[2.4b] Thresh Guide - "Advanced" guide for AP Thresh Top (V0.9)
"Advanced" guide for AP Thresh Top (V0.9)
- Hook very quickly when "H O O K"Build is used.
- Provides easy laning phase and late game.
- Can dive turret in 1v1 if enemy have no
- It's high skilled champ so don't try to be a pro in 5 seconds playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Struggle with high mobility, tank champs like Riven
- Squishy in mid game.
Thresh Build
Best Build Guide for Thresh

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting items
Frozen Heart
is useful when playing
top bc it slows enemy's AS and gives some AH\Armor.
Boots of Speed
are for easy speed in early game.
Recurve Bow
, u can ask "why?", "this item not more tanky" or something like that; So... you can beat up your lane easier than without it. Pretty good when you are tired of having 1s AA's
Build#1 Tank
Recurve Bow
you build
Sunfire Aegis
for more magic damage in time.
Dead Man's Plate
for 100 extra magic damage to spank enemies, movement speed for mobility and armor for tanky'ness. Upgrade your boots and start ending
Wit's End
for little heal, magic damage & AS. If enemy's healing is pain buy
to inflict grievous wounds that reduces healing; but if enemy don't have mega healing buy
Warmog's Armor
for more Hp that is needed to
Sunfire Aegis
& boosted healing from
Wit's End
in fight and after fight, healing to max Hp.
H O O K Build (4Fun only)
If you wanna have 0,4s cd on Q, this is for you but get ready to be hurt in mid game. — First of all, Buy
Tear of the Goddess
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
. End the
Iceborn Gauntlet
and do
Sunfire Aegis
. Then
Winter's Approach
... After that u build some AS for combos.
"What I prefer"
It's a build that I use the most games.
Frozen Heart
for decreasing enemy AS, Armor & mana.
Sunfire Aegis
to deal magic damage in time plus to be more tanky in mid game, after that I go
Dead Man's Plate
for MS and HP, Armor is secondary...
Wit's End
for AS and healing,
Infinity Orb
for some critical hit, MS, and Magic Penetration. Boots upgrades are
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Thresh Runes
Best Runes for Thresh

Rune set#1 description:
Grasp of the Undying
is good choice against tank/fighter champs like
. It scales with your hp to deal some magic damage, heal you and increase your hp by small amount.
, More AP and Magic Penetration in early game. Works pretty good with
Grasp of the Undying
(they don't stack mutually but
Grasp of the Undying
deal more damage with this rune);
Gathering Storm
can be substitute for
Hunter Titan
for slowers (cc'ing champs) and more hp, also u can go
Bone Plating
if you are struggling on lane most the time
is generally good in any game by boosting your MS while any game phase. Also u can use any rune from that "tier"

It's a more teamfight burst damage runes set including:
that is for three-hit combo (cheap combo with two AA's), Can be picked instead of
Grasp of the Undying
to make Damage>Tank Healing champ.
for teamfighting when enemy champs need to receive high damage in small amount of time
Bone Plating
(info in runes set#1)
u know why =}
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Easy cheap combo on Thresh works most the time.

More advanced combo, harder to hit; (PS Minions are painful)

Flash while hooking to adjust the angle or range between you and your target.

Full combo, I guess... Flash is optional, no need to use all the time. Also it's deadly as f$#k if enemy have Flash/Stasis/Exhaust on cool down :)
Thresh Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Most of players on this champ dives under turret and that's good for
bc you can use your cheap combo to make her stay longer under your turret and she is done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
When she is in
Twilight Shroud
you can barely use
but akali need to "punch u any time to "win trades" " and if she really want to punch you with her
Five Point Strike
or Auto Atack you can
her out of smoke and hit her.

When final Ver.?
I know the most matchups don't have description, guide is still in progress so let me know what you want to see in it.
I'm a human, not a robot; I just can't do something 10h straight so i need a free time to relax and play league

Why did i made a guide.
Inspired by CryoBeats to make this guide for Wild Rift, all thanks to him for being such a good content creator.
His YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/CryoBeat
He also streams on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cryobeats?sr=a

Guide proposals
Write your proposals in the comments what guide would you like to see next.
I hope you like my guide, I appreciate that.
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