[2.1a] Rakan Guide - Short Rakan guid (First thinking)
Short Rakan guid (First thinking)
Rakan Build
Best Build Guide for Rakan

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Hi every one!
You start with boots into a fast locket. The choice of boots is on your side and depends on enemy Team. I dont go often boots of swiftness, tabi or mercs are my best choice.The next Option depends on what adc u have on your side. If u have attack speed adc u go After locket Ardent,if Not you go protectors vow. After one of this items u build Harmonic for more Support. At least you want more sustain and build. Up armor and HP.
Rakan Runes
Best Runes for Rakan

I go aftershock for the Bonus armor and magic resist bacause you are always in the middle of the Team Fight and you need the sustain.
Weakness scale so Well with rakans R
Loyality for the Bonus Armor and magic resist for you and your adc.
Pack. Hunter for the Bonus move speed and extra Gold( You want it)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Rakan Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Just wait her q then u can engage her easy and get a kill

New Section
You have to options as rakan and they depends on your adc. If you have an aggressive adc you can play out the full fun out of rakan. He loves aggressive play. Use W to rush in and E to rush out. Thats your game. When you have a good adc your lane will get fisrt blood AT lvl 2. Your Job ist to protect your carrys and He can Do IT so Well with his E because you can shield 2 of them. And you Do it!
In Team Fights its your Job to cc the enemy Team and protect your carrys. A good Team Fight for you Looks like you rush in with R Hit 3-5 enemy into W knock them up and rush to your carry with E. AT this point the enemy should be dead and you did a great Job. Otherwise you missed your W then you should backing and protect your carrys.