[2.4b] Malphite Guide - Mountain-meat shield - Malphite support guide
Mountain-meat shield - Malphite support guide
- Has good physical defense.
- Very easy to use ult with a long CC time.
- Has a rather OK laning phase as he can poke and soak skillshots.
- Has a funny voice XD
- Very ult relient and doesn't offer much without it.
- His mana can run out quickly if you poke continuesly
- Has little escape options if he fails his engage.
- Probably a little dumb...
Malphite Build
Best Build Guide for Malphite

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Some of you might be wondering why on earth we are taking
Winter's Approach
on a
. Well, the reason being is both the early lane, and the CDR it will eventually give. Taking
Sapphire Crystal
early will help us poke more in lane without worrying about our mana too much. Also, once this item is complete, you will have ult every team fight, and since
is a very ult relient champion, this is very good for him.
The rest of the items really depend on the situation. Try to think about what the enemy has in store for you, and based on that, buy the items accordingly. Of course, items such as
Sunfire Aegis
are good on malphite in most situations, so don't worry about them too much.
Malphite Runes
Best Runes for Malphite

Runes can vary depending on your playstyle, but I find this build the most helpful for me, so feel free to try it yourselfs :)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

cancels your auto-attack animation, so use it to perform two quick attack to either destroy wards or hurt enemies.

Your all-in combo.
Malphite Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
She is rather easy to bully on lane.

How to be rock-solid
Seismic Shard
gives you bonus movement speed. Use it to disengage fights as well as get into them.
2. NEVER use your ult before the first drake, even at the cost of your life. Remember that its the only thing that makes you viable.
3.People are generally afraid of facing
when his team is nearby, so don't be too afraid to face check.
4. Try to catch as many people as possible with your ult - this is your only form of CC.
5.Remember that your ult can go over walls.
6. Keep yourself hard and thick-skinned, even if you are playing with inexperienced players :)