[2.6a] Jhin Guide - Jhin Mid-lane Lethality Build
Jhin Mid-lane Lethality Build
- Great Tank killer
- High AD in the early game.
- Less movement speed as we won't be building crit
Jhin Build
Best Build Guide for Jhin

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
These are the items you would want to build for your Lethality.
Depending on the situation, you can use:
Rapid Firecannon
- If enemy have a lot of range or good engage.
Umbral Glaive
- If enemy have good vision control.
Guardian Angel
- If enemy have a lot of burst champs.
Jhin Runes
Best Runes for Jhin

In the new Patch 3.1, Jhin's base HP was nerfed, to make up for that, you can pick
Hunter Titan
for extra health.
Fleet Footwork
is the best Keystone Rune for Jhin in WildRift, if Dark Harvest is ever added, you can switch it up with that.
No matter what, always take
Gathering Storm
, take
if you think you can end the game early, remember you are a marksman and the assassins will definitely one-shot you sooner or later.
For the last rune, I take
Manaflow Band
for the extra mana. It works well with
and it will grant you more AD in the late game. Take
Sweet Tooth
if you are not confident in yourself.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Jhin Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Thanks for reading!
I appreciate you taking your time to read my guide. I hope it helps and if there is anything you want to tell me, comment down below!