Try to fight near DRAKE and minions, so that you can stack up your
Steel Tempest and do your combos. MAKE SURE YOUR FLASH IS UP

These warding spots are exclusively for Yasuo Mid. And the reason why the picture above is High Noon Yasuo because of the SFX the skins have. The
Steel Tempest
gives out a gunshot SFX, it might seem miniscule, but it can affect the enemy midlaner's mentality.
So let's get down to it
There are a lot of warding spots that you can learn. But i think you should know a few warding spots to improve your game.
• Enemy blue sentinel (Start of the game)
• Scuttle crab view (each time you push the wave into enemy tower)
Dragon lane side (scuttle 🦀)
Baron lane side (scuttle 🦀)
• Drake/Baron exit (After you got your
Statikk Shiv
so you can 1v1
Drake exit
Baron exit
• Mid lane side bush (laning phase)
Always ward near turret(enemy turret)
Your turret
• Enemy Raptors/Raptors exit (every time you want to push enemy turret)
Raptors exit
• Enemy Red Sentinel (After enemy turret destroyed), before is also plausible.
Vision to Red camp
Gives vision to Red camp and Raptors camp
• Drake (Scuttle Crab ward), Helping your jungler gain momentum
• Blue sentinel exit (Protecting your ADC, Sp and Tank from getting ganked)
You can either ward near enemy Blue camp or Drake. Either way it's their blue exit
Ward either near your blue camp or Baron. It will protect your Jungler's momentum and path
These wardings will determine how you will play throughout the game. Is it aggresive or defensive?
- Notes : This warding spots is throughout Early - Mid Game. Try to help your jungler invade the enemy camp.
- For example, if the enemy jungler is at Red camp, try to take their Blue camp. That will disrupt their momentum and you will gain momentum.
- REMEMBER! : each little victory will snowball into total victory.

Post 5 (Lv 6 - 11)
By this phase you should be able to get
Statikk Shiv
You are a lot stronger and can 1V1 the enemy midlaner and ADC. You can also do the Beyblade combo
Try to gank other lanes and get objectives. Compete for scuttle 🦀
Always try to land your
Last Breath
Please. Always. You have massive amount of power to push the wave. Which gives you ample time to gank and kill.

Pre 5 (Lv 1 -5)
The best you can do is
Sweeping Blade
Steel Tempest
at this phase. Do a lot of Airblade.
Try to poke the enemy midlaner and push. Try to 'gank' other lanes and ward their jungle.
If the enemy midlaner is a hard matchup, just farm under turret

Post 11 (Lv 12 - 15)
During this phase, you are the strongest. You can 1v3 or 1v5 if you're strong enough.
But don't make a mistake. It's very crucial for you to not die. If not it's game over. Try to land Airblade and Keyblade. The 4th and 5th item is very situational. Like I mention before. Assess the situation first.

Tips & Tricks
Sweeping Blade almost has no cool down. It's almost instant. But the moment you dash on to a target. There's a 2s cool down which you can see at their feet. A circle that indicates the cool down.
Steel Tempest can be reset when it's 0.5s left on the cool down by
Sweeping Blade to any monster or minion or enemy champion.

Thank You
For all of you who took the time to read this guide. Thank you! This is my 2nd guide. Be sure to leave a like and comment. I need constructive feedback to improve.
I hope you all can gain something from this guide, and play better as Yasuo! I'll see you on the Rift!
Here's a gameplay of Yasuo, and a Pentakill later on