[2.0.0] Yasuo Guide - Yasuo|Midlane Guide
Yasuo Build
Best Build Guide for Yasuo

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
-The "Casual Build" works in Every Game
-The "Tankier Build" is for Enemy Jungler/Mid with Burst.
Situational Item's:
Bloodthirster-You can exchange Bloodthirster for Death's Dance or Blade of the Ruined King.
Bloodthirster for More Physical Vamp.
Death's Dance for delaying damage.(Works for Enemy Burst)
BRK(Blade of the Ruined King) for More Damage.
Randuins Omen-Remove Any of your Tank Items or BRK,Deaths Dance and Bloodthister for Randuins Omen.
Reduce Critical Damage(Great for Enemy Vayne,Miss Fortune etc.)
Thornmail-Remove Any of your Tank Items or BRK,Deaths Dance and Bloodthister for Thornmail.
Deals some damage for Enemies that are attacking You.(This is also Good when you're Retreating and Enemy Is Attacking you.Good for Olaf,Master Yi or any Champ With High Auto Attack Damage.)
Frozen Mallet-Remove Any of your Tank Items or BRK,Deaths Dance and Bloodthister for Frozen Mallet.
For Slowing Enemies.(Great for Enemy that always chase you or Enemies That Needs High Movement Speed.Mastery Yi etc.)
You can always build other Item's if you Found it Good.
Yasuo Runes
Best Runes for Yasuo

Conqueror-For damage and Because Yasuo can Gain 5 Stacks of Conqueror Easily.
Brutal-For Damage.
Titan-For Sustain.
Sweet Tooth-So you don't always Have to Recall and Waste CS(Creep Score/Minions Last Hit).
Remember you can always Change This if you Find Something that Fits your Playstyle.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Yasuo Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Useful Combo's
Before the combo,I just want to share a trick with Yasuo.At 0.6 sec Cd of his 1st,You can Dash(3rd) to Cancel the Remaining Cooldown.This is Important Btw.
Beyblade-3rd+Flash+1st(With Tornado)+Ult.Do whis fast so he Will still sweep his blade.You can also 3rd+1st Before Flashing but it's Harder.
Airblade(This needs 2 Target,1Champ and Any Enemy(Minions,Jungle,Champ Etc.)-Throw Tornado to Enemy or Sweep them With Tornado then Wait for 0.6 Cd of your 1st,And Dash(3rd) to any Enemy Then Quickly Tap 1st then Ult.This way When your Champ Ult the enemy,The Dash+1st Damage will be Transfered to The Enemy you Ult.And you will also Gain 1stack of 1st so Just needs 1 more Stack and Tornado already Available.
Keyblade-Just Combine Beyblade and keyblade lol.
Tip:Dont overextend to Enemy If no Vision of Enemy Jungle because you Have No Escape Skill(His 3rd Go to Enemy so not Really an Escape Skill but you can Dash to Monster's btw).Also you can Ult any Airborned/Knocked Up Enemy even if You re not the One who Cc'ed them.
Hope this Helps Newbie:)
Btw I have 250+ games with Yas and 60 Winrate but Still Emerald Highest Rank Because always Lose if i can't Yas:(
Good Luck and the best advice i can give is "Dont Feed".