[2.2c] Varus Guide - Varus AD GUIDE
Varus Build
Best Build Guide for Varus

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
So, your starting item should be always long sword it is for extra ad and better waveclear early on.
CORE ITEMS should always be Blade of the king it is because of his good dueling and runaans hurricane it's great since in teamfights you're able to stack your passive on multiple enemies and smack them.
Now let's take a look at FULL BUILD
since we've bought botrk and ruunans next should be infinity edge for extra damage and crit that every ADC should have, boots should be ninja tabis/merc treads it's heavily dependent on enemy team if enemy has alot ap and CC stuns you should have mercury treads if no then perfect option is ninja tabis it is because of his better survivability in game/teamfights (for enchants you should be looking only at zhonyas or quicksilver sash), deaths dance is the best option to buy almost at the end, it gives you omnivamp and extra lifesteal is useful, GA as last.
Situational items are the items which is not really necessary to build unless there is a problem, so either you face someone when opponent has soraka/sona or even lulu then you should rush executioners don't finish that component into item before you end building your 3rd item.
Phantom dancer is good option to buy if you think you're not sure you'll last long in teamfights.
And we are now at the part where we need to decide which boots are gonna be usefull, to me it's always either merc/tabis, gluttonous greaves are OK if you're ahead but I dont recommend since this boots only gives you lifesteal.
Boots of lucidity if you're going for that faster ult cooldown.
Optional build is with muramana where you want to scale into late game or want more mana which will help you.
Varus Runes
Best Runes for Varus

The best option for
is this rune setup, with lucidity boots and champions takedowns you gain AH which can give you quicker casts on abilities and ult,
Brutal is also good to take down better tanks.
Conqueror is a MUST rune on
don't even think of electrocute, electrocute is weaker to long skirmishes 1v1's.
Fleet footwork is optional if you face draven on enemy team or MF (or heavy poke enemy support).

- Second option we've got on varus is fleet footwork is for heavy poke lane or matchup.
- Brutal rune would be great in use to have that extra pen for tanks/heavier bruisers.
- Regenaration is here to help you sustain more in lane
- Mastermind is great option here, you can earn better amount of gold by taking down turrets/objectives and you deal extra true damage to monsters.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Varus Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Ezreal early on sucks if you don't let him hit his first ability or his skillshots into you, it won't hurt you untill he reaches his powerspikes but in shorter matches he won't have a chance.

Varus works well with tanky supports, especially with braum passive, rakan, and leona.
He works worse with enchanters, because enchanters tend to play from back and heal you so that means they want to scale,
doesnt scale well without kills.

important notes