[2.6a] Renekton Guide - Renekton for Pros
Renekton for Pros
- Amazing early game
- Quite tanky
- High damage output
- A lot of aoe damage (area of effect)
- Weak against ranged top (like most melee champs)
- If he is punished or gets behind it is hard to become relevant again
- Struggles against most assassins
- Difficult to help at objectives like dragon
- Falls off late game
Renekton Build
Best Build Guide for Renekton

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
If you don’t understand terms there is a glossary at the end of the guide
Starting items
- Always start with a
Long Sword on this champ. It always provides the best value and gives you high AD which increases you
Cull The Meek damage
- Next build a
Vampiric Scepter this item provides AD and some physical vamp. This gives you some sustain for the early game which is very important. sometimes if you are low on health and have enough gold to buy this item you can recall but often it is better to just stay in lane
- After a
Vampiric Scepter you will build a
Recurve Bow this is only because it is in the build path for
Blade of the Ruined King . The attack speed helps but not that much. This is not an item worth recalling for. Most of the time just continue farming until you can buy
Blade of the Ruined King
Core items
Renekton ’s first item should always be
Blade of the Ruined King it provides too much value on him not to be taken. It gives AD and physical vamp with attack speed. The raw stats are all good but the passive is the important part. The percentage current health damage works great with
Renekton for demolishing tanks. The second part is triggered easily with
Ruthless Predator this deals bonus damage to his main combo and steals move speed so you can chase them down.
Black Cleaver works well with him because it complements the bruiser/fighter playstyle that
Renekton uses. The CDR helps since
Dominus doesn’t reduce cooldown. The health makes him more tanky and the passives help him chase down enemies and melt tanks. Armour reductions is also for your teammates so they can benefit from the reduced armour.
- The last item in his core build is
Death's Dance this item just gives you so much sustain and health while also giving some AD. This makes him very tanky and gives him time to heal for damage taken so he might survive the fight.
Full build
- First build
Blade of the Ruined King
- Next build a
Teleport Enchant with either
Mercury's Treads or
Plated Steelcaps . This is either if you are against AD or AP heavy team comps. Teleport also helps you get to objective fights since that is something he should do.
- Build a
Black Cleaver after
- Now I normally build a
Warmog's Armor this is because you now get a ton of health and are very tanky and when you leave combat you have insane health regen. It also grants a ton of max health.
- Now build a
Death's Dance
- Your last item doesn’t matter too much and is switchable based on different conditions. I normally go for a
Mortal Reminder to cut enemy healing and destroy their armour, but sometimes i go for a
Wit's End against AP heavy comps or maybe a
Randuin's Omen against a lot of ADC’s
Renekton Runes
Best Runes for Renekton

Always take
for you keystone it helps out when you are trying to fight enemies and provides too much value compared to other runes.
because nothing else really fits that well, the armour pen and AD give a huge early game boost in damage. MAYBE you can take
so when you stun you combos deal more damage but
is better early game.
Adaptive Carapace
for when you are under 50% health your passive [renekton:passive] gains fury faster, this makes under 50% trades very effective as you hit a power spike and might be able to use empowered
Cull The Meek
to heal on their minions to win early trades. Remember you are one of the strongest level 1 champs in the game with you and
being some of the strongest.
Sweet Tooth
is a good Rune to have good sustain in the laning phase.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is your basic combo for trades you get in, stun damage and heal and then get out. If they are low you might just continue trying to kill them and don’t dash away but dash towards them to finish them. But most of the time this is you basic combo

This is an all out engage where you jump in stun like your normal combo but then you ult and dash again towards them. Then you use the rest of you abilities and auto attacks to finish them.
Renekton Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
This is a very easy trade, bait her
Five Point Strike
and you will easily beat her and stop her from turning her into a monster that can 1 v 9

Early game
Renekton is one of the strongest champions in the early game beating most matchups with ease. Remembering to abuse his powerful early game is crucial to playing him. The stun on his
Ruthless Predator
is very powerful since it also gains a lot of fury. When the rage bar is full use your
Cull The Meek
When you are close to enemy minions. This maximises the healing on the ability and gives insane sustain. Make sure to abuse the basic combo since most champs cant do anything. With the exception of fiora and jax few champs can fend you off. Just try not to over extend too much unless you have a lot of vision otherwise you will probably be ganked losing the laning phase for you. When you have enough gold to buy
Blade of the Ruined King
recall and then you will hit a huge power spike. Maybe you can stick around a bit longer and buy teleport to TP to the dragon fight if there is one. Place a ward in the river brush near top lane at the start to prevent a gank kill. If things are going well and the minion wave is pushed into the enemy tower then you can try to help your jungler by getting or denying the enemy jungler of top scuttle. Renektons early game is one to abuse and is very good especially in the hands of a pro

Mid game
If renektons early game is good he will dominate in the mid game with unrivalled damage and now that he is on higher levels he will become a lot more tanky. His damage is consistent and he can easily take down many opponents and help out in objectives. With your stun and a ton of armour reduction you help your team quite a lot and become very powerful. You can start roaming and leaving top lane and try to take a turret or rift herald. Your goal in the mid game is to just roam and kill as many people as possible you can shut down most squishy carries and mages instantly and tanks don’t have enough damage to kill you. Unless its a [dr.mundo] but even then you have a much higher damage out put.

Late game
You have probably performed well in the early and mid game and the goal is much the same as mid game. However you need to be a lot more careful now because even if you are ahead they still have a lot of items now and are a high level.you should be able to kill them but its not as easy as you don’t have a powerspike quite as big as the
Blade of the Ruined King
one. You can demolish turrets quickly and should try to do so. Again your goal is to kill everyone you can and help with objectives and now that you are high level your true power is unleashed gaining 750hp with your
and your AD becomes too high. You are not as powerful as in the early or mid game but you are still a force to be reckoned with.d

AD = attack damage
AP = ability power
CDR = cooldown reduction / ability haste