[2.4b] Nami Guide - tsuNAMI
- High AP Damage
- Can Killsteal (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
- Squishy
- Need durable frontline for effective poke damage
Nami Build
Best Build Guide for Nami

Item Build Description
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I would love to start with Ruby Crystal. As this is the base for 'Catalyst of Aeons'. And I would go for 'Rod of ages' as a first item. Then go for 'Ionian Boots ' for CD. Then 'Rabadon's Deathcap' for AP scaling. After that, go for 'Void Staff' to melt down the enemies with your tides.
Nami Runes
Best Runes for Nami

Since you are doing AP scaling, 'Aery' is a must lah. (づ ●─● )づ The 'Weakness' for dealing more damage after making Enemy immobilized. 'Loyalty' for AR and MR. And lastly 'pack hunter' for movement speed and extra gold.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
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The skills combo I usually go for is (W>R>Q>AA). I first heal my allies with my W(Skill 2), then cast the ultimate on both my allies and enemies. When the enemies are In mid-air, use your Q (Skill 1) to make Enemy Stay in mid-air again. This is really helpful when you engage for teamfight or you want to run away from Enemy team.
Nami Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
He will surely try to engage with his Skill 2. You always stay alert and use you Skill 3 on you or your adc to adjust your position. As in teamfight, use the (Ultimate + Skill 1) to confuse him, when he try to use ultimate to engage.

tsuNami Bringer (>﹏<)
At the start of the game, dun forget to help jungle if he happens to start his pathing from the dragon lane. Then try to poke the enemy when it's possible. It's okay when you can poke the enemy. You can just heal your adc to continue getting gold on lane. When your jungle comes for the scuttler of the dragon lane, make sure to help him to secure vision. If you cannot go for help, try to cover up for jungle to ensure he got the scuttler. If enemy jungle is already there with his backup, make sure to ping and inform to avoid battle. If you are sure you can win, go for it. 😁 As an support, you need to guard your adc but dun ignore your team as well. Be sure to stay alarmed and always be there for your team to help.