by Skitty

[1.1.0] Ashe Guide - Dragon Lane

Patch 1.1.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Ashe Guide - Dragon Lane

Hello everyone! Here's a quick guide on learning Ashe, which I think is one of the most underrated champions in Wild Rift right now. Enjoy!

Ashe Build

Best Build Guide for Ashe

Starting Items
Gluttonous Greaves
Blade of the Ruined King
Core Items
Blade of the Ruined King
Runaan's Hurricane
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel
Trinity Force
Stasis Enchant
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Black Cleaver
Mortal Reminder
Phantom Dancer
Gluttonous Greaves
Stasis Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
Locket Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Your starting item should be a Long SwordLong Sword , since the Attack Damage it gives will help you last hit the minions during the early laning phase.

As you farm up, Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King is the first item that you should buy. The built-in passive (which slows the enemy for 25% of its MS from 3 auto-attacks) from this item works well with Ranger's FocusRanger's Focus , in which you can proc or activate it with just 2 auto-attacks (as opposed to 3).

Contrary to a default build on any Marksman/Dragon Lane champion, I think PhagePhage is a wonderful item on Ashe since she lacks the mobility to escape with her skills unlike Kai'Sa or Ezreal or Vayne. The bonus Movement Speed on the item helps with kiting the enemies. It is optimal to build this after Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King but you don't have to build it into Trinity ForceTrinity Force right away.

Runaan's HurricaneRunaan's Hurricane works well with Ashe's kit, and it greatly helps her with clearing the wave. Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King and Runaan's HurricaneRunaan's Hurricane will be the first 2 core items that you should build for your mid-game fights.

The other builds in the Core Items set are self-explanatory: Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge increases your damage output and is a must-have on any Dragon Lane champion; Trinity ForceTrinity Force is the final item from your PhagePhage ; Guardian AngelGuardian Angel is very recommended because champions like Ashe are very squishy.

Your boots should be Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves , which gives you Physical Vamp (aka Lifesteal); [ninja tabi] (Armor) or Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads (Magic Resist) are okay too but I'd prefer building Greaves even if Zed or Akali is fed. For your boots upgrades, [stasis enchant] prevents you from getting one-shotted by a Malphite, Zed or Gragas; Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant clears away any crowd control effects such as stuns. [locket enchant] is a good upgrade too to help your teammates as well.

Of course, there are situational items as well that you can buy in certain scenarios:

I've seen players build Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade on Ashe as a second item after Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King , but building this would mean that you are not going to build Trinity Force. Ghostblade offers the MS passive and has a lot more damage that Trinity Force so it's a decent build if you wanna get back to lane faster.

Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is another item that you can build from PhagePhage and it gives more health and tankiness. It also reduces the armor of enemy champions. I would buy this in situations when my team is behind or I would get killed pretty easily.

Buy Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder if the enemy champions have crazy healing abilities such as Nami, Soraka, Dr. Mundo; but you can build this even if you're not facing them.

Other attack speed items like Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer adds tankiness to Ashe and can be an alternative to GA if you're fed. Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon adds safety with kiting from its increased attack range in teamfights. However, Statikk ShivStatikk Shiv doesn't fit with Ashe unless you're planning to build 3 attack speed items on her (which I don't recommend).

Ashe Runes

Best Runes for Ashe

Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth
Conqueror procs well with her. Ashe can easily get a full stack of Conqueror with her Skill 1. Fleet Footwork is nice, but it significantly reduces Ashe's damage in the early game and the recent nerfs don't help either.

Triumph gives you health after a kill. Marksmen need to be alive for as long as possible so they can give the most damage in teamfights, which is their role.

Sweet Tooth is a good way for farming, it's nice to have 60 extra gold so take it whenever you're close to a Honeyfruit.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Frost Shot
Frost Shot - Passive
Ranger's Focus
Ranger's Focus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

In trades, especially in 2v2 early laning phase, use Heal at the start of the fight rather than using it when your HP is low. Supports have a tendency to use Ignite when a champion is half HP and using Heal after getting Ignited would lessen the bonus HP.
Take this spell when your support chooses to go Heal. Barrier provides extra safety but lessens the chances of killing the enemy faster because your support doesn't have Ignite.
Not taking this spell would be trolling lol it is a must-have for any Dragon Lane champion

Ashe Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
I feel like Varus is underwhelming at the moment and his kit isn't enough to go toe-to-toe with the other Marksmen like Ashe. You should do well against him

Learning the Skills

You can use Ranger's FocusRanger's Focus as an auto-attack reset, I highly recommend auto-attacking first before using it to maximize the damage in short trades. Try to reach her max stacks on this skill (which is 6 consecutive auto attacks) so you can capitalize the full damage of the skill.

I think you can hit VolleyVolley to your enemies in lane by pretending to use the skill to the minions but leaving the other arrows to the enemies behind (those minions).

HawkshotHawkshot can reveal wards if you re-cast it on a certain area. It reveals wards for 3 seconds, but it's enough to destroy it. No other marksman has this mechanic ;)

You can reposition Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow with your Attack button as it travels across the map. The best way of maneuvering it is by steering it at the start rather than when the arrow approaches the enemy (it's quite hard to aim it).


Support Synergy

Due to the lack of Ashe's mobility, she's best paired with tanky supports that can peel and soak the damage, such as:

Ashe works best with Braum. Ashe's slows help Braum land his Winter's BiteWinter's Bite , and they can easily proc the stun passive making the enemies hard to escape from them. 

Alistar's PulverizePulverize and HeadbuttHeadbutt combo syncs well with Ashe's followups. 

Blitzcrank's Rocket GrabRocket Grab is a good follow-up for Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow and VolleyVolley .

Seraphine is a good pair with Ashe too with her Beat DropBeat Drop and EncoreEncore , they make a frustrating poking duo to lane against.

Enchanter supports such as Janna, Soraka, and Nami are okay too but with the current meta dominated with everyone buying Guardian Angel, it is much safer to pick tanky supports right now (although this is subject to change).


Final Thoughts

Remember that Ashe is a mid-late game champion, meaning that she will most likely struggle in the early phase due to her reliance on attack speed. Your goal as a Dragon Laner is to survive fights so that you can deal the most damage possible for your team.

I like playing Ashe in Wild Rift and I aim to reach at least the top 10 of Ashe users in the server (as of this writing I am currently Rank 76). I hope you enjoyed reading this guide and I hope it will help you be better at playing her, she's really strong when in the right hands. Thanks!!! 

You can add me also: Skitty#Meow

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4 years ago
Why would you build trinity force on Ashe over something like a bloodthirster? I'm not really sure if trinity is really that good. Any explanation?
4 years ago
The Phage item has a passive which increases your movement speed when attacking enemies. By building it into Trinity Force, it also includes an AS item (Stinger). It makes Ashe kite better in fights