[2.4] Katarina Guide [2.4] (This is supposed to be mid)
Katarina Guide [2.4] (This is supposed to be mid)
- Can 1v9
- High Mobility
- Can Roam a lot
- Satisfying Oneshots
- Good on All States of the Game
- High Outplay Potential
- High Skill Cap
- Countered by CC
- Almost banned all games xD
- You'll be trash if you dont snowball
Katarina Build
Best Build Guide for Katarina

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
- Items
You should get a [prophet's pendant] if you have enough gold. Buy its components if you don't have enough. Only buy if you're planning to build
Infinity Orb
- Haunting Guise
Haunting Guise
You can get this on your first back if you want to go
Liandry's Torment
or just want more overall damage in the early and still want to build
Infinity Orb
•Liandry's Torment Vs Infinity Orb First Item
Infinity Orb Deals less damage but will give you more movespeed meaning you can roam more. Liandry's do more damage but lacks that movement speed. I personally go Infinity Orb first to roam faster, but it's all about your playstyle.
•Rabadon's Death Cap First Item
Never do this unless you get a huge lead early on.
Infinity Orb:
Infinity Orb
gives you 5% movement speed which helps you roam faster. It also gives a nice 200 HP, 70 AP, 15% Magic Penetration. This item's passive, Inevitable Demise makes you critically strike for 20% against enemy below 35% HP which synergies so well with
• Liandry's Torment:
Liandry's Torment
gives you 250 HP, and 70 AP. It's passive, Madness, gives these effects: Being in combat with enemy champions generates one stack every second for the next 4 seconds. Deal 2% increased damage for each stack, up to a maximum of 10%. It also has another passive, Torment. Ability damage deals 1% of an enemy's max Health as bonus magic damage over 3 seconds. This damage doubles if they are slowed or immobilized. This items allows you to kill tanks faster and just works well with katarina's kit.
•Rabadon's Deathcap.
Rabadon's Deathcap
I assume you don't need an explanation for this. This is the item that gives you most AP(120 AP). Its passive, Overkill, gives you 40% increased AP.
•Void Staff.
Void Staff
gives you 70 AP and 40% Magic Pen. Perfect for tanks. Build this even without tanks.
•Morellomonicon. [Morellomonicon] gives you 300 HP and 70 AP. Its passive, Death Touch, gives you 15% Magic Pen. Its passive, Cursed, makes your skills apply 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds. If the target is below 50% Health, this effect is increased to 60% Grievous Wounds. Grievous Wounds is a debuff that reduces all healing received. Good for healing champions & tanks.
•Crystalline Reflector.
Crystalline Reflector
gives you 60 AP, 45 Armor, and 15% CDR. Passive: Mirrored Force, Ability casts grant a mirror shard (up to 3) that each block 10 +5% AP physical Damage from an enemy champion and deal 20 + 10% AP magic damage to them. Good for heavy ad teams
•Hextech Gunblade.
Hextech Gunblade
is an item that synergies well with katarina because of the healing and the stats. But I personally never go
Hextech Gunblade
because it deals less damage and I think all I need for healing is
Mercury's Treads
against heavy ap and cc
Plated Steelcaps
against heavy ad
• Enchants
Never go with anything other than [statis enchant]. Gives a ton of Outplay potential, can save you, and give time for your CD. Other enchants are practically useless for her.
Katarina Runes
Best Runes for Katarina

Good for tanks and bruisers. Can work with any comp.
Secondary: if you want more early damage. Triumph if you want hp after a take down which will help you escape or go for another play.
Second wind for heavy poke lane. Bone platting for champs that rely more on combos (zed, fizz, etc). Adaptive carapace is for everything if you're feeling confident. Hunter Titan for heavy cc.
Sweet tooth is irreplaceable.

Good against squishies or lanes you just wanna take short trades(akali, orianna, etc). Don't go with this if there's too many tank.
Read the conqueror page for the secondary since it's the same.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

All combos depend on the situation, all you really need to learn is laning combos.
Q them or the minions first, then E when the dagger is ready, auto attack, pick up the dagger if you didn't E to it, W(you can also use [shunpo] here, auto attack, auto attack, get your dagger, then E away.

Q to the minions or enemy first, W, E to your dagger or to them and hover to the dagger, auto attack, then E back on your dagger. Nice combo to chuck their hp before a gank or just want your E ready after.

One Shot Combo.
E to them first, W, auto, Q, then R. you can E your Q's dagger if they try to run away.
This is all the combo I can show you because as I said, it all depends on the situation, try watching katarina players(I recommend KatEvolved), and practicing combos in the practice tool.
Katarina Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
I don't think I need to give tips here. Just all in her 24/7 after lvl 2.

Tips and such
As a katarina, you mostly just wanna stay back and wait for early skirmishes. Snowballing is the key to winning. Be on every clashes, don't miss the chance. You don't really wanna win lane, (since you almost can't because of the matchups lol), but win it if possible. Her strength are all from micro and macro. Don't 1v1 ppl unless you're certain. Try to damage more than 2 people at a time. You don't wanna target only one person on your combo, hit as much as you can. Don't go in first on clash except if you're confident that you can statis fast enough and E back, but don't take the risk. You don't wanna farm, you wanna farm champions. But farm when there's nothing going on. You want to rotate, you want to make every lane 0/10. Overall,
is a very rewarding champ when mastered. If you feel like you're not good enough to play her, don't worry, we've all been there. Keep practicing. Don't listen to what others say.
Early Game
is a champion highly dependant on snowballing. As said earlier, just sit back, relax, wait for skirmishes and you're suddenly a monster.
Mid Game
This is where
really gets to one shot people. Try to trim down there numbers. Just keep farming champs(lol).
Late Game
This is where you should be very wary. Find the perfect opportunity to go in. that's when they all used their cc. Don't go on useless duels. Just wait for clashes. Never try to kill anyone unless you're certain that you beat them 19722772% and there's no one that'll help them.
is a very good champion to learn. Playing her will improve your overall insight of the game. Very hard, yet very rewarding. Also very fun.
Tips And Tricks
- Push wave before roaming if possible.
- You can dash off to a wall using your dagger. The range of her E is bigger than you think. If you place your dagger to a thin wall, really close to it, you can dash on the other side if you aim your E to the very end of your E/Wall depends on how thick. Very useful for escaping and making plays.
- Be paitent. Wait for clashes, It's where you shine.
Thoughts about
on 2.4a.
A lot of mid laners got nerfed, but this doesn't really change for katarina.