by VendixFPS
[1.1.0] Alistar Guide - 77% WINRATE! Alistar Support Guide
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar
Starting Items

Core Items

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Some screenshots of my latest games.
The first item we buy when the game starts is boots of speed, why you ask? Because we want to upgrade our boots ASAP so we have a big advantage on lane (we always want to buy IONIAN Locket as boots upgrade). Buying Mercury or Ninja Tabi depends if i play again 2 AP champs ingame i will go for Mercury or if the enemie team has alot of CC / Stuns.
First Core Item after boots we want to rush is Dead Man's Plate, it gives us a good amount of health and armor, but we actually want it for the passive (grants movement speed making us walk way faster, and slowing the enemie with auto attacks in combination with our E (Trample) it's a win win situation, because as 5 stacks you Stun your enemie so slowing him gives you some sweet free auto attacks so i would prefer when using (Trample) just spam auto attacks while running towards the enemie (predict where the enemie would run)
Second Item will be Protector's Vow for a sweet heal + 20% movement speed (for 1.5 seconds) you can use this as advantage to engage (attack) or to disengage (flee)
Third Item depends on the ingame situation if you have 1 AP champ in the enemie team i would still prefer to buy Spirit Visage, you only have Pros :100% Health Regen 10% less cooldowns and increased healing / regen this passive of this is just awesome.
Fourth Item is Randuin's Omen reducing the enemies attack speed but we actually just want it to reduce the crit DMG that we'll receive adc's (that build crit) or other crit champs like Yasuo, so this item is always a sweet defense item to have.
Fifth item also depends on the enemie team comp if they have 2 or even 3 AP champs it's defently time for more Magic Resist so we want to buy Zeke's Convergence the 10% less Cooldown & passive makes it worth it tbh, incase you don't have 2 or 3 AP Champs in the enemie team i'd say go for Thornmail.
So this was my small guide about Alistar, i know it's much tips/tricks at all just the ItemBuild and what to buy when. English is not my main language so i hope you are fine with some spelling mistakes :D. GL !
The first item we buy when the game starts is boots of speed, why you ask? Because we want to upgrade our boots ASAP so we have a big advantage on lane (we always want to buy IONIAN Locket as boots upgrade). Buying Mercury or Ninja Tabi depends if i play again 2 AP champs ingame i will go for Mercury or if the enemie team has alot of CC / Stuns.
First Core Item after boots we want to rush is Dead Man's Plate, it gives us a good amount of health and armor, but we actually want it for the passive (grants movement speed making us walk way faster, and slowing the enemie with auto attacks in combination with our E (Trample) it's a win win situation, because as 5 stacks you Stun your enemie so slowing him gives you some sweet free auto attacks so i would prefer when using (Trample) just spam auto attacks while running towards the enemie (predict where the enemie would run)
Second Item will be Protector's Vow for a sweet heal + 20% movement speed (for 1.5 seconds) you can use this as advantage to engage (attack) or to disengage (flee)
Third Item depends on the ingame situation if you have 1 AP champ in the enemie team i would still prefer to buy Spirit Visage, you only have Pros :100% Health Regen 10% less cooldowns and increased healing / regen this passive of this is just awesome.
Fourth Item is Randuin's Omen reducing the enemies attack speed but we actually just want it to reduce the crit DMG that we'll receive adc's (that build crit) or other crit champs like Yasuo, so this item is always a sweet defense item to have.
Fifth item also depends on the enemie team comp if they have 2 or even 3 AP champs it's defently time for more Magic Resist so we want to buy Zeke's Convergence the 10% less Cooldown & passive makes it worth it tbh, incase you don't have 2 or 3 AP Champs in the enemie team i'd say go for Thornmail.
So this was my small guide about Alistar, i know it's much tips/tricks at all just the ItemBuild and what to buy when. English is not my main language so i hope you are fine with some spelling mistakes :D. GL !
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar




Could be wrong, didn't really invest much time for them, feel free to correct me.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Triumphant Roar




Unbreakable Will
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
A must have.

Alistar Guide
Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
i just tried out the runes and build path in ranked and going boots first was definitely a new thing for me but it worked and i won a losing 20 kill vs 42 kill game and carried 8/5/2 solid build fsfs
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4 years ago
Thanks buddy nice to hear, don't forget starting boots, upgrading them and then also upgrading them to Tier 3 (Locket Enchant) before continuing building the item build. GL HF! :)

4 years ago
Awesome Guide man!