[2.5a] Brand Guide - %Health magic damage hurts a lot
%Health magic damage hurts a lot
- One of the hardest scaling mages in the game
- The absolute best tank shredding mage in the game
- Flexible as a mid laner and support
- The best team fighting mage in the game with ult
- The best mage in the game for taking epic monsters
- The squishiest mage in the game stat-growth wise
- Reliant on Pillar of Flame and hitting 3 abilities for damage at all stages
- No safety tools besides ult slow and sear's stun
- Absolutely no mobility tools whatsoever
Brand Build
Best Build Guide for Brand

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
You are, in fact, a mage and mages like to read. You didn't think all mages started
Amplifying Tome
because they have to? No way.
Stop building Luden's Echo you nerds
There is nothing that upsets me more than being in my Grandmaster games and STILL seeing
players either rush
Luden's Echo
or build it second item. For starters, your wave clear, if you know how to do it right which is talked about later, does NOT need the additional boost that you get from Luden's passive. Secondly, the mana that you get from this item isn't enough on its own to fully solve Brand's mana issues in the long term. The
Lost Chapter
will help a lot in lane, for sure, but 300 mana goes by quick when you're constantly slinging abilities later on. The correct way to build
, regardless if you're playing support or mid, is to get back to base when you have 900 gold, buy a
Tear of the Goddess
, then continue as usual. The
Seraph's Embrace
not only gives you a ton of mana, but will also take advantage of
's mana growth for even more ability power. Plus, the extra ability haste AND the lifeline shield is invaluable at all stages of the game. As for the build itself, you do %health damage over time (DOT), so
Liandry's Torment
is a must-buy for this champion. If you're going
Liandry's Torment
, you might as well also build
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
for the additional slows AND guaranteeing the additional damage from Liandry's passive. Once you have Liandry's and Rylai's, you then want to finish your tear into an
Archangel's Staff
. You won't be able to sling abilities fast/often enough to finish the tear quick enough to warrant building Archangel's 1st or 2nd, so finish it after you have the core items done. This is very important to hit the INSANE power spike that is when you have Liandry's and Rylai's finished. The health they both give you also help to alleviate
's squishiness as well! The
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
are just the icing and toppings on the cake to make sure no one gets away without 3rd degree burns.
The only thing in terms of build path that you change when playing support is that you still want the
Tear of the Goddess
, only you go
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
first instead of
Liandry's Torment
so you have good utility early through big area of effect (AOE) slows. You can also go
instead of Void staff or Deathcap to beat the healer/enchanters with a stick if you need to.
Brand Runes
Best Runes for Brand

The runes listed here are the ones I recommend as the best to take for both
in mid lane and as a support.
Summon Aery
is the best rune to take as it helps with your poke, allowing your stray Conflagrations that hit do more damage. You won't need any other sources of damage outside of lane, and none of the other keystones will help you much in lane.
- Free stats are free stats and those free stats help you get through lane.
Gathering Storm
- Helps you play to scale so you become that much more of a late game monster.
- Can make your damage really hurt after you get Rylai's or when you land your stun, but useless otherwise.
Bone Plating
- Very nice defensive rune against champions that rely on blowing all their abilities on you at once, especially assassins. Can save your life against said champions late game.
Second Wind
- Your best friend for an easier lane. Gives you some sustain in lane as a champ that has no source of it for himself.
Hunter Titan
- A great rune if you can get all 5 unique takedowns fast, but can be hard to get all 5 stacks.
- Makes your roams faster and getting around the map in general faster as well. Can be great if your rotations and roams are good.
Hunter Genius
- Same as the other hunter runes, great if you can swing it but hard to get working.
Sweet Tooth
- A fantastic source of sustain in lane and free gold from all honeydew plants you come across.
Manaflow Band
- Great source of mana in lane and can lead to more AP with your
Seraph's Embrace
, but can leave other parts of your stats a little lacking as a result.

An alternative rune page for support.
works fantastically since you'll be going for
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
as your first item, but
can still work fine.
Font of Life
can provide plenty of healing since all you're building is health and ability power, both of the stats that scale with it. The
Summon Aery
page still works fine for support, but this is a great alternative if you want one.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The reason you don't need
Luden's Echo
Start by hitting a melee minion with
, then use
on that same minion to spread
to the entire wave, then finish by aiming
Pillar Of Flame
to hit all 4 of them, and bam. The entire wave is dead besides the cannon and the cannon just needs an auto attack or two to also go down.

Your best trading combo
In lane, this can half health the average laner if you can land the
, as it guarantees that you land
Pillar Of Flame
and proc the explosion part of
. The trickiest part is landing Sear since it can be blocked by minions.

The "brutally murder someone and potentially their whole team" combo
If you ever catch someone in range of your
, you can go for this combo quickly to potentially one-shot whoever you catch and if they go to their team, you can half health or more the rest of them.

How to burst someone down if hitting Sear is too difficult
The slow from hitting
after they are burning from
can give you a good opening to hit
Pillar Of Flame
and secure a kill. The ignite is just to make sure they go down. This combo is also one of the best against a large group of enemies in a teamfight.

Surprise stun
This combo is a way to make
very hard to react to, and can stun someone that isn't paying attention. The idea is that you start doing Sear, then before the projectile comes out, flash so it hits the enemy quickly, stunning them, and guaranteeing you land Pillar of Flame for a kill. This combo is especially invaluable for gank set ups and when you're playing support.

You do not need to hit 3 abilities in quick succession to trigger the explosion part of
, if they have a burn stack on them underneath their champion, you can hit them with any ability again to refresh the burn stacks AND get them one stack closer to the explosion! This helps a ton on URF since you, in theory, can just
someone 3 times to make them explode.
Brand Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
His poke can be annoying, and he can get some cheesy all ins, but he's not much of a threat in lane but you still can be. Always be wary when
has the package ready to use.

Laning/early game
It's pretty straight forward, regardless if you're support or mid lane; take whatever poke you can. If you're mid, focus more on farming since you scale very well, but don't be afraid to hit them if they give you opportunities to. If you're support, focus more on getting in damage when you can and constantly threatening them with your abilities. Don't just throw out abilities all willy-nilly, even after you get
Tear of the Goddess
, as finding your balance between farming and hitting them is important to getting through lane with
If you ever want to roam, remember your wave clear combo mentioned earlier to quickly clear and shove a wave to show up to fights.

How to push Brand's power
It's pretty simple really, Brand's % max health damage with just his passive and the explosion part of his passive (which have no cap against epic monsters), along with the
Liandry's Torment
burn makes him one of, if not the best mage in the game for taking epic monsters. Showing up with your jungler to Baron or drake can allow you to take it insanely fast and can even nab it under people's noses if they underestimate your damage to epic monsters. If you are ahead, you can use your presence as a team fighter to make taking objectives all the easier. If they try to group for said objectives, you can
them and make them wish they never got out of bed that day.

General tips
- Brand's
Conflagration spreads to further targets if the thing you target with this ability is already on fire, use this to quickly spread damage to as many people as possible in team fights.
- Save your
Sear stun, as it is your only way to escape from people barring your flash, enchantments, and ult slow. A quick
Conflagration into
Sear with retreating
Pillar Of Flame is a great way to peel for yourself while also getting an explosion proc on your passive.
- Although staying alive is great, your whole thing in team fights is to do as much damage as possible to as many people as possible. If it takes you potentially dying to hit 4 people with your ult, that's a solid move if your team can follow up, especially on the chance you live by using [stasis enchant].
- If you're fighting against healers/enchanters, don't be afraid to skip on the
Void Staff or
Rabadon's Deathcap (depending on how much MR they build) for a
Morellonomicon . With your ult and
Conflagration , you can spread some nasty long lasting grevious wounds due to your damage over time.