[2.4] Master Alistar Guide
Master Alistar Guide
- CC Machine
- More mobile then people think
- Possible AOE wombo combo
- Strong in catching people
- Good against assasin meta
- Tanky without items
- Horrible level 1-3
- After combo you pretty long cooldown
- Ugh MANA!
- Low damage (when fed possible ADC killer)
- Without ult pretty squishy, don't waste it just before drake/nashor
- Lategame enchanters outgrow you!
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
when i talk about Alistar abilities i call it like PC:
Ability 1= Q
Ability 2 = W
Ability 3 = E
Ultimate = ulti :p
Ok your core is so short but so important:
I always take cooldown boots or the enemy has more then 6-8 nasty level CC. Merc treads
Into.....!!!! Portobelt!!!!!
this thing is your "carry belt" it makes Alistar mobile! When you wanna use W to push someone towards your team (the insect leesin) alistar can pseudo do this with portobelt. You portobelt, Q, walk 1-2 steps and W the enemy back towards your team.
Second alistar is not a healer or a passive protector, no alistar is a roaming mad cow! Searching for lone junglers together with his hungry khazixs by his side. Portobelt give you this extra punch in reaching the enemy.
You can portobelt-->W-->Q-->E (getting 2 stacks on E, later more on this op ability)
catching the poor master Yi in his jungle, when Kha or lee do their wonder on him.
Also in noticed in teamfights that yes redemption is op, but sometimes i engage but then a wild akali comes from a angle on my adc. Protobelt lets me rush back to my ADC and protect her with my fully charged E (E charges fast in a teamfight).
well enough about protobelt, now on to my next core item that i buy every game! Dead mans plate...
This item got it al! Tank stats, movementspeed (lovelovelovelove) and a sexy passive that give a shitload of burstdamage combined with the rune that we take! Alistar is a low damage support but earlygame they underestimate the burst Alistar can do (wel now in master/gm people start to know!).
But Milk, why is everything around movement, a support needs to babysit the ADC right?
Yes and no, you need to sustain to level 5, but the map in wildrift is so small that when your adc pushed the minion to the tower and is not a complete moron you have time to roam, contesting mid pressure or even show your face at a rift herald fight, trust me you are a CC god so they will win the fight because of you.
Running in with a dead mans plate and protobelt is seeing really a rage bull out of nowhere F*king the place up!
the rest of the items are more tank stats, where zeke's Conv. Gives a nice aoe slow and damage improve to your yasuo that ults on top of your beautifull 4 man knock-up (its a dream guys yasuo's don't follow those knock-ups!)
There are 2 items i wanna give bit of credit:
Bramble vest buy it against alot of attack focussed champs, you give a free healing debuf, dont finnish the item fuck tornmail until last item
Frozen fist if you got some extra cash frozen fist can be this nasty extra damage for Alistar, a frozenfist E hurts! And give in a teamfight a nice slow aoe field (ali doesn't need extra cc but well it helps)
Ps. Frozenheart must buy against: irelia, yi, tryn, vayne, tris, jinx, fiora. Just think why yourself!
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

Tank stats and aoe explosion damage, what more to say for a raging god?
You do a lot of cc so weakness no brainer
Loyalty is fine.
Pathfinder is amazing and underrated, roam roamroam and movementspeed! Heck yes!
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

I show al the combos here and then talk about skills per combo tab!
But alistar is pretty straight forward, the big combo's are:
Q-->W into turret (laning phase)
Allin psycho:
alistars passive is nice in lane, really your laning sucks, i can sometimes really wait 20 sec and stare at that bar to get a bit of sustain. Even wait the passive before i allin, yes it makes a difference.

Boom a:
Aoe knock-up that cant be cleansed. Its your make or break, btw i see people rush in when amumu also rush in wasting what we call layering CC. If amumu ults and you do Q it means one of you guys CC is wasted.
I love league that CC timings are not added on top, but if a cc is one second and another is also one second your CC for... yes 1 second not 2.
Second i can be the mass engager going allin with cool gamewinning knock-ups.
But sometimes the play is waiting for the enemy divers, katarina.

Engage tool for your Q (learn W-->Q otherwise you cant play him)
A push away when you get ganked, just W alone don't add Q to it.
A push away when the assasins dive your adv
A push away when the jungler wants to smite steal
A push away there tank into a knock-up of their carry (yes use the mobility of one to get to the other!)
Push push push guys!

Ahhh trample!
This skill is so underrated!
its a aoe damaging skill that gives after 5 ticks a stun on your auto attack. This is amazing!
Sometimes wait with your autoattack when its full, again prime targets not random rage! We are focussed unchained rage!
Auto attack their assasin, their stupid dodging vayne, their tryndamyre that slaps everybody in his ult. You can stop so many idiots in their tracks. And people don't pay attention to a alistar with "cooldowns"

Damage reduction and CC negate in one skill, yes thank you!
This is why alistar becomes a machine without items. Go in tank them let then waste everything on you, protobelt out of the fight, and survive to tell the story.
Tips: dont use it to early, don't use it to late and only to break cc (i use it more for the damage reduction, but a sona ult is smart to bait out)
Have it off cooldown, for dragon/nashor fights!
Care: darius, vayne, olaf (fck you olaf! Bane of my existance) they have true damage!
Alistar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

About matchups:
Hard matchups:
Janna: a good janna will win from you, period. Good thing there are not alot of janna players so i take this loss. Try to survive and roam to other lanes. Bait out her ult in teamfights. Shes horrible! Ps. Care for her W poke in lane.
Braum is just a stupid designed support, when he AA you get this f*king debuf. Dude wtf... and his shield is just dumb and so free for the adc to trade.
Draven, draven, draven... a good draven will eat the lane, a medicore draven, I will eat the lane. See how agressive he trades on level 1-2 the more agressive the better the player. Try to fight him post 5. He just 3 shots you on level 1 xD
Corki poeh, what a mean flying machine you made! Mixed damage, poke, range, ecape, bombs, bombs, bombs, nasty care package. Dude overtuned mofo stop!
even with W-->Q he escapes more often then not.
Rakan, danm mate when your against a skillfull rakan, he will make all your engages something you wish you never did. Hes slippery and one bad engage and you can waste your ult because of his W. Also his E shielding is higher then you think and hes so danm tanky for the squishy looks the champ has.
Ziggs, pls RITO pls RITO how long will you let us play wild rift with this terror? (Also nerf kata and akali those champs where mistakes).
He got it al, poke, damage, pushing power, unlimited mana..., escape, turret damage, aoe damage, teamfight, one v one power. Serious wtf is wrong with this yordle. Horror in lane and you can't engage then he just, E into minefield and laughs while you burn in agony between his bombs.
Skill matchups:
Lulu, boring to play against another overtuned champ. I used to main her in league but shes so boring to play, people who play her just go hard in reaching GM by... tasting purple.
Bait out her poly, then go allin, care for her ult... super overtuned hp buff.
Thresh, check his hook acc. Then you know if hes good. Wait for his E(flair) then go allin. Hes so immobile its a joke.
Vayne... you either farm or sit passive under your turret. If shes good she will always E (condemn) your W. Making your engage useless. Also her chase is insaine, so you better kill her with your allin or she will farm on you.
Nami is kinda the same as vayne, her chase is dangerous, just dodge her Q and then eat her. Her ult slow is so bullshit so care for that.
Senna is a champ i also wanna give some time:
She can take a mana nerf on her Q (rito listen!), but other then that shes a hit or mis, when your team has enough engage senna will be useless, if not she can single handed carry the game. Her poke is enoying but sustainable. The real problems is when you go in for trades and damage, he Q heals for so much and pokes you that they are back to full in no time.. (mana nerf someone?)
All-in on 5 wait with your enhanced E auto attack when she wants to ult. Give her a shoulder tap of love!
well thats it if you have questions message me i can explain my tough process. Remember your shine time is between levels 5-12ish. Before maybe find a mistake to engage but its hard, after level 12 the enchanter supports are a pseudo mage because of the gold way in wild rift. Sona lategame=Free win, no joke.
Be a roaming carrying cow!!!!
ps. One of the biggest mistakes what i see until mid diamond. Is not respecting deadtimers. They are short in wild rift. 2 kills is either insta drake, but waiting 20 sec is recall and try again don't start that damn thing and let the respawned akali get a triple!