Draven Build
Best Build Guide for Draven

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
since it helps with your Auto attacks &
Spinning Axe
- anything else you're trolling
Build 1: BT > QSS > IE > PD > GA > DD
This build is your classic build, you have early game sustain and high bonus AD possible which is Dravens strength as i'll explain later.
: High AD & Sustain, Dravens bread and butter
Quicksilver Enchant
: Since Dravens self peel is one of the worst out of the Marksmans you'll be getting
Quicksilver Enchant
2nd with the Vamp buff for more healing and
Quicksilver Enchant
for getting out of sticky situations
Infinity Edge
: Next item is
Infinity Edge
for its high AD and giving your crits an extra 30% damage, which can happen on your empowered auto attacks from your
Spinning Axe
Phantom Dancer
: Survivability and synergy with
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel
: Survivability and 45 AD doesnt hurt, gives you a 2nd life in an important fight
Death's Dance
: Survivability, lifesteal, buys you time for your healing to happen in case you aren't attacking in the moment you take a big amount of burst.
Build 2: IE > QSS > BT > RFC > PD > GA
This build is for when youre ahead. Gives you your DPS Spike earlier and more crit synergy, at the cost of survivability
Infinity Edge
: 1st for highest possible DPS, will feel like a glass cannon until your next 2 items
Quicksilver Enchant
: Since Dravens self peel is one of the worst out of the Marksmans you'll be getting
Quicksilver Enchant
2nd with the Vamp buff for more healing and
Quicksilver Enchant
for getting out of sticky situations
: High AD & Sustain, Dravens bread and butter
Rapid Firecannon
: Start your kiting from a safe distance, bit of extra reach in situations also does help with your dps, also synergizes with
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
: Survivability and synergy with the
Infinity Edge
Guardian Angel
: Survivability and 45 AD doesn't hurt, gives you a 2nd life in an important fight
Build 3: MM > QSS > BT > TF > DD > GA
Note: This build is for when crit is ever nerfed or if
Trinity Force
is considered broken. Can also be used for Draven baron lane but to be honest you would just get shit on anywhere but Dragon Lane unless youre in low elo
: Replaces the need for crit and it synergizes with
Spinning Axe
since it still grants bonus AD after completion.
Quicksilver Enchant
: Since Dravens self peel is one of the worst out of the Marksmans you'll be getting
Quicksilver Enchant
2nd with the Vamp buff for more healing and
Quicksilver Enchant
for getting out of sticky situations
: High AD & Sustain, Dravens bread and butter
Trinity Force
: Replacement for
Phantom Dancer
procs on every
Spinning Axe
AND majority of the times you use
Blood Rush
, is actually quite sleeper imo,
is nice for the tankyness and
is nice for the AS, shame
gives such low AD though
Death's Dance
: Survivability, lifesteal, buys you time for your healing to happen in case you aren't attacking in the moment you take a big amount of burst.
Guardian Angel
: Survivability and 45 AD doesnt hurt, gives you a 2nd life in an important fight
Draven Runes
Best Runes for Draven

I personally run Rune Page #1, It gives you lots of healing from your raw AD through Conqueror, Triumph gives you extra gold after getting a kill and bonus gold as well as more damage as your opponent is lower, Hunter - Titan for the Tenacity since you're expected to pull a lot of Crowd Control spells and Mastermind for the bonus value in XP and Gold.

If you feel like you are going to absolutely dumpster your opponents you can run Champion instead of Triumph, although I personally would not recommend it as its a win more rune and not actually valuable later into the game.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Draven Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Pretty Easy, Shouldnt lose, your single target damage is better all game long so make sure youre focusing correctly,
Stand Aside
forces a summoner spell usually.

Spinning Axe
is the most important part of your kit, it gives a HUGE damage spike and will keep your true DPS higher than any other AD as long as you have even gold.
League Of Draven
Is very important but do not flame if the support gets the kill & Do not tilt if you die, Its a win more passive not a win or lose passive.
3. You can use
Blood Rush
just as you catch
Spinning Axe
and it will reset and give you another use, this is especially good in lane when you want to catch the enemies off guard.
4. If you're vsing an immobile champ (Jinx, Jhin) You can use
Stand Aside
to engage, otherwise let your support handle that and save
Stand Aside
for disengage.
Whirling Death
can snap its return direction through the use of flash or from getting displaced (Red plant), Practice this mechanic is practice tool
6. Get comfy with juggling 3-4 axes in practice tool before you play Draven in ranked. Takes a few games to get the most DPS possible.

Support Synergies
S Tier:
- Nami
- Janna
- Alistar
- Blitzcrank
A Tier:
- Braum
- Seraphine
- Lulu
- Soraka
Anyone else isnt a good pair with Draven

As with any guide, if you have any questions or would like to discuss some things you can reach out to me on Discord: Paz#0737 or on my discord here: https://discord.gg/xp99TDD75j
- Rush: Build / do ASAP, no matter the circumstances.
- Skirmish: Smaller fight, think of it as a team fight but no one commits all resources to it.
- Pressure: To create pressure is to do something that forces your opponents to react.
- HPT: High Priority Target, usually the opponents carry.
- Immobile: A character with no gap-closers.
- Gap-closers: Abilities like
Arcane Shift ,
Shuriken Flip ,
Killer Instinct . Abilties that can close the gap by dashing / increasing movement speed.
- Engage: The act of starting a fight, usually with an ability that provides CC.
- CC: Crowd Control, Abilities that displace an enemy or stop them using abilities.
Deadly Flourish ,
Apprehend ,
Decisive Strike ,
Unstoppable Force .
- AD Carry: An enemy that builds Attack Damage.
- AP Carry: An enemy that builds Ability Power.
- Combo: Your champions expected combo.
Headbutt >
Pulverize /
Silver Bolts > (AA) >
Tumble > (AA).
- Cancel: To cancel a champions ability means to stop it as it is channeling. For example
Bullet Time and
Curtain Call is a channeled ability and can be stopped by using CC during her cast, or by using CC during
Headbutt will stop him from travelling the full distance. Keep in mind not all channels can be cancelled, for example
Arcane Shift .
- Effective Health: Effective health is the durability of a champion, taking into account their health as well as their armor, magic resist, any regeneration they could have as well as any shields.
- X-Factor Play: A play that turns a losing fight into a winning fight.

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