by Beng1

[2.2c] Freljord unite! - Ashe Guide by Levi

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.2c
May 23, 2021 16:57

Freljord unite! - Ashe Guide by Levi

Learn with me how to play one of the most underrated champions in the game. Get in touch with champion insights, builds, runes and matchup guides.

Ashe Build

Best Build Guide for Ashe

Blade of the Ruined King
Runaan's Hurricane
Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King
Gluttonous Greaves
Runaan's Hurricane
Guardian Angel
Infinity Edge
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder
Phantom Dancer
Umbral Glaive
Quicksilver Enchant
Protobelt Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King - Your most important item. Provides attack damage, attack speed, % bonus damage, bonus magic damage, slow and lifesteal.
Making it a great first choice for ashe by helping her to play with her strengths (her kiting) and giving her some sustain to survive the early game.
Making her the perfect kiting machine together with Frost ShotFrost Shot and Ranger's FocusRanger's Focus .

Runaan's HurricaneRunaan's Hurricane - Almost as important as bork. Providing good stats and, what's more important, multi-target auto attacks. Adding 2 bolts to every auto attack, giving her the ability to attack up to 3 targets with one auto attack. These bolts deal reduced damage (40% ad) but do trigger on-hit effects such as Frost ShotFrost Shot and Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King 's ruined strikes, giving her great teamfight potential.

Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge - Standart item on almost every adc. Good stats and a passive which buffs critical strikes making it a must-have in every crit build.


Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder - Adding an antiheal to every auto attack, giving ashe together with Runaan's HurricaneRunaan's Hurricane the ability to prevent enemys from healing against her teams damage. Must-have if enemy team has a lot of sustain.

Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer - Great adc stats and a passive which gives you a small shield, preventing you from getting burst down.

Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive - More of a supportive item. Does provide a good amount of +ad and armor pen but more importantly a passive which reveals wards and traps around you. Fits to a more supportive playstyle, giving you together with HawkshotHawkshot the ultimate map controll.

BloodthirsterBloodthirster - The more aggressive variant of Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer . Providing a huge amount of +ad, lifesteal and a passive which generates a shield out of your overheal.


Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant - Most of the time the best option. Cleanses yourself from every kind of cc (except knock ups/backs) creating space for aggressive plays and provides some saftyness.

Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant - Sounds like some kind of troll but provides you a dash with which you can dodge spells or dash away from your enemys. Helps you out with your lack of mobility.

Ashe Runes

Best Runes for Ashe

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan


Perfect for extended trades/fights. Especially in early game you want to go for extended trades and force your enemys into fights since your ability to kite your enemy down with Frost ShotFrost Shot and Ranger's FocusRanger's Focus shines the brightest at this stage of the game. With conqueror your damage seems pretty unfair compaired to other adcs early game damage.


The perfect rune for ashe. Gets triggered whenever you slow someone. Since your whole kit and even your auto attacks do slow, weakness gets triggered by everything you do in fight. Providing you a permanent 5% bonus damage buff making this the best rune on her.


The better, scaling version of Spirit Walker. Outscales it AND provides tenacity instead of slow resistance, which raises Every CC resistance. 

Very teamplay oriented rune. Provides bonus damage on objectives, rewarding you more for participating in taking them down. Theoretically more rewarding than Sweet Tooth, but Sweet Tooth impacts the laning phase more.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Frost Shot
Frost Shot - Passive
Ranger's Focus
Ranger's Focus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Common on almost every champion in the game. No need to explain.
Gives you some sustain by healing and provides movement speed. Common rune on adc's.
A playstyle that requires a good supporter and/or premate. Scales better into the game, has a lower cd than heal + gives an adc the self-peel for splitpushes, burst damage or 1v1's. (Heal is taken by the supp then)

Ashe Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

No big deal. Most of the time you will be the one engaging. Since he has to run away from you his skillshots should be easy to read and to dodge. Sometimes the time it takes for him to do his spells will just make it easier for you to take him down.



Some of you might think "why should I even play her in the first place?" , and I understand that. She's pretty immobile, seems to be unable to keep up with other adcs and just does not feel that strong. But only because you don't know what makes her strong. And maybe because you just want to stick to the meta.
But let's make HER meta. With these following tips:

1. Learn to kite -  In Wild Rift it's pretty easy to kite, you just have to spam the attack button while moving. But what I am about is to know when you are able to force your opponent to fight you so that you are actually able to kite. As some of you might know, except Jinx in her rocket form ashe does have the highest attack range ingame.
Work with it. Keep in mind that nobody can match your attack range. Force your opponent into long trades until he realises that you just kite him down.
But then it's pretty hard to run away from ashe since you slow or even stun with your ult.

2. Work with your passive - Your passive means that every of your auto attacks or damaging spells do slow the enemie. Against frost shot slowed enemies your auto attacks deal as much damage as a crit whould (+100%) PLUS 10% bonus damage. What does that mean?
It means that Ashe does not rely on lucky crits. As long as you already hit your enemy you will deal as much damage as a normal crit.
Therefore Ashes "normal" crits do not apply extra damage, they just increase the slow.
So always try to hit VolleyVolley on your enemy so that your first auto attack does already crit.

3. Be the perfect adc - If you think about adcs in general you think about doing auto attacks and kiting. And Ashe is the perfect champion for this. You have kind of guaranteed crits and your auto attacks also do slow the enemy. By maining Ashe you automatically learn to master your movement and kiting potential as adc.

4. Abuse your range - As Ashe you mostly want to bully your lane. By pushing the 1st wave and geting Lv2 first you already enable the stomp.
Now you have the ability to instantly punish your enemy if they go too far. Since you outrange almost everyone you can just go for free auto attacks on the enemy, as long as you do not run into spell like Light BindingLight Binding of course.

5. Use your hawkshot wisely - Your hawkshot is so broken in-terms of teamplay. You can track down the enemy jungler, spot objectives and even reveal traps and wards. How it works? Shooting your hawk will make him fly in a straight line. If you recast your spell, everything around the explosion area gets revelead. Traps, wards, evelynn, everything. Giving your team some proper counterplay against the current meta queen eve and hopefully makes your team waking up.

6. Gank from everywhere - With 65s cd, Ashes ult does have an Unfair cooldown. Firing an stun up to 3,5 seconds over the whole map can win any lane by sending the enemy laner afk. In my last Ashe games almost every midlane was won by me making the path for my midlaner just by disabling his opponent right from the base.

7. Know your spikes - Pretty unique but Ashe already does spike at level 1. Having the highest attack range (except Jinx in rocket form) having guaranteed crits + slowing the enemys with every auto attack. She also does spike pretty hard at level 5. Time your level up to surprise your enemy. With some proper follow up (braum, nami) you can get an easy kill that way.

8. Abuse Lulu - I know this one is kinda situative. But with Lulu beeing the new champion, a complete new meta will be created. Lulu has the ability to enable hard scaling lategame adcs already in the early-mid game. She can provide movement speed, attack speed and bonus damage on her adc + together with ardent censer you also do spike insanely hard. And since, as we learned, Ashe is the perfect adc, lulu must be the perfect supp for her right? ;)

9. Weakness - What i'm about is the domination rune Weakness. This rune does provide 5% bonus damage to enemys beeing impared (cc'd and yes, also slowed).
You know what i'm about right? Almost EVERYTHING that ashe does, does slow. So whatever you do to the enemy, as long as it hurts it does apply this debuff.
Giving Ashe an amazing amount of impact for the whole game.

You should've learned that by playing the adc role flawlessy, Ashe has the potential to become one of the strongest adcs currently in the game.
Try it yourself, she feels way stronger than you expect.



3 ADC Basics after your Laning Phase

1. Roaming. If you managed to destroy the enemy tower your team is atleast even or ahead, help your midlane to get his tower or swap with him.
This way you take your lead to other lanes so you can win them for your team. This only works if your lane is pushed out or if mid / jungle will do that for you.
IF: Your team just did the drake you also can swap with your baron lane to take the herald. Also, this only works if your team is willing to do so.
If not, stay on your lane and push with your jungler shadowing hopefully shadowing you to take some pressure from mid and baron lane.

2. Keep your lead up. Do not fall behind again, do not lower your pressure, don't give your enemy opportunities for a comeback.

3. Time. Your. Backports. 50secs left before the drake shows up. You have 2.000 gold in your pocket. What do you do now? Push the wave and backport.
This way you can spend your gold before important teamfights do start.



If you are actually reading the whole thing or even if you just scroll down to this point, thank you for reading and using my guide.

But who am I to think I can talk like a coach?
My name is Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (Yeah like the streamer ratirl, i know that)
With 4 years League (peaking Master 117lp) and 3 years Arena of Valor (peak Rank 21) experience i'm now trying
to help player improving their knowledge in Wild Rift with guides, cheat-sheets and someday with coaching sessions.

Also, i'm not creating these guides completely alone. Before i release stuff like this, i'm sharing it with player i deeply respect because of their game knowledge.
In this case, a champion guide, i speak to onetricks and high elo player since they know what to do with this champ and how other skilled player play him.

Currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports (https://teamsingularity.com/) which is helping me with my guides, cheat-sheets and other content by assisting me with their knowledge.

Analyst for Hexis Esports. https://www.hexis-esports.de/

Head/Coach of Andy PvPHD.
(2nd Place Wild Rift Competetive Monthly https://liquipedia.net/wildrift/Wild_Rift_Competitive/Monthly/EUNA/1 / 2nd Place JGDIFF Tournament)

If you liked this guide, have something to critizice or if you want more, leave a like and a comment down below.



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3 years ago
not seraphine i mean ashe.
3 years ago
To be honest, i don't think Infinity Edge is good for Seraphine since her passive doesn't allow her to deal crit damage but bonus damage when enemy is slowed that scales with crit chance. Amuse me
4 years ago
Great guide man. Just a thought but could you please talk about Support matchups as well because they're really just as essential as ADC matchups. Thanks!
4 years ago
Thx mate. I did them the last two times but felt like nobody need them. I'll add them next time again!
4 years ago
Really nice guide, my friend. Well done!
4 years ago