Champion Release: Rammus

Those who are familiar with the PC version of League of Legends might already know Rammus. Most ADC mains know him under the name of "FF15". Rammus is the latest addition to the Wild Rift Roster and he is going to wreak havoc on the rift.
Rammus, the Armordillo is a tank jungler that prioritizes on immobilizing enemy champions and units. His kit makes him a very mobile champion, with abilities that taunt, knock-up and slow enemies while granting him magical resistance and armour. He is an easy champion to play, and offers a lot of utility to the team. On top of that, he is also a high threat to enemy lanes as he is capable of rolling in at high speeds and taking down enemy targets. If you are looking for a simple champion to play in the jungle, you can purchase him from 5,500 Blue Motes or 725 Wild Cores right off the store!
We are curious how Rammus is going to affect the meta and how often we are going to see him on the Wild Rift and we hope of course that as the amazing community that you are, are going to create a lot of super good Rammus guides.
**Rammus, the Armordillo** is a tank jungler that prioritizes on immobilizing enemy champions and units. His kit makes him a very mobile champion, with abilities that taunt, knock-up and slow enemies while granting him magical resistance and armour. He is an easy champion to play, and offers a lot of utility to the team. On top of that, he is also a high threat to enemy lanes as he is capable of rolling in at high speeds and taking down enemy targets. If you are looking for a simple champion to play in the jungle, you can purchase him from **5,500 Blue Motes** or **725 Wild Cores** right off the store! We are curious how Rammus is going to affect the meta and how often we are going to see him on the Wild Rift and we hope of course that as the amazing community that you are, are going to create a lot of super good Rammus guides. Ok.