[2.6a] Nasus Guide - Diamond jungle Nasus build And Guide
Diamond jungle Nasus build And Guide
- Good scaling
- Good Damage
- Fairly good ganks
- Unexpected pick
- Slow jungle clear
- Get's kited easily
- Weak against high cc champs
- Weak early game
Nasus Build
Best Build Guide for Nasus

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
These items are unlike your basic tanky sidelane items well you are still tanky but this build gives you more ad
Nasus Runes
Best Runes for Nasus

The basic rune page for nasus jungle this is very useful for all kinds of situations but you can be kited easily because these runes don't have extra ms

These runes have built in extra ms every 3rd ability hit or auto attack
because of phase rush you can easily get out of a fight you didnt wanna have or you can dive into the enemy backline much easier
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is a combo that you need to use when ganking before level 5
this combo works very well against champs without dashes or blinks

This combo i mostly use when teamfighting but it works for ganks as well
Nasus Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
My problem with leona is that you cant move in teamfights you are basically useless because of her but he isnt very hard to kill since he has no escape and she is just a support

Early game
In early game make sure to take the buff on the side were your bot and supp are since you need a leash till the buff is 800 hp then smite the buff then last hit with your q after that clear all your camps then you are ready to gank

Ganking is not that hard with nasus since you can just use gost and your wither to slow them down and give yourself ms after ganking push the turret on the lane you just ganked use your ult if you havent yet then shred the turret destroying a turret before the 5 min mark is very essential if you want to have map control with nasus jungle

When going for dragon or baron make sure to zone out the area first then call your other laners to take obj remember to not get caught by any cc and to focus on the objective and if the enemy got to objective first and you have no way of retaking the area just splitpush on other lanes without enemies

One more thing
If you really want to win with nasus jungle remember to tell your team to not fight until you are level 5 that is when it is safe to visit other lanes
and remember to focus on obj more than kills because turrets and other obj is the key to victory not your Kda