[2.4] Aurelion Sol Guide - Tank Supp0rt Aureli0n S0l
- Large Stun
- Disengage + Execute Ult
- Str0ng C0ntr0l in Lane
- Tanky
- Quick R0ams
- Weak Early Game
- Kill Stealing can 0ccur
Aurelion Sol Build
Best Build Guide for Aurelion Sol

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The situati0nal items can be changed t0 0ther defensive items depending 0n y0ur preference.
Mana + Ability Haste C0re Items - D0n't need t0 base f0r mana, and can use y0ur abilities much m0re 0ften.
Archangel's Staff - Pr0vides a l0t 0f mana and ap s0 y0u d0 n0t have t0 recall 0ften in the later stages 0f the game. It will bec0me
Seraph's Embrace just as quickly as it takes
Rod of Ages to fully stack up.
- [locket enchant] - Pr0vides y0ur team with big shields f0r 2.5 sec0nds. Useful f0r tanking p0werful a0e abilities like [fizz:ult] and
Final Spark . B00ts underneath are either
Mercury's Treads f0r the magic resist and tenacity 0r
Plated Steelcaps f0r the arm0r and the 15% decreased damage fr0m aut0attacks.
Sunfire Aegis - It gives 500 max hp and it pr0vides a burn effect that can affect enemies inside y0ur
Center Of The Universe . Great f0r keeping up the damage if s0meb0dy jumps 0n y0u. It als0 affects as far as y0ur 0uter Limit.
Statstick C0re Items - Safer early game, higher tankiness.
Rod of Ages - Pr0vides s0me 0k stats when b0ught, but pr0vides a l0t 0f hp, mana, and ap after it fully stacks.
- [locket enchant] - L00k ab0ve.
Warmog's Armor - Super tanky with the extra 700 hp, and with
Rod of Ages , all0ws y0u t0 use its passive. The extra hp all0ws the arm0r 0r magic resistance t0 be even better.
Aurelion Sol Runes
Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

The runes must increase y0ur damage in s0me way, in 0rder t0 hit harder ingame.
- Great f0r the early game and increases the burst damage f0r
Aurelion Sol
- Generally g00d rune f0r supp0rts t0 take.
Adaptive Carapace
- Anti-burst rune. Great f0r surviving after a bad trade 0r a dive.
- Useful f0r helping get plates early game 0r get drag0ns.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Lvl 2 - Electr0cute Pr0c

Disengage int0 c0unterattack

We're talking a HUGE engage. It can als0 single-handedly turn ar0und an entire teamfight. Try t0 stun as many pe0ple as p0ssible.
Aurelion Sol Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Y0u sh0uld 0nly be scared 0f his h00k. Early game - Blitzcrank is meh. Late game - Blitzcrank? Is that a mini0n?

Early Game
first, ward the bush cl0sest t0 the enemy b0tlane t0wer, and then retreat immediately. AFK f0r a while until y0u get lvl 2. When y0u get lvl 2, use y0ur
Celestial Expansion
, then aut0attack t0 pr0c
. Its best t0 stun b0th enemies. Use exhaust when the stun ends s0 y0u aut0matically win the trade. Play safe if enemy supp0rt is p0ke heavy, 0r play aggressive if y0ur p0ke did a l0t 0f damage. If y0u get at least 0ne kill 0r assist in the early game, y0u will d0 fine. Recall when lvl 3, when y0u can buy
Tear of the Goddess
, when y0u can buy
Archangel's Staff
, 0r if y0u get l0w.

Mid Game
When y0u have
Archangel's Staff
and [locket enchant] y0u have entered mid game. Watch what y0ur adc 0r jungler d0es. D0 they want drag0n? Help them 0ut. Fight in as many skirmishes as y0u can. Use [aurelion sol:3] t0 get back 0nt0 the map quickly fr0m f0untain. Try t0 use [locket enchant] bef0re the enemies use an ability, rather than after.

Late Game
0nce y0u've finished building
Sunfire Aegis
, y0u're in late game. Y0u can play like a tank n0w. Surprise the enemies with h0w tanky y0u are. Build y0ur situati0nal items against the enemy carry. C0ntr0l the teamfights. With y0ur
Comet Of Legend
c0mb0, y0u can turn ar0und a l0sing teamfight 0r start 0ne. D0n't f0rget y0u're a supp0rt during a teamfight. Help y0ur adc disengage fr0m an enemy diver, use l0cket, and set up kills 0ften.

Basic Tips
When y0u see
get under an enemies feet, resist the urge t0 use it immediately and see if y0u can burn any [flash]es 0r m0vement abilities. If they are still under the
after that, then stun then f0r even m0re damage and they can't escape.
P0siti0n y0urself s0 y0ur
Celestial Expansion
can hit as many pe0ple at 0nce.