[2.1a] Be the Hunter, not the Prey - Kai'Sa Guide by Levi
Be the Hunter, not the Prey - Kai'Sa Guide by Levi
Kai'sa Build
Best Build Guide for Kai'sa

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Blade of the Ruined King
- Represents the best item on Kai'Sa. It gives you sustain, attack damage, attack speed, % bonus damage, bonus magic damage AND has a slow. Pretty stacked item huh? With +30 attack damage and +30% attack speed you also get the bonus stats you need to evolve [kaisa:1] and [kaisa:3].
Runaan's Hurricane
- The second most important item on ad Kai'Sa. WIth its passive, Wind's Fury , your auto attack now splits to deal damage to 2 additional nearby enemies. These strikes can CRIT but what's more important, they apply ON-HIT EFFECTS. These are the additional damage sources some passives do provide, such as [blade of the ruined kings] or Your own passive [kaisa:passive]. With Runaans you can trigger your passive on 2 additional targets, raising your teamfight and damage potential a lot. This item also gives you +25% crit chance AND +45% attack speed with which you are able to upgrade your [kaisa:3].
Infinity Edge
- Pretty much the most common item on almost every adc. With +55 it provides a huge amount of ad, +25% crit chance and a great passive which buffs your CRITICAL STRIKES by raising its damage from 200% to 230%.
- Pretty much the raw, agressive version of death dance. It provides a lot of sustain and a great shield that stacks up to 320 shield power by the overhealing from your auto attacks. It's not the best item and sometimes outshined by
Death's Dance
but I like the huge amount of bonus ad and the shield.
Mortal Reminder
- Probably the best last item you can take. It gives you a huge amount of armor penetration and bonus ad but the most important think is its passive which provides grievous wounds (antiheal). Almost every champion has some healing affects in his build or even in his kit. Since you can attack up to 3 enemys due to
Runaan's Hurricane
's passive, you can spread this passive pretty well on the enemy team.
Phantom Dancer
- Provides +25% crit chance and +45% (!) bonus attack speed what turns you into the machine gun of the voids. The idea behind this item is his passive, which provides a shield worth up to 590 damage if your HP fall under 35%. This item makes more sense if you need to shield yourself from burst.
Death's Dance
- Sometime the better bloodthirster. It gives you some bonus ad, +300 max health and some ability haste. It also gives you physical vamp but most importantly a nice passive which converts 30% of the damage taken into a 3 second long bleeding effect what means that this damage applys delayed.
Example:You take 90 dmg. Instead of bursting you, you take 30 dmg every second for the next 3 seconds. This gives you time to heal and stops ppl from bursting you down by one spell. Since you have a great survivability and want to work with your spells, this item makes more sense than
But again, I took bloodthirster since it feels more comfortable to me.
[stasis enchant] - If you need to dodge burst damage ([zed:ult],
Last Caress
,), hard cc (
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
) or if you want to bait enemys, take this.
Quicksilver Enchant
- If the enemy team has a lot of cc.
Kai'sa Runes
Best Runes for Kai'sa

H Vamp: Giving you some early, scaling sustain.
H Titan: The better, scaling version of Spirit Walker. Outscales it AND provides tenacity instead of slow resistance, which raises Every CC resistance.
Sweet Tooth: Rewards you for healing yourself. LMAO

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Kai'sa Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Shouldn't be able to keep up with you once you've hitten Lv5.
Get's completely outscaled and outspiked by you.

On current patch you are pretty much the Queen of duolane. You win most of the matchups, you have insane scaling and well defined power spikes.
With the perfect balance between patience and aggressiveness you should be able to carry almost every game.
Things you need to know
Some basics you need to know:
1. Don't hesitate to use your [kaisa:1] to clear waves. Its cooldown is pretty low, it deals more damage on low health minions and as long as you dont spam your [kaisa:2] you shouldn't become oom that fast. Midgame you also nearly oneshot the whole wave, giving you an advantage to most of the adcs.
2. You can cast [kaisa:1] and [kaisa:2] simultaneously, this will reduce the time you need to pull out your full combo and surprise the enemy since you cant even see [kaisa:2] flying if you stand close enough.
3. Kai'Sa has a pretty fast burst combo which can also be used to poke squishys suprisingly good in the early game. It's: AA - AA - [kaisa:1] + [kaisa:2] - AA
By using your 2nd and 3rd simultaneously you avoid canceling AA's.
4. Kai'Sa does have a pretty interesting scaling. While her [kaisa:3] scales with attack speed, the other spells do all scale with attack damage and ability power, giving her the possibiliy to chose between and ad or an ap build. Normally you go the ad build, but if your team lacks ap damage you possibly can go ap.
5. Having mixed damage, Kai'Sa does pretty well against tanks since you cant counter her just by stacking armor or mr. Damage Types:
Auto Attacks - Physical
Passive - Magical
Q - Physical
W - Magical
6. Don't just rush into the first target your passive leads you to. If a skirmish breaks out, use your ult to either shield yourself from lethal damage or to chase down carrys which try to run away to finish them off. Catching the carry out of a teamfight can easily turn the fight into your favor. You also can dodge aoe cc.
7. Your biggest spikes are: - Q evolve (
Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King
) | E evolve (
Runaan's Hurricane
) | Hitting
Infinity Edge
With [kaisa:ult] you have such a huge space for outplays. If Orianna casts her
Command: Protect
on you, you can dash into the whole enemy team to hit a perfect
Command: Shockwave
. You can bait the enemys to chase you just to [kaisa:ult] behind the whole team again, where Your team already waits. You can dash over walls, close the gap to enemys, disengage, repositioning yourself.

3 ADC Basics after your Laning Phase
1. Roaming. If you managed to destroy the enemy tower your team is atleast even or ahead, help your midlane to get his tower or swap with him.
This way you take your lead to other lanes so you can win them for your team. This only works if your lane is pushed out or if mid / jungle will do that for you.
IF: Your team just did the drake you also can swap with your baron lane to take the herald. Also, this only works if your team is willing to do so.
If not, stay on your lane and push with your jungler shadowing hopefully shadowing you to take some pressure from mid and baron lane.
2. Keep your lead up. Do not fall behind again, do not lower your pressure, don't give your enemy opportunities for a comeback.
3. Time. Your. Backports. 50secs left before the drake shows up. You have 2.000 gold in your pocket. What do you do now? Push the wave and backport.
This way you can spend your gold before important teamfights do start.

If you are actually reading the whole thing or even if you just scroll down to this point, thank you for reading and using my guide.
But who am I to think I can talk like a coach?
My name is Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (Yeah like the streamer ratirl, i know that)
With 4 years League (peaking Master 117lp) and 3 years Arena of Valor (peak Rank 21) experience i'm now trying
to help player improving their knowledge in Wild Rift with guides, cheat-sheets and someday with coaching sessions.
Also, i'm not creating these guides completely alone. Before i release stuff like this, i'm sharing it with player i deeply respect because of their game knowledge.
In this case, a champion guide, i speak to onetricks and high elo player since they know what to do with this champ and how other skilled player play him.
I'm also currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports (https://teamsingularity.com/) which is helping me with my guides, cheat-sheets and other content by assisting me with their knowledge.
If you liked this guide, have something to critizice or if you want more, leave a like and a comment down below.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUtciToL9vNdoZGIZs8r2g
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/levi_rb7
Discord: Levi || ζξζ ι ζξζ #1113
Content Server: https://discord.gg/WjGEmSw