[2.4b] A good Yasuo guide
- Strong tea fight potential
- Huge power spikes with the right build
- Kinda squishy
- Your probably gonna get cc locked lmaooo
Yasuo Build
Best Build Guide for Yasuo

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start crit rate. It will help you get zeal quicker(huge lane power spike)
Yasuo Runes
Best Runes for Yasuo

Conquered because you become strong and stronger in fights. Brutal because it’s just a good one for him. But if you believe you will have trouble I personally with also take triumph. Second wind for lane sustain and sweet tooth is just good for the extra healing and gold.

Fleet footwork is good into poke matchups for the lane sustain. Then triumph and really come in handy and save you. Hunter titan is nice if your cocky because of the tenacity and the nice addition of extra health. And sweet tooth is honestly just amazing.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is really strong especially if you have zeal and you start with nado q. Because you can cancel your AA animation with q aa
Yasuo Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
She can’t play the game against you because you can literally windfall her entire kit lmaooo

How to play.
in laning phase you simply just want to farm and recall when you can get the zeal. For trades you can eq then auto once or twice then walk back. And of course make sure to use windwall if needed.