[2.2c] Renekton Guide - Renekton Baron Lane Guide
Renekton Baron Lane Guide
- Powerful Early & Mid Game
- Single Target & Hard CC
- Mobile Champion (W)
- In-built healing (Q)
- Strong split pusher
- Weak Late Game
- Countered by Exhaust
- Weak First Levels
Renekton Build
Best Build Guide for Renekton

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items
Long Sword is bought as a first item as it grants you attack damage which allows you to last hit easier and deal more damage to enemies with the help of your
Ruthless Predator which deals two/three auto-attacks. On top of that, it is also a good purchase as it builds into your first full item
First Recall
Phage builds into
Black Cleaver and also
Trinity Force if you decide to buy that instead. It is the only item worth buying first as it builds into your first full item, and grants good stats for
Renekton .
Kindlegem is the second item that builds into
Black Cleaver and is more or less necessary. You can also choose to buy
Stinger if you wish to go for
Trinity Force as
Phage isn't strong on
Mercury's Treads against magic damage & stuns.
Plated Steelcaps against heavy AD teams.
Fighter Build
This is more or less the default build that a lot of Renekton players will go for. It offers a decent amount of attack damage, health, and mixed resistance. Fits well for both team fighting and split-pushing.
Black Cleaver is your standard item. Grants you AD, HP and Ability Haste which is everything
Renekton needs. On top of that, it also allows you to shred through enemy tanks.
- [sterak' gage] turns you into a super tank. You get a lot of health from it, and a very fat shield when you fall below 35% health.
Teleport Enchant is a standard enchantment as you will be split-pushing with this build, and then teleporting to your team when a fight breaks out.
- [guardian's angel] is very powerful. It allows you to engage, take down enemies, and revive with the item. A lot of enemies will avoid focusing on you because they know you will come back to life. Allows you to be a team-fight diver, without taking a lot of focus from the enemies.
Dead Man's Plate give you movement speed to allow you to catch up to enemies. On top of that, you also get armor and health which is very useful in the later stages of the game when enemies have a lot of AD.
Spirit Visage is your last purchase because you have no magic resistances, and it works well with
Cull The Meek which allows you to heal.
Juggernaut Build
The juggernaut build is something you should go for if your team are lacking tanks, and they need someone to engage, soak up all damage and allow them to fight without worrying about dealing with their backline.
Sunfire Aegis is the first item that all tanks buy. It grants you damage, a lot of health, and a decent amount of ability haste.
- [sterak' gage] turns you into a super tank. You get a lot of health from it, and a very fat shield when you fall below 35% health.
Glorious Enchant is used to engage team fights with, or you can also go for
Gargoyle Enchant if your [renekton:3] is enough to engage.
Dead Man's Plate give you movement speed to allow you to catch up to enemies. On top of that, you also get armor and health which is very useful in the later stages of the game when enemies have a lot of AD.
Spirit Visage because you have no magic resistances, and it works well with
Cull The Meek which allows you to heal.
- The last item is optional. Typically people go for
Thornmail if they need healing reduction,
Randuin's Omen if the enemies have 2 AD Carries or a
Yasuo or even a [Warmong's armor] if they feel like they get bursted too easily.
Glorious Enchant should be bought if you are facing an enemy that you can not catch, for example
Kennen ,
Teemo , or maybe even
Vayne .
Teleport Enchant is the most standard enchantment. You take this if you want to split-push, or to match another split-pusher like
Fiora ,
Camille , and
Jax .
Gargoyle Enchant is only taken if your team needs a frontline. It allows you to dash in, gain 130% bonus health and soak all enemy damage. Works very well with the juggernaut build
- [stasis enchant] should be bought if you are losing and get one-shot by enemy champions like
Zed ,
Fiora ,
Camille , and others.
Fighter 2
This build is a lot more based around skirmishes and short trades. You buy
Blade of the Ruined King
Trinity Force
because they work very well with your
Ruthless Predator
. I haven't tried it personally, but I see a lot of top Renektons build it.
Renekton Runes
Best Runes for Renekton

- Conquerer
Conquerer is used as you can stack it with pretty much AA+
Ruthless Predator
+AA and a Q.
- Brutal
Brutal is taken for the extra early AD, as well as some in-built AD Pen which is very useful when playing against tanks
Conditioning / Hunter Titan / Regeneration Thirdly, we take same runes for same reason as first set. Hunter genius
- Sweet tooth
Sweet tooth is just broken.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Standard trading combo:
- Engage with
Slice And Dice
- Use
Ruthless Predator to stun your enemy, and follow it up with an auto-attack while they are stunned
- Finish it off with a
Cull The Meek to deal damage
- Disengage by using
Slice And Dice away from your enemy

Level 2 all-in combo:
- Engage with
Slice And Dice
- Use an auto-attack, and follow it up with
Ruthless Predator
- Continue dashing into the enemy with
Slice And Dice if they [Flash] or disengage.
Useful against enemies where they out-scale you, e.g.

The Unexpected All In:
- [Flash] into [Renekton:2] when you have over 50% Fury.
- Then you
Dominus to gain more Fury to use
Cull The Meek to heal and deal bonus damage
Slice And Dice for if they try to disengage, otherwise for pure damage
- Auto-attack +
Slice And Dice and [ignite] to finish them off in the best way you can
This combo is very powerful to use when the opponents have around half hp or less.
Renekton Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Bramble Vest
, play super aggressive early. You should win all stages of the game if you go
Black Cleaver
and get a few kills ahead.