- Excellent team fighting
- Good Damage
- Sustainability due to his innate MR
- All in capabilities in mid
- Good synergy with jungle
- Easy map movement with his ultimate.
- Melee
- Suffers against AD melee champs
- Requires map awareness to use successfully
Galio Build
Best Build Guide for Galio

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The build is that of a typical AP Bruiser.
You start out with Amplifying Tomb and build into Catalyst of Aeons. This will give Galio a bit of his early game sustain along with damage. You want to play it safe and focus on throwing out Q's at this stage of the game. If your opponent has taken too much damage already, you can start to look for all in trades even at this early point.
Finish with Rod of Ages and you will begin your journey of being a tanky mage. The scaling AP and HP is essential to carrying GALIO's stats throughout a game.
Rylai's Scepter adds even more AP and HP. If you're seeing a pattern, then yes these are the two stats that make GALIO shine. The added slow will also help you make engages after landing a Q. Replace this item with Morellonomicon if you're against healing heavy teams (Looking at you Mundo, Soraka, Janna...)
You should buy the STATIS Enchant after Rylai's if you haven't done so already. Usually you want to get it after completing Rod of Ages unless you're ahead.
Next up you want to get Liandry's Torment. This item will be your carry into the mid-late game. Not only does it give you AP and HP, but it's passive effect will help a lot during extended trades and team fights.
Morellonomicon just continues the increase of AP and HP while also having additional grievous wounds. This item should be purchased earlier if against heal heavy teams.
Finally, round off your build with Void Staff. If you haven't won the game by now, then Void Staff will give GALIO the extra nudge in damage to close out a game.
Galio Runes
Best Runes for Galio

AFTERSHOCK: This makes galio's CC abilities stronger as it gives you additional tankiness. If you stay in a fight long enough, the aftershock explosion adds extra damage
WEAKNESS: You'll be doing a lot of CC. You're essentially doing free 5% damage
CONDITIONING: You'll want the extra MR as it synergizes with his passive.
HUNTER GENIUS: The extra ability haste will help in extended fights.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is the bread and butter all on combo. Go in with Justice Punch. Taunt right after, throw a Q and finish off with a Colossal smash

A reverse of combo 1. There will be a situation where your opponent is too close to galio for comfort. It'll be easier to start off with the taunt before going for the justice punch

This is what makes GALIO such a chad. You can be half a map away and still win team fights. Just hero's entrance into the fight, or an over-extended jungler. Land, Taunt everyone in their face. Justice Punch the closest enemy and win. CAUTION: Don't use Hero's Entrance into a fight that will be lost. Don't dive into a 2v5 fight, or a teammate who's at very low health. But always keep your eye on the map for opportunities to use this. This is what makes GALIO an S Tier threat.
Galio Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Just max Q and keep tossing it out. When the opponent is low enough, go all in and get a kill.

Once you hit level 5, keep an eye on baron and dragon lane. If you are anticipating a skirmish, start moving towards your teammates ahead of time to make use of hero's entrance. Prioritize protecting your allies first. If it seems like your team has the advantage, push for kills.