[2.6a] Amumu Guide - AP Amumu mid
AP Amumu mid
- Great teamfight, lots of cc, high damage
- You can't really roam that well,
Amumu Build
Best Build Guide for Amumu

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
- This build is allows you to have a strong early which
Amumu lacks and late game. [ludens echo] Ludens is must if u want a good early bc it provides good damage after that
Rabadon's Deathcap rabadons is a must to extend your damage. For boots i prefer
Protobelt Enchant protobelt but u can use [Stasis Enchant] zhonyas aswell but protobelt provides more mobility and gap closer. Then
Morellonomicon morello is a great item as it provides hp, anti heal, and magic pen and
Liandry's Torment liandrys provides that burn which works great with you second skill. As for
Void Staff void staff it's just good if your enemy builds magic resist if they don't it still provides extra damage :)
Amumu Runes
Best Runes for Amumu

I believe this is the best rune set up.
Electrocute provides good early damage so u can win your lane.
Gathering Storm
Gathering storm improves your mid game and late damage.
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive is great for survival and to win lane.
Sweet Tooth
Honey fruit is just great for a laner that extra up can really save u.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is a simple combo u just press second skill to start then first skill an enemy and combo it with ulty third skill.

This is flash ulty combo you can do it easily when u can't hit your first skill.

This is first skill flash combo u basically can just hit a minion with your first skill and after that follow it with a flash to surprise enemies.
Amumu Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Akali if u manage to dodge her skills you win easily by hitting your first skill third skill and proc electrocute.

Amumu mid op?¿
Starting off you get you
to wave clear. When you get your
is when u can try to be more aggressive and go for plays look for roams and u can be great help with the new
Bandage Toss
since u can double grab someone. You play your lane look for roams. So when u get LVL 6 that's when u get
Luden's Echo
ludens that items is where u begin to hurt. Note even if there is like 6 seconds and the drake is about to start u can go get the minion wave and get you ludens trust me it's worth. In first drake u must have your
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
ulty as it is the only thing that makes you good in teamfights so try not to waste it. You generally want to get a good 4 man or 3 man ulty even 5 man if u can but try to focus they carries as much as possible. Try to hit them with your ulty at least 2 or 1 of them. After that just roam look for good engages help your team you can even Tower dive. (knowing you team will follow) That's generally what u want to do help in objectives,roam, farm and destroy the enemies with your insane damage after u get rabadons. Even if your jg is dead and objective is up u can try and steal it with your team or at least kill some of the enemies which will be worth. You must remember you are the playmaker unless you have engage support try to make the engages and good ones. Always knowing your team will follow up. You must remember tho you are not a tank so u will go down easily.