[2.4b] Rakan Guide - Rakan mid is broken
Rakan mid is broken
Rakan Build
Best Build Guide for Rakan

Item Build Description
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Youre starting item is "Amplifying Tome" and if you back off early you should buy "Fiendish Codex" before Stinger. Your boots are the Ionian ones and I mostly go with the protobelt afterwards, but you can choose yourself. Buy Tear of the Goddess, till you have Awakend Soulstealer.
Try the alternative build, if you play against an all in champion like zed, who will just use evry of his abilities and runs away afterwards.
Rakan Runes
Best Runes for Rakan

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

In lane mostly wait for your passive to refresh and than engage. ALWAYS auto-attack before Gleaming Quill, because of the Electrocute. After your passive shield is gone try to get into the backline, till your cooldowns are mostly finished.
Rakan Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Grand Entrance
its easy to evade
Steel Tempest
and you can come easily near and get away with the same abiltie.

You and your jungler
Try to work with your jungler together help hi clear objectives and gank with him other lanes, espacially with engage jungles like Lee Sin etc. amd your
Battle Dance
youre a death duo.

Together with Xayah
If an Xayah is in your team it is pretty great because even if rakan plays mid he and Xayah have an awsome sinergy so if theres a Xayah the Dragon-Lane has more priority than usual.

With bruisers and assassines, which can carry games, like Darius and Lee Sin you have a great synergie because of your damage and your immensive crowd-control you can carry games.