by OnlyPlaysThresh

[2.6a] Thresh Guide - Thresh Carry

Build ver. 1, will be updated to reflect new item/champion changes. If I did a good job, bookmark or like it and I will do more.
Patch 2.6a
February 21, 2022 05:16

Thresh Carry

Thresh top is an off-meta flex pick that gives a lot of flexibility with your build but this guide focuses on hard carry Thresh with damage and crit. You'll learn when to back, how to build around different situations and get a bit of insight on some common matchups.


  • Lots of single target damage
  • Melt squishies
  • Super strong early-mid game
  • Insane teamfight damage with the right gank/setup


  • Falls off a bit towards the late game if not snowballing
  • Won't live long in teamfights with bad positioning
  • After you get uo 3/0 on the enemy laner you will feel unkillable... You aren't!!
  • Get melted if you are focused on

Thresh Build

Best Build Guide for Thresh

Starting Items
Long Sword
Boots of Speed
Core Items
Edge of Night
Gluttonous Greaves
Rapid Firecannon
Infinity Edge
Death's Dance

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Before we get into the items it's important to know how they affect your kit. Thresh's third ability FlayFlay charges up his basic dealing extra damage, 2 per soul plus 100%-175% AD based on ability level. During the laning phase both you and your enemy laner will be playing back to let the wave wear down so they can last hit. This gives you the advantage since you can wait for them to come in range, use your third ability to stun them and last hit their minion and then hit them with a fully charged auto winning you the trade and ideally denying the enemy laner your minion. Repeat this process a few times and the enemy will be behind in both hp if they don't have sustain and farm, meaning they cant get the item advantage on you. By building AD you are capitalizing on the trade potential of this pattern meaning that as you get stronger, the enemy loses more and more hp and farm by risking getting too close. This trade pattern protects you until you can finish your first 2 items plus boots and your fighting power spikes allowing you to commit more to running down champions. Remember that it is essential to max FlayFlay because that is the main source of your damage so your Death SentenceDeath Sentence will have a long cd and your Dark PassageDark Passage will not offer much protection.

For starting items you want to go either Long SwordLong Sword or Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed . If you feel you need the mobility go boots, otherwise take the sword to get your damage rolling early.

For your first back, you can go a few different ways. I like to back at 1500-2000 gold because with sword as your first item you can get Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk and Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves for sustain and AD/Pen or if you feel confident in your positioning without the extra mobility you can get your B.F. SwordB.F. Sword early for an quick power spike and still have enough for normal boots.

For your first item I like to finish Edge of NightEdge of Night because the [spellshield] can come in really handy to get out of a gank and win trades plus the HP makes you a little bit tankier and you get massive damage from the AD and pen. Since your armor scales hard because of your passive this first item makes you a problem for the baron laner since you can kinda tank and you can slap most champs.

Second, third, and fourth items should most always be StormrazorStormrazor , Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon , and Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge but the order can vary depending on the game. Stormrazor second is usually the best option because it gives you AD, AS, and crit. The crit increases your overall damage provided rng is on your side, but the main benefit is the AS since Thresh's autos can feel painfully slow later on in the game. If you follow the build path and go stormrazor into RFC, you have AS that can outpace most bruisers, bonus damage/range from energized attacks and solid AD for consistent damage. You can switch IE and RFC if you feel you dont need the extra mobility and instead want autos that hit like a truck.

Tbh most of the time this build sweeps and your team ends up winning before you get to this point if you know how to play carry Thresh, but for your last item it's purely situational. Enemy team have a lot of healing? Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder is good. Getting melted a little too fast? Death's DanceDeath's Dance is great for that. Want to crit every time? Essence ReaverEssence Reaver for more damage, Navori QuickbladesNavori Quickblades for more lanterns and CC. Enemy team too fast and they're getting away from you? Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade . Personally I like to play Death's Dance since the extra healing and damage mitigation are the most generally useful, but again it's dependent on the game.

I didn't include a boots enchantment in this for the same reason as the fifth item, it's purely situational. Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant will give you a lot of map impact if you don't have mobility from your items, but Shadows EnchantShadows Enchant , [locket enchant], and [redemption enchant] are good picks for baron lane. Shadows slows your fleeing opponents and seeks out nearby enemy champions in case the enemy jungler is closing in for a gank, locket and redemption both give you a bit of sustain in a jam and can help your teammates down the line, it really depends on what you aim to do in the game, whether that's carry from the front line or scoop picks on out of position enemy champs.

Thresh Runes

Best Runes for Thresh

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

Your main rune can be adjusted to fit your playstyle. You can run ConquerorConqueror if you want to keep smacking during fights or ElectrocuteElectrocute for major burst with your flay auto combo but for this build you want to run Fleet FootworkFleet Footwork for sustain and mobility, WeaknessWeakness , Bone PlatingBone Plating and Sweet ToothSweet Tooth . Fleet footwork gives you mobility and sustain letting you farm for longer and providing periodic healing even during a fight. Running fleet instills good habits of always moving around and being hard to hit with skillshots and snipes, another benefit to consider. 

Second rune is weakness, since Thresh's kit is all built around CC you can easily proc it giving you a near constant 5% damage bonus against affected champs that your allies can benefit from too. Plus this rune scales really well into the late game. Realistically the other domination runes have applications too, executing low health enemies and healing or bonus AD, but Thresh is one of the champions who synergizes really well across the board with the weakness rune.

Next rune is bone plating for defense. Since you aren't going to be building armor and mr, bone plating helps prevent you from getting bursted while also helping with trades and since part of Thresh's kit is waiting for an opportune moment to move in, you'll probably have bone plating every time you need it. You can run Adaptive CarapaceAdaptive Carapace if you like for low health sustain early game, but bone plating does a better job of preserving your health bar.

Last rune I like to run sweet tooth since it's just overpowered, bonus healing from honey fruits and 20 gold for each one, you can run to the three honeyfruit on your side of the map in case you need some quick gold before backing. PathfinderPathfinder also works if you want to gank midlane and help with objectives or Pack HunterPack Hunter if you want to buff your jungler or midlaner coming in for a gank. The mobility runes don't do too much to help you since you only get those bonuses in jungle or when allies are near so for the most part, sweet tooth will be your best bet.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Damnation - Passive
Death Sentence
Death Sentence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dark Passage
Dark Passage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The Box
The Box
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Flash is a must because of Thresh's poor mobility, leave it at your own risk
Heal is better than ignite because you generally aren't going to be close enough to ignite or really need it with your damage. This sum gives you sustain and may save one of your teammates from certain death.
Blocks more damage than heal heals but doesnt help your team and becomes redundant with your second ability and locket.
Thresh run fast and hit squishy


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Death Sentence
The Box
Auto Attack

The generic Thresh combo under turret, flay the enemy to stop their movement, hook them and pull them under turret, place ult so they are inside it or hit it while still hooked, by the time you've finished the combo the enemy laner has taken several abilities, tower shots, and your third ability passive while have charged up a good amount to deal the finishing blow.

Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Thresh auto reset/electrocute combo: auto then use flay right away while they are still in distance then one last auto as you retreat from the trade or you can continue to chase and fight if the enemy is weak. Weakness procs on third ability as well making your weaker second auto do more damage.

Auto Attack

Flash combo that lets you assassinate with a strong auto over a wall or useful for landing a finishing blow on a low health enemy who flashes away.

The Box
Auto Attack

I call this the nuke/oneshot combo and it can execute in the early game and even works for squishier champs later in the game. [The box] deals a lot of base damage and has 100% ap scaling so as your souls stack up so will your ability damage. Get in range of the enemy champion and [flay] them toward you while simultaneously casting your ult. They take damage from the initial cc, get hit by your ult and then are slowed so you can follow up with a fully charged auto. The added benefit is if the enemy jubgler is coming to help, you can use this combo to kill the laner and then use the walls to escape since they still slow after the first wall is broken.

Thresh Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

I struggled with placing him in easy or medium, most of the time you're going to bully renekton early because he's really squishy and kiteable. If you kite his Slice And DiceSlice And Dice , Ruthless PredatorRuthless Predator combo he's pretty helpless and since he deals physical damage your DamnationDamnation armor reduces a lot of his damage before he gets items.


Stuff for nerds

Thresh's autos are not considered projectiles. The attack ends with the animation, which Thresh has 3 of. The longest animation is for the attacks at the limit of his auto range, the second is for attacks between the limit and the melee threshold, and the melee animation. The differences come down to a matter of frames but this can be enough to change the outcome of a close fight. For champs like Lux, they can fire an auto and run away while the projectile travels, but because Thresh's autos follow the animation, he will be rooted while auto attacking. Keep this in mind while you are running away at low health, you may be tempted to stop and auto an enemy at 1 hp, but if they can hit you before your animation ends then you won't kill them. 

Thresh's Death SentenceDeath Sentence is a very versatile ability. After landing the hook you will automatically drag the hooked target towards you twice at a fixed distance each pull. You can still move while the target is hooked, so the target will be pulled toward you as you move however you cannot use auto attacks while pulling a target. Moving away from the target does not increase the distance of the pulls. You will always pull the target twice after hooking them. If you hook a target right next to Thresh then he will pull the target to the other side of him and then pull him back to the original position if Thresh hasn't moved. You can recast Death SentenceDeath Sentence to pull Thresh towards the hooked target. Interestingly, the re-cast time is actually slightly longer than the stun time of the hook so you can hook a target and keep them in range of your team and as soon as they flash to the other side of a wall or turret, re-cast Death SentenceDeath Sentence to follow them to their new location and deliver the finishing blow and escape into the jungle. You can use The BoxThe Box while travelling with the recast and the box will form at the landing location. Thresh's Dark PassageDark Passage and FlayFlay can both be used during the recast as well but they will both activate at the location of casting instead of the landing location. Dark PassageDark Passage can still be aimed as can FlayFlay 's direction be decided but The BoxThe Box will always form around the landing location. While a target is still hooked you can use all of Thresh's other abilities normally and hitting an enemy with an ability does not interrupt the stun duration.


To Flay or not to Flay

A very important thing to note about Thresh's kit is that he requires careful positioning, usage of his abilities, and timing. Thresh struggles with mobility through most of the game so over extending against an evelynn jungle is not a wise move, and just because you hit a hook doesn't mean you should always dash to your target. You might get tag teamed by another enemy champion who is just out of sight and there are plenty of champions who you want to keep at a distance.


Final Notes

This is an off-meta build that takes skill and understanding to successfully pull off. You need to know each matchup's reach, their trade potential, amd their scaling to be effective with this build. It can be a lot of fun to play if played right, but you can also get abused by someone who knows what they're doing which might end up in you getting flamed by your teammates. Know when to go in and when to back up and you can win most of your fights. Will you win games right away with this build if you don't know Thresh very well? Probably not. Will you stomp solo qeue and normal matches with this off-meta flex pick after you've learned how it works? Quite Likely.


Flay away from me!

Thresh's FlayFlay has a fixed range that affects the area both in front of and behind him. It doesn't require a target to cast making it a very handy crowd control ability. When you use tap to cast the ability will automatically cast to pull your current target toward you. Keep in mind that you can't change this setting so it may be worth some time learning to land the flay without it. By choosing the direction you cast flay you can use it to position enemies during fights and have much more control over the battlefield around you. For example, if you've trapped an enemy in The BoxThe Box , you can flay an opponent away from you and into the wall.


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