Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝
[Locket Enchant] is what you rush, for constant movement around the map and providing a nice shield to your team during skirmishes increasing your teams effective health.
Dead Man's Plate
is a really nice item for moving around and putting pressure on the map, provides your first defensive stats as well. The ᴄʀᴜꜱʜɪɴɢ ʙʟᴏᴡ passive also provides a nice slow to set up allies if you want to hold [Alistar:1] &
for a bigger group / HPT.
Zeke's Convergence
is your first true support item, this item's passive ʜᴀʀʙɪɴɢᴇʀ is absolutely insane and crucial for keeping immobile enemies out of position or the enemies front line from your carries. If you find yourself in a situation where you are able to activate the ꜰʀᴏꜱᴛꜰɪʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴠᴇɴᴀɴᴛ passive the slow is doubled and this makes infinitely easier to hit your
when needed.
Protector's Vow
gives you nice stats and helps keep your front line healthy when you engage together.
Randuin's Omen
makes the enemy AD carries slightly weaker to you, nothing special about this item just another live longer item. If you're versus 3 or more AP carries and have a carry on your team you switch this with
Abyssal Mask
, otherwise switch it with
Adaptive Helm
Warmog's Armor
is just an item with nice stats, nothing special.
𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐬
can be built into an AD heavy team, if you notice the opponents are 3/4 man AD with no real AP threat you can take it in place of
Zeke's Convergence
[Sunfire Cape] &
Spirit Visage
is not worth the value to you as a support, never build.
Gargoyle Enchant
is just "OK" as a standalone item, I personally think its quite slept on, but if you're being focused your team should be able to win a team fight anyway, your job isn't to survive its to get the opponents carries killed before they kill your carries.
Shadows Enchant
is good for chasing down opponents, but this is why were rushing [Locket Enchant] and picking up
Dead Man's Plate
as our second item.
Redeeming Enchant
is too slow for the heal it provides, the shield from [Locket Enchant] is instant and much better in its raw stats (extra ~25% extra health).
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

Weakness: The math works out that you end up giving an extra 1-200 damage per champ you immobilize for every fight, this also works with your items.
Loyalty: Gives your lane partner free stats, nothing else in this tree helps supports except Backbone or Conditioning, but our job is to keep our carry alive.
Pack Hunter: Nothing in this tree is useful, the next best thing to take is Pathfinder. -

Pack Hunter: - Pathfinder is not worth it since you already have Boots and Dead Man's Plate as your first 2 items.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Alistar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters



In case you've come into this guide thinking "this guy is just talking random crap, why would you want boots before an item with actual stats, or something similar"
Here are 4 people from the top 10 Alistar's of SEA doing the same build with minor variations. The reason I went with the build above is because it should have the highest % of success across the most amount of matches compared to the other variants.

Laning Phase: Between levels 1-5 you'll want to stick by your carry, looking for opportunities to engage and catch your opponents out of position. When your jungler comes for scuttle crab or a gank be sure to assist them by hovering between the jungler and your carry to respond to whichever one breaks into a fight. Be sure to use your pings so your carry and jungler know what your intentions are.
Teamfights: Depending on your team composition you will have 1 of 2 jobs:
1: Engage and start / force team fights when an enemy carry steps out of position and your team can follow up.
2: PEEL your carries and keep them alive for as long as possible, so they can dish out the most damage.

Key Terms:
As with any guide, if you have any questions or would like to discuss some things you can reach out to me on Discord: Paz#0737 or on my discord here: https://discord.gg/xp99TDD75j
- Rush: Build / do ASAP, no matter the circumstances.
- Skirmish: Smaller fight, think of it as a team fight but no one commits all resources to it.
- Pressure: To create pressure is to do something that forces your opponents to react.
- HPT: High Priority Target, usually the opponents carry.
- Immobile: A character with no gap-closers.
- Gap-closers: Abilities like
Arcane Shift ,
Shuriken Flip , [Kaisa:ult]. Abilties that can close the gap by dashing / increasing movement speed.
- Engage: The act of starting a fight, usually with an ability that provides CC.
- CC: Crowd Control, Abilities that displace an enemy or stop them using abilities.
Deadly Flourish ,
Apprehend ,
Decisive Strike ,
Unstoppable Force .
- AD Carry: An enemy that builds Attack Damage.
- AP Carry: An enemy that builds Ability Power.
- Combo: Your champions expected combo.
Headbutt >
Pulverize /
Silver Bolts > (AA) >
Tumble > (AA).
- Cancel: To cancel a champions ability means to stop it as it is channeling. For example
Bullet Time and
Curtain Call is a channeled ability and can be stopped by using CC during her cast, or by using CC during
Headbutt will stop him from travelling the full distance. Keep in mind not all channels can be cancelled, for example
Arcane Shift .
- Effective Health: Effective health is the durability of a champion, taking into account their health as well as their armor, magic resist, any regeneration they could have as well as any shields.
- X-Factor Play: A play that turns a losing fight into a winning fight.