[4.3] Sett Guide - [Patch4.3] "The boss is here. Hold your applause."
[Patch4.3] "The boss is here. Hold your applause."
- A strong tank
- Only a few champs can counter him in wr
- Strong in early
- Split pusher
- Low movementspeed
- One of the biggest counter for him is cc
- Long ability cooldowns
- Not that good at chasing
Sett Build
Best Build Guide for Sett

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
- Starting Item
Long Sword The first item for Sett plus
Brutal you will get more AD to damage your enemy in lane.
Ruby Crystal Alternative first item for set. Additional hp for early taking downs specially if you want Sett as a support. (Updated)
- My build

Black Cleaver In my previous Sett guide I said that you can buy
Trinity Force because it is good for Sett to enhance his basic attack more but because
Black Cleaver is alot cheaper and it also enhance basic attack and reduces armor. And just like
Trinity Force ,
Black Cleaver gives you 25 Ability Hastes to reduce Sett's CD and 350 Max Health.
Sterak's Gage It gives you additional 50% base AD and 400 Max Health. It also good when you are getting gank. When your Hp drop to 35% you will get a shield that equals to 75% bonus Hp.
Edge of Night I highly recommend to use this Item because it makes you immune on CC it also gives you 250 Max Health and 50 AD .
- (
Death's Dance This item is also good for Sett just like
Black Cleaver and you will also get a bit of pysical vamp.) This build is kinda good for sett specially in solo lane or getting ambush alone passive: After taking town the enemy champ. Your champ will heal 10% of your max hp and it will reduce the damage you will get but.
Divine Sunderer Is taking its spotlight for solo because of the passive: Hitting an enemy champs will damaged them 10% of their max hp and will heal Sett 7% of their max hp every 10sec. although its healing is depend on an enemy champs, it is still best for 1on1 fight with a tanky champs.
Warmog's Armor Lastly this is one of the best armor you can use for Sett. It gives you 700 Max Health, 200% Health Regen and 10 Ability Hastes. Having so much health for Sett Is really good.
- Boots and Enchants
Ionian Boots of Lucidity for additional Ability Hastes.
Boots of Swiftness for 10 more movement speed.
Protobelt Enchant for chasing enemy and additional combo.
Gargoyle Enchant for late game tanky Sett and also good for clash. Activating
Gargoyle Enchant will increase your Hp by 65% but activating it while there are 3 or more enemy champions nearby your Hp will increase by 130% instead.(OutDated)
Gargoyle Enchant no longer enhanced hp, instead 20% Shield and if there are more enemy champs will get 200% instead. Still good for in gaging.(Updated)
- Default Full Build Stats
- Activated
Gargoyle Enchant Stats(Reworked)
- Activated
Gargoyle Enchant while 3 enemy champions are nearby Stats(Reworked)
Sett Runes
Best Runes for Sett

Grasp of the Undying
- Using this keystone, we can enhance are max hp into even higher because of its passive.
Gathering Storm
- Same as
Grasp of the Undying
but to enhance the attack damage.
Hunter Titan
- To also enhance max hp by takingdown enemy champs.
Hunter Genius
- Same as
Hunter Titan
but to enhance ability haste.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Just a simple combo, level 1 combo

2nd simple level 2 combo
(tips: the enemy will get stunned if there is an enemy minion or enemy champion each side of your
,just make sure they will get pulled at the same time using your

Reminder when to use
: Use it only if you have atleast a half bar of grit or full grit to get a barrier from it and gives so much damage.

Full combo with [flash]

Full combo with
Protobelt Enchant
Sett Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
I did an experiment if Garen can takedown Sett because of his
that gives him extra armor and
Decisive Strike
that can disable champions ability but Sett don't need to use his ability even just for a second. You just have to let Garen damage you and just punch him and after the disable you can now use your ability. Your only problem is his
Demacian Justice
but atleast you got so much grit from him you will get a large amount of barrier to use as a shield if he use his
Demacian Justice

Sett's Ability
- Passive:
Pit Grit - Sett's attack alternate between left and right punches. Right punches follow the left quickly and deal an additional 6 pysical damage (6 + 50% bonus AD).
Sett will reset back to a left punch if he does not do a right punch within 2 seconds of doing a left punch. The Attack Speed of a right punch is 8 times that of a left punch.
- 1st Skill:
Knuckle Down (cd:9.5s) - Sett itches for a fight, gaining 30% Movement Speed enemy champions for 1.5 seconds. Additionally empowers the next two attacks to deal an additional 10 plus 1.57% (1%+0.01%AD) max health pysical damage.
The additional damage is capped at 200 against monster.
- 2nd Skill:
Haymaker (cd:16s) -
- Passive: Stores 100% of damage taken as a Grit, up to 305 (50%Hp). Grit decays quickly 4 seconds after the damage was taken.
- Active: Consumes all Grit, gaining a 100% Grit consumed shield decays over 3 seconds. Sett then delivers a massive punch, dealing 80 plus 25% (25% + 0.1%bonus AD) Grit consumed true damage to enemies in the center (max 157 damage). Enemies not in the center instead take pysical damage.
- 3rd Skill:
Facebreaker (cd:14s) - Smashes enemies on either side into each other, dealing 85 pysical damage (50 + 60%AD) and slowing them by 50% for 0.5 seconds. If Sett grabbed atleast one enemy on each side, all enemies are stunned for 1 second.
- UTL:
The Show Stopper (cd:80s) - Grabs an enemy champion and suppresses them as he carries them forward, then slams them into the ground, dealing 200 (200 +100% bonus AD) plus 40% Health pysical damage to sorrounding enemies and slowing them by 99% for 1 second. Enemies take less damage the further they are from where Sett lands.

Ability cd per level
- Skills
Knuckle Down - 9.3s, 7.8s, 6.3s, 4.9s
Haymaker - 15.6s , 14.1s, 12.7, 11.2
Facebreaker - 13.7s, 12.2s, 10.7s, 9.3s
The Show Stopper - 78s, 63.3s, 58.5s

Sett's Build Origin
The build that I used for Sett is actually based on one of the famous build. "Mathematically Correct Sett Build" . This build ignores armor and magic resistance and using only Ability Hastes , Hp , AD and etc. The original build has Goredrinker,
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Sterak's Gage
Black Cleaver
, Titanic Hydra and
Warmog's Armor
but since there are no Goredrinker and Titanic Hydra I replaced Goredrinker with
Death's Dance
because just like Goredrinker
Death's Dance
gives AD, Ability Hastes, Vamp and Hp and Titanic Hydra with
Edge of Night
that gives AD and Hp.
Mathematically correct Sett full build enhanced the 2nd skill
and can deals 3k+ True Damage (if full grit) but my build can only make
deals 2k+ True Damage (if full grit) but it is still good just like the pc build.
Check this channel to understand more about Mathematically correct Sett
link: https://youtu.be/NXrbq3OFcWk

Some terms I used
CC: (Crowd Control) - Abilities that stopping you from controling your champion and disabling your ability. Some examples of different types of cc -> stun, airborne/knock up, charm and etc.
AD: (Attack Damage) - Type of damage that are usually used by adc(attack damage carry) and champions that has ad skills.
AP: (Ability Power) - Type of damage that are usually used by ap champions or champions that has ap skills.
CD: - Cooldown
Ability Hastes: - The ability that reduces cooldown of champion's skills.
Vamp: (Vampirism) - Also known as lifesteal. It only works if you hit or damage an enemy and it will restore some of you missing hp. (The hp you will gain is based on how many vamp percentage you have)
Hp: Health Points

This build only focuses in enhancing your 2nd skill
into its full potential(not full potential actually). We only need to use items that has AD and Health. Recently Riot rework some of the items and added 2 new Ad items and I have to remove
Death's Dance
form this build. Since only AD and Hp can enhance
and armor can slowdown getting a grit(you can gain grit by taking damage from enemy and armor can reduce damage you can take and low damage taken equals low grit will gain). From a recently patch
Death's Dance
got rework (
Death's Dance
Hp change into armor) but there is a new item that is good for sett. [Divine Surrender], it has low ad but but the hp is fine and the item passive is also good for his [sett:1] (passive: after using an ability enhance next basic attack)
You can build Divine Surrender 2nd or 4th one.
I will update this guide after they added 3.1 updates here.

Thank you for reading my Sett guide I hope it helps you understand Sett much better. Have fun using Sett in rift...