[2.6a] Kai'sa Guide - Kai'sa CDR
- Faster cooldowns
- Receive a more powerful buff for Icathian Rain
- Hypercarry Powerhouse in the late game
- Guaranteed crits
- Kai'sa's E can take longer to evolve depending on the situation
- Glass cannon
- Large amount of gold required to get all items
Kai'sa Build
Best Build Guide for Kai'sa

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This is more of a transitional build that switches from one build to an upgraded variant as you scale into the late game. From Level 1 to Level 5, you farm and evolve Q as fast as possible. Rush
Blade of the Ruined King
Solari Chargeblade
from Levels 6 to 10. In this level range, boots can be situational depending on the enemy team matchup.
Once you are near level 10, you should have your E already evolved since
Solari Chargeblade
Blade of the Ruined King
meet the requirement to evolve your E ability. By the time you have Solari Chargeblade, you switch to the true build that has
Runaan's Hurricane
Infinity Edge
Navori Quickblades
, and [Stasis Enchant]
Levels 11 to 15, you farm Infinity Edge and Navori Quickblades. Navori reduces your non-ultimate cooldown abilities by 15% for each auto attack you land. In other words, more auto attacks with Kai'sa equals faster spell casting. Stasis is a lifeline in case you are being focused or taking heavy amounts of damage and survive. Runnan's Hurricane for each attack can do spread damage to nearby enemies, crits included combined with your other items lets you shred through the enemy team's health.
Kai'sa Runes
Best Runes for Kai'sa

Conqueror: With your insanely high attack speed and other abilities, Kai'sa is capable of rapidly acquiring multiple stacks of Conqueror. This rune will add more to the amount of damage you are already dealing throughout the match.
Brutal: Essential for Kai'sa in the early game as you receive extra when trading with enemy champions and last hitting minions.
Bone Plating: Scales great with Kai'sa due to the extra defenses you are given from the early game to the late game to help survive those team fights and in 1v1s.
Sweet Tooth: Get free gold and heal more when you obtain the honey fruit during the laning phase and the game in general.
Bone Plating Alternative 1 (Hunter Titan): If you are up against characters that make up a team composed of heavy AP/CC, or characters that can stun, root, taunt, etc, switch out bone plating for Hunter Titan. Hunter Titan gives you 20 max health and 4% tenacity for each takedown. 5 characters, 5 takedowns gain an extra 100 points for max health and 20% extra tenacity. This can work perfectly with Mercury's Treads since the boots give you a 35% resistance to all conditions thrown at you, getting 55% tenacity, shortening the duration from the following: Charm, Silences, Roots, Stuns, Slows, Taunts, Blinds, Immobilize, and Fears.
Bone Plating Alternative 2 (Second Wind): This is optional and isn't the recommended or best rune but something to change things up. Second Wind regenerates a random amount of your missing health that you lose from trading or taking general damage throughout the match.
Brutal Rune Alternative: If you like to play it extremely safe and farm from a distance with Kai'sa in the early game, then you can switch out Brutal with Hunter Vampirism. WIth Vampirism you can get either 2% physical vamp or magical vamp. Unique takedowns 2 AD with 1% physical vamp or 4 AP with 1% magical vamp. With this taken into consideration, you can receive the following: 10 AD with 5% physical vamp or 20 AP with 5% magical vamp. You can argue this could work better when running AP Kai'sa but works just as fine when running the traditional AD full crit Kai'sa playstyle.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Following is just a recommended combo but in the mid-game section of the match, you can go for Supercharge first, optional auto attacks, Icathian Rain, and then Void Seeker. Your main combos will mostly revolve around using Supercharge combined with your auto attacks and Icathian Rain. Void Seeker is a skill-shot that will work half the time unless you have good aim depending on the angle you're casting it from.

Similar to the first combo, this differs due to the ultimate being included and attempting to guarantee you a kill in either a 1v1 or a teamfight. Your ultimate Killer Instinct gives you a temporary barrier to give you some breathing room and dish out more damage before you die. This combo can also be used to guarantee you multiple kills if played properly depending on the conditions.
Kai'sa Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Against Miss Fortune in a 1v1, you can deal more damage to her thanks to your buffed Icathian Rain. The survival part to Supercharge that allows you to go invisible for a second gives you some extra breathing room and helps you use more spells to take her out.

Why go for CDR on Kai'sa?
This build has cool-down reduction added into the mix via Navori Quickblades.
1) Navori Quickblades gives you more AD, crits, and ability haste.
2) Reduces your non-ultimate ability cooldowns by 15%, making it faster to use them.
3) Can turn things in your favor if you're in a losing teamfight and need your abilities ready to deal damage to the enemy team and win the teamfight. You don't lose anything but gain more in terms of crits and damage. The largest disadvantage you get is being extremely fragile to bruisers or juggernauts due to lacking defenses.

Playing Kai'sa Patch 2.6A
Kai'sa is a very fun champion to play. She is a bit difficult to play for beginners. Her versatility brings a lot to the team and can hyper-carry in the late game. However, practice makes perfect and you improve with her the more you bring her into matches. In Patch 2.6A, Kai'sa was buffed. The AD ratio for Kai'sa's Icathian Rain was increased from 35% to 40%. Her Supercharge ability was buffed increasing her attack speed.
Your first power spike which is Icathian Rain occurs when you obtain B.F. Sword, Executioner's Calling, and Long Sword. This can be upgraded and simplified to just B.F. Sword, Executioner's Calling, and Blade of the Ruined King.
Your second power spike occurs once you get Stinger and then upgrade it to Solari Chargeblade.
[Kaisa:1] Launches 6 missiles and evenly distributes them to deal even damage in the early game segment. Isolating an enemy champion into a 1v1, those 6 missiles focus them, taking out a decent amount of their health. Upgrading this increases the amount from 6 to 12 missiles. Double the missiles, doubles the damage. The upgraded ability can erase any glass cannon-like character in a 1v1 situation. Icathian Rain is one of the best abilities for clearing minion waves.
[Kaisa:2] Landing Void Seeker on a target adds 2 plasma stacks. Once you reach 4 plasma stacks, the 5th stack deals bonus magic damage equal to the percentage of their missing health. Can also use this ability to mark enemies from far away to use your ultimate (Killer Instinct) to catch them and execute a kill. Using Void Seeker between attacks is an efficient way to get to 5 stacks to deal extra damage in a short amount of time.
[Kaisa:3] When using Supercharge without it being evolved, you gain movement speed when charging it and you gain attack speed right after. The only downside to using Supercharge is that you can't attack and can only use Icathian Rain. In the early game, you can use Supercharge first then combo into your other abilities. When you receive your next power spike, you can upgrade your 3rd ability, allowing you to become invisible during the charging. The evolved 3rd ability is useful and game-changing in the mid and late game. Evolved Supercharge and becoming invisible throws off the enemy and makes it difficult for them to attack you in this time frame.
[Kaisa:Ult] Gives her the power to dash to an enemy champion's location marked by plasma. Gives her a shield, absorbing damage for a few seconds. This will be your main ability to outplay enemies and get an advantage for your team in team fights. When in a 1v1 at close range, you can use it to avoid damage, skill shots, crowd control, or for getting a shield. Allows you to reposition and gain a shield to help you survive. The best way to use this ability is by aiming it to get the best advantage possible when using it.

Boots & Enchants
When it comes to the boots, you have multiple options to choose from but can depend on the situation and team composition.
Mercury's Treads
These boots give you a 35% resistance to all conditions thrown at you, shortening the duration from the following: Charm, Silences, Roots, Stuns, Slows, Taunts, Blinds, Immobilize, and Fears. When it comes to the rune
Hunter Titan
it synergizes perfectly. If you are up against characters that make up a team composed of heavy AP/CC, or characters that can stun, root, taunt, etc, switch out bone plating for Hunter Titan. Hunter Titan gives you 20 max health and 4% tenacity for each takedown. 5 characters, 5 takedowns gain an extra 100 points for max health and 20% extra tenacity. This can work perfectly with Mercury's Treads since the boots give you a 35% resistance to all conditions thrown at you, getting 55% tenacity, shortening the duration from the following: Charm, Silences, Roots, Stuns, Slows, Taunts, Blinds, Immobilize, and Fears.
Plated Steelcaps
When playing against a team that composes of mostly AD or full AD, you go for these to reduce the damage taken from AD us
Gluttonous Greaves
If you want to take advantage of lifesteal and heal loads of health, this boots option synergizes perfectly with
Blade of the Ruined King

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know so future guides are up to date and not outdated. No one likes using outdated builds and not being informed of the current meta and where specific characters stand in that patch for League of Legends Wild Rift.