[3.5b] Xayah Guide - Challenger Guide for Being a Skilled Xayah
Challenger Guide for Being a Skilled Xayah
- Extremely good at kiting and chasing
- Good lane harass
- High DPS if you cycle her feathers correctly
- Ultimate is a good zoning and escape tool
- Susceptible to dive
- Relatively low auto attack range
- Low DPS if you don't cycle her feathers correctly
Xayah Build
Best Build Guide for Xayah

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
, and try to get
B.F. Sword
first recall.
is by far one of
's best items. It gives her all her important stats and the passive is her bread and butter for slowing enemies to kite and chase them.
Infinity Edge
is needed for damage amp or you will have no DPS. It Increases the damage on your auto attacks as you will be sending out a lot of those, especially if you take
Lethal Tempo
. The large amount of AD it gives increases the damage on you
Double Daggers
Deadly Plumage
, and
, as well as your
of course.
for this reason is also one of her strongest items. It gives about the same amount of AD and lifesteal to help you stay alive while kiting. You can buy
and delay
Infinity Edge
until your 4th or 5th item.
Your 3rd item should be a
item. It will give you 75% crit chance and move speed. Having 75% or 100% crit is what you want on
as your autos will hurt very much. The move speed is godsend as you will be able to move around really quickly and place your feathers better.
I would recommend trying to get
Rapid Firecannon
as it will help you with your short auto attack range. There is also a possible combo with
Double Daggers
> enhanced
Rapid Firecannon
auto attack >
slow proc >
for a really fast root.
The last 2 items are situational of course.
Phantom Dancer
Maw of Malmortius
as usual are excellent for the lifeline passive.
Phantom Dancer
against melee and
Maw of Malmortius
for Mages.
Lord Dominik's Regards
is great for a flurry of auto attacks, it gives AD and crit, so by this item against tanks and squishies.
Always buy
Blade of the Ruined King
as one of your last items against high health targets, pair it with a
Last Whisper
item and you can deal with tanks better.
There should be other build paths incorporating
Essence Reaver
Navori Quickblades
as one of her core items but I don't think they are Best in Slot.
Navori Quickblades
is a good buy 3rd or 4th item if you want to greed more DPS and if the fights last long enough for you to run through many cycles of your basic abilities.
For boots you almost always want
Gluttonous Greaves
Quicksilver Enchant
. Take
Hunter Titan
Mercury's Treads
in the case that they have a lot of crowd control.
Xayah Runes
Best Runes for Xayah

feels like it is Best in Slot after a lot of testing.
Lethal Tempo
feels weak in terms of AD damage and it is easier to stack
Hunter Vampirism
for the scaling AD and Omnivamp.
Nullifying Orb
is great with all the AD you get in the early game.
Nimbus Cloak
will of course help you kite and chase enemies.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto cancel every ability as usual. You can auto-cancel your
Deadly Plumage
for an enhanced auto attack before the skill activates.

Fast root if in range without
Rapid Firecannon

Advanced fast root with
Deadly Plumage

Full feather cycle. Landing one auto attack minimum is vital before using your next ability.

Ultimate combo

then flash to redirect it.
then flash at the end of it to place it further or to the side.
Xayah Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Don't get poked.
Deadly Plumage
to run circles around him and wait for him to
before you use

You have to play
to get a feel for how to place your feathers.
You also need to be proficient at auto canceling, kiting and tethering or you will struggle a lot.
You can tether enemies with higher range than you with your
Deadly Plumage
by landing a hit and quickly walking back with the move speed buff, then walking back towards them when they turn away to do it again.