[2.4b] Galio Guide - Spread your wings - Galio support guide
Spread your wings - Galio support guide
- Has good poke in laning, and can easily shut down engage supports during that time.
- Can be build as both tank or AP.
- Can keep targets CC'd for a very long time.
- Has a global ult, allowing him to put pressure and roam with ease.
- Very good against AP comps.
- Super charismatic.
- Doesn't do as good against AD comps
- If build as a tank, his damage in increadibly low.
- Has long cooldown, especially during the early game.
- Quite squishy with out his W.
- Can be quite team-relient, as he is best suited to follow or counter an engage.
- Probably destroys everything by accident.
Galio Build
Best Build Guide for Galio

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
When building
as a support, you have two options - tank or Ap. Think about what your team lacks and make your decision based on that.
For the tank build, we will be starting with
Boots of Speed
and after rushing it to tier 3, we will be rushing items who can provide you with fast roams and team enchance. The three items that you should ALWAYS have on galio are
Dead Man's Plate
Abyssal Mask
Force of Nature
. These items give you a lot of speed and will increase both your and your team's damage, and do remember that some of
's skills scale up with MR anyway. The rest of the items should be picked based on the enemy team, so don't build the same things blindly.
As for AP, we willl be focusing on items that are cheap, offer more tankiness and are good in terms of utility. items such as
Rod of Ages
Crystalline Reflector
are a good choice, as well as
Abyssal Mask
since it offers extra defense and a damage boost anyway. Remember again -
has abilities that scale with MR.
Galio Runes
Best Runes for Galio

The first rune set is something that I personally like to use more, as the roams are faster and you can get more dominance in lane even against poke champions since your sustain will be strong. If you are a less experienced player or simply prefer a simpler and safer way to play, the second rune set is for you.

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is your basic engage combo on lane. If the enemy is close enough, you can also start with
Shield Of Durand
instead of
Justice Punch

Combine the two together to taunt an enemy out of your range.

You can use this item to speed yourself in for a good engage, which can be pulled off with both
Shield Of Durand
Justice Punch

This items can work the same way as combo 3, but is best for surprising enemies.
Galio Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Always stand infront of your team with this guy around, as if he uses
Chum The Waters
, your passive magic shield will soak it up for your team.

How to be good-big guy.
1. When in lane, don't try to be to aggresive when you want to engage. Wait for the enemies to over extend and then rock their world.
2.Try to be more present on the mid lane if you have ult available, even at the cost of leaving your adc to 1v2. remember that you can just fly to his location if needed.
3.You can use
Shield Of Durand
to not only CC enemies, but also reduce damage while disengaging.
4.You can also use
Justice Punch
to avoid skillshots or move quicker.
5.When using
Hero's Entrance
during a teamfight, don't be afraid to wait for a bit until the enemy is grouped on your team, as you will get more knockups this way.
6.You can use
Winds Of War
on bushes to scan them. If you here the sound effect that happens when you hit someone - this bush has an enemy!
7.Always apologise in advance before ruining places.