[2.4b] Wukong Guide - The Monkey´s King Wukong.
The Monkey´s King Wukong.
- Good Early
- Teamfight Usefull
- Carry Potential
- Easy for Stole objetive
- Isn´t a totally tank
- weak to AP team
Wukong Build
Best Build Guide for Wukong

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This time i have to proposals for build
First Item Always Black Cleaver for some damage in early game
Hybrid build: i pick yommu to the second item for mobility and mid game. At this points there will be more teamfighrs so we need defense with Gargoyle Echant
boots: Pick always a defensive boots. No excuse. You will always activate the Echant when you enter to the teamfight before Activate Ultimate
Sterak´s Gage combo with Gargoyle for more shield.
Tank Utility: Sunfire Aegis for defense a passive damage in this build we are looking for to be hold on with the team in battle as long as possible
If the team have Ap use Spirit Visage
Thornmail for stop enemy heal.
If you don´t like Guardian Angel you can change it with another situational item
Wukong Runes
Best Runes for Wukong

The first one is the most useful. Conqueror and Brutal have synergy with wukong´s passive. Hunter Titan to resist enemy CC. MasterMind for more damage to objectives

In this one is to resist more ap damage with Adaptive Carapace. I used it with MasterMind but if you dont like it use Hunter Genius

This is a Firsts one Variant to fight low health teams. Triumph gives us extra damage if the enemy have are below 35% health, and restore us 10% of health with takedowns
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Burst Damage Entrance
This one is most used in ganks for last hit enemy or oneshot them

Enter and exit combo
This is a safe combo keeping the clone for scape

All in combo or team fight combo
This one is to unbalance the teamfight. In a emergency exit use flash

1v1 combo
We keep the clon to scape or used it for distraction
try to take advantage of the time of invisibility
Wukong Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
in a scuttler Crab fight with the 1v1 combo is a win fight. be careful with the health and Evelyn not gonna be a problem

Wukong is one of the most complete junglers in the game. We need to have something clear to get their best potential, and thats is you´re not a killer champ. try to focus on to be useful for the team.
Tip for stole objectives: enter when the objective has 2000 of health and use Cyclone (ultimate) to unbalance the other jungle and have more chance to smite first. if you have cyclone on cooldown enter use the clone to distract and smite but here you have a 50/50 chance