[2.0.0] In-depth AP varus Guide (Rift Academy #6)
In-depth AP varus Guide (Rift Academy #6)
Varus Build
Best Build Guide for Varus

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Nashor's Tooth
: A must have for AP Varus. Gives Attackspeed To easily Stack
Blighted Quiver
huge 50 AP and 25% Ability Haste. A solid item overall.
Awakened Soulstealer
: Another Solid choice purely because of the ability Haste entirely, a maxed out
Chain Of Corruption
With 50 Ability haste would be sitting at 30 Seconds Cooldown. Extra mana will help you for spamming
Piercing Arrow
. If you want more firepower and a little bit of sustain
Hextech Gunblade
is a viable choice.
Infinity Orb
:Your Main Damage Item, Decent Stats with Godly effect. Anyone in 75% HP and you hit them with
Piercing Arrow
Empowered by
Blighted Quiver
with 3 Stacks of it will either Die instantly or almost dead with 1 HP. Full item AP varus will oneshot any ADC if they got hit by his
Chain Of Corruption
Piercing Arrow
Piercing Arrow
Will crit for 1000 damage assuming the target has 3 stacks of
Blighted Quiver
[Stasis Enchant] : Much better than
Quicksilver Enchant
you're super squishy in team fights and you'll be fighting from far away that
Quicksilver Enchant
Wont give you much value.
Rabadon's Deathcap
: Extra damage. Obviously, you spike really hard when you have this.
Void Staff
: Same as
Rabadon's Deathcap
You don't need
because your [Varus:3] already inflicts Anti-Heal or Grevious Wounds
Varus Runes
Best Runes for Varus

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Varus Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
She has a weaker early game than you and you can simply poke her with
Hail Of Arrows
trying to poke her with
Piercing Arrow
is quite challenging since she can easily use
to dodge it. Once you reach lvl 5 Be super aggressive since
Chain Of Corruption
is a powerful engage tool.

Why play Ap Varus?
Recently Varus got buffed. His
Blighted Quiver
was the selling point of the buff. It got increased Max HP damage,Lowered CD and increased buff duration.
Blighted Quiver
scales of AP and enemy HP.
I've been play testing Varus by a lot lately. Tried both Crit and Lethality and both doesn't seem to do good at all. And with the absence of Guinsoo's Rageblade On-Hit varus just doesn't work at all.
Then I tried AP. Results was amazing seeing your
Piercing Arrow
Buffed with
Blighted Quiver
Crit for 1000 damage is hilarious because of
Infinity Orb
definitely a fun playstyle and a meta potential adc.

Maximizing Damage
As AP varus all of your damage will come from your
Blighted Quiver
Blight stacks and triggering them with your abilities.
Chain Of Corruption
> Auto Attack >
Hail Of Arrows
> Auto Attack 2x
Piercing Arrow
Blighted Quiver
This is your maximum Damage triggering 6 blights in the span of 3-4 Seconds. Note that your
Chain Of Corruption
will apply blights in the next 3 seconds not instantly. The moment you use
Chain Of Corruption
+ an auto attack it will apply 2 blight stacks. The moment your
Hail Of Arrows
lands it already has 3 Blight stacks to trigger. And your
Hail Of Arrows
will trigger those blight.
since you have used 2 Blight stacks from your
Chain Of Corruption
you will need to attack 2 times to stack 3 and let
Piercing Arrow
trigger the remaining blights.
Chain Of Corruption
Blighted Quiver
Piercing Arrow
Great combo to delete someone if fed enough

Final words
Thank you for reading my guide if you have until the end lf it. Please check out r/Wildriftacademy in reddit for it to grow as a mainstream educational subreddit for Wildrift.