by kassemzg11

[2.6a] Jhin Guide - "Interstellar Curtain Call" by Kassemzg11 x Emme4x

Patch 2.6a
December 27, 2021 16:30

"Interstellar Curtain Call" by Kassemzg11 x Emme4x

A community driven guide with the help of the top1 Jhin (EUW). How to build him correctly, play different scenarios, carry and ultimately win with Jhin featuring Emme4x


  • lots of utility
  • great burst damage
  • insane lategame and range
  • 4th shot smite dmg secures objectives


  • relies on a working team
  • single target focused
  • no escape skill besides flash
  • reloads after 4th shot

Jhin Build

Best Build Guide for Jhin

Starting Items
Long Sword
Boots of Speed
lategame oriented build
Infinity Edge
Stasis Enchant
Rapid Firecannon
Mortal Reminder
Average Jhin
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Infinity Edge
Stasis Enchant
Rapid Firecannon
Mortal Reminder
Lethality Build
Duskblade of Draktharr
Mortal Reminder
Quicksilver Enchant
Infinity Edge
Flex Items
Guardian Angel
Maw of Malmortius
Boots of Swiftness
Gluttonous Greaves
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Lategame Oriented Build:

  1. "This one is late game oriented, it´s good when the enemy team doesn´t have a lot of cc/assassin so Jhin is free to auto attack a lot in teamfights, that´s why i go conqueror and bloodthirst, so i can survive long enough to stack conqueror and use the bonus DMG of the fully stacked conqueror with the 100% crit chance" -Emme4x
  1.   Long SwordLong Sword into B.F. SwordB.F. Sword into Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge  (3400 Gold)
  2.   Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed into Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness into Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant  (5200 Gold)
  3.   Brawler's GlovesBrawler's Gloves into Cloak of AgilityCloak of Agility into StormrazorStormrazor  (8100 Gold)
  4. Long SwordLong Sword into Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter into BloodthirsterBloodthirster  (11400 Gold)
  5.   Brawler's GlovesBrawler's Gloves into ZealZeal into Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon  (13600 Gold)
  6.   Long SwordLong Sword into Last WhisperLast Whisper into Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder  (16550 Gold)

Lethality Build:

  1. "This one is the same we used on the guide for 2.4b, except its updated since we can´t build 2 infinity edges anymore, but they changed mortal reminder, it has less armor penetration in the early, so this build is good with a support that has cc and if the enemy botlane doesn´t have a lot of poke/tank. I´d say this build works only for skilled players if they duo with a good support vs a good matchup on bot so they can snowball(no tanks/poke)" -Emme4x
  1.   Long SwordLong Sword into Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk into Duskblade of DraktharrDuskblade of Draktharr  (3000 Gold)
  2.   Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed into Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves into Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant  (4800 Gold)
  3.   Long SwordLong Sword into Last WhisperLast Whisper into Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder  (7750 Gold)
  4.   Long SwordLong Sword into B.F. SwordB.F. Sword into Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge  (11150 Gold)
  5.   Brawler's GlovesBrawler's Gloves into Cloak of AgilityCloak of Agility into StormrazorStormrazor  (14050 Gold)
  6.   Long SwordLong Sword into Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter into BloodthirsterBloodthirster  (17350 Gold)

Average Jhin Build:

  1. "This one is the build for the average Jhin, it has damage early, survivability with fleet and second wind, lots of movement speed, so the average Jhin can position himself properly" -Emme4x

  1.   Long SwordLong Sword into Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk into Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade  (3000 Gold)
  2. Long SwordLong Sword into B.F. SwordB.F. Sword into Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge  (6400 Gold)
  3.   Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed into Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves into Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant  (8700 Gold)
  4. Brawler's GlovesBrawler's Gloves into ZealZeal into Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon  (11500 Gold)
  5.   Long SwordLong Sword into Last WhisperLast Whisper into Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder  (14600 Gold)
  6.   Long SwordLong Sword into Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter into BloodthirsterBloodthirster  (17900 Gold)

    Flex Items:

Jhin Runes

Best Runes for Jhin

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Lategame Oriented Build:

Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Lethality Build:

  • ElectrocuteElectrocute +
  • BrutalBrutal gives you a lot of free dmg in the early stages of the game
  • Second WindSecond Wind again for the extra armor and magic resist
  • Manaflow BandManaflow Band provides you some extra mana because you will spam your poke abilities to really ruin the other ADCs (attack damage carry) time
Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Second Wind
Second Wind

Average Jhin Build:

  • Fleet FootworkFleet Footwork provides great sustain and poke damage in lane
  • BrutalBrutal gives you a lot of free dmg in the early stages of the game to make sure you can bully and aren´t stuck under tower
  • Second WindSecond Wind for ludicrous amounts of sustain on top of Fleet
  • MastermindMastermind to melt towers or plates quickly and get an early lead for your team

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Whisper - Passive
Dancing Grenade
Dancing Grenade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Deadly Flourish
Deadly Flourish
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Captive Audience
Captive Audience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Take this when your support takes heal
Must Have to fix bad positioning or kite during fights
Take heal when your support doesn´t


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Dancing Grenade

Dancing Grenade reduces the animation of your 4th shot so you can attack faster

Dancing Grenade

To catch someone off guard or finish a low hp enemy off

Deadly Flourish
Curtain Call

great combo when you see someone that is already marked 

Captive Audience
Deadly Flourish
Curtain Call

When you see someone getting hit by a trap that you placed previously 

Jhin Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

VayneVayne 's early game is weak compared to JhinJhin and they constantly run the risk of you snowballing when they make a mistake and die.

Things change however when they are paired with a LuluLulu because you cannot kill them easily. Emme4x usually permabans LuluLulu for this reason.


Thanks to Emme4x

This guide was made in collaboration with Emme4x who is at the time of this guide top1 Jhin on the EU server.  He also streams occasionally on twitch (Twitch Channel)


Early Game

It´s really hard to explain the ins and outs of a successful gameplay, it simply takes time to learn and become better. Having a guideline of goals to work alongside usually helps the best. So what are you trying to achieve in the early stage of the game.

  1.  Win lane priority 
    • Lane priority means you are pushing over your side of the map (enemies are stuck under their tower), this makes it easier to fulfill the second goal
  2.  Set up deeper vision (around the vision plant, river, dragon pit)
    • by doing so you gain a lot of security against ganks by the enemy jungler and at the same time you enable your jungler to move more freely around and rotate to your lane or mid lane
  3.  Get tower plates or the whole turret
    • Plates give you valuable gold to purchase your 1st item quicker and scoring the 1st turret of the game provides massive gold to your whole team + it opens up the map and makes it harder for the enemy laners to push because they lack a space of safety 

Mid Game

For the sake of simplicity we assume you achieved most of your goals in early game and bought your first items. Now it is time to:

  1.  Rotate to the losing lane of your team (preferably alongside your support)
    • by doing so you will get your teammates ahead and prevent a 1v9 scenario. Wild Rift is a team game and you cannot win alone. 
  2.  Destroy turrets and score 2v1/3v2 kills to snowball
    • you are a a valuable target for the enemy so don´t engage fights with a disadvantage (poor vision around the fight, 1v2/2v3)
  3.  Get your team ahead in gold, objective or even with simple vision if things aren´t looking too good
    • You are great at last hitting an objective with your 4th shot so always utilize this opportunity 

Things to avoid: 

  1.  Don´t face check bushes like a maniac. Running into a bush with potential enemies inside without a ward inside is a suicide mission and you deserve the blame for it.SO don´t do it
  2.  Don´t roam around the map alone. You will simply be a walking bag of gold for the enemy to farm

Late Game / Teamfights

The later stages of the game are dangerous because a simple mistake can throw the game, this is especially true when you as the ADC make the mistake because most of the time you are the win condition at this point. Teamfights and roaming with the team is the best thing to do. Never be alone!

How to engage a teamfight/objective:

  • Best case scenario: Your ally Galio, Leona, Alistar, Braum is an absolute god and sets up perfect engages for you to follow up on
  • Worst case scenario: Your allies are scared to engage and need a little push. You can do this by setting up Captive AudienceCaptive Audience and hope someone walks into it, if so follow up with Deadly FlourishDeadly Flourish + Curtain CallCurtain Call and hope your team gets the hint
  • Team dif scenario: Set up your Captive AudienceCaptive Audience around the objective, this will provide you vision and show you when they start it up. Now you have two options:
    1.  Steal it with your 4th shot or Curtain CallCurtain Call
    2.  Hope for your team to run in and you clean up

What are your goals during a teamfight:

  • Fight with an advantage in numbers, gold, location of the fight (close to your turret, a safe bush etc.)
  • Burst down the enemy ADC
  • Provide utility with Captive AudienceCaptive Audience before the fight even brakes out or during the fight with soft CC
  • Kite the enemy assassin but try to stay close to your team and the fight

Should you even teamfight?

  • A lot of times teams fight for no reason forgetting that this game is an objective based game and not a team deathmatch
  • Objectives > Kills
  • Did someone valuable die and you will fight 4v5 ... then don´t
  • Don´t fight across the map when an objective is up (e.g Elder Drake, Baron)

Look at the nice things other people said!
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