by D4rk

[4.0a] Gwen Guide - Intro to Gwen: The Only Guide You'll Need

Gwen hasn't seen a buff or nerf in the couple recent patches so she's pretty stable and at a good balanced spot in my opinion. She requires time to scale so don't feel pressured to fight in the early phase of the game. I will attempt to edit and update my guide often.
Patch 4.0a
March 10, 2023 12:53

Intro to Gwen: The Only Guide You'll Need

This is the BEST Gwen Guide on Wild Rift; you'll be learning about Gwen. This includes her builds, skills, summoners, runes, and matchups. The guide combines knowledge from the creator, the top and best Gwen players, as well as top pro players on League on Legends: PC.


  • Wins against Tank matchups
  • Potential to 1v9 in the late game
  • Viable in both Top and Jungle


  • Struggles against Bruiser matchups
  • Requires time in order to scale
  • Requires decent understanding of matchups

Gwen Build

Best Build Guide for Gwen

Beginning Item
Amplifying Tome
Core Items
Void Staff
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
Cosmic Drive
Build Order
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
Void Staff
Cosmic Drive
Boots of Speed
Situational DEFENSE items
Frozen Heart
Randuin's Omen
Spirit Visage
Guardian Angel
Force of Nature
Abyssal Mask
Possible Enchants
Quicksilver Enchant
Stasis Enchant
Meteor Enchant
Protobelt Enchant
Repulsor Enchant
Possible Tier 2 Boots
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

GwenGwen is an AP champ so you should most definitely start with Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome as your beginning item. This will lead you to Haunting GuiseHaunting Guise and Fiendish CodexFiendish Codex as you build into RiftmakerRiftmaker for your first item. The 'Core Items' section does not portray a particular order or build path for Gwen. The build order can be viewed in the 'Build Order' section. Defense items to consider building depending on the situation can be viewed in 'Situational DEFENSE Items' section. Possible boot enchants depending on the game state and situation can be viewed in 'Possible Enchants' section. Possible Tier 2 boots depending on the game state and situation can be viewed in 'Possible Tier 2 Boots' section.


  • Void StaffVoid Staff is a magic penetration item that provides the champion with an additional 70 Ability Power and has a 'special passive' in which it gives you +45% Magic Penetration. Although Gwen deals true damage upon striking the center of the Q Snip Snip!Snip Snip! onto the enemy, the magic penetration seeks to enhance her already-powerful stats. 
  • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap is purely an AP item to boost AP damage stats. It provides an additional 110 Ability Power and has a 'special passive' in which Ability Power is increased by 40%
  • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb is truly one of Gwen's item powerspikes as she enters the middle to late phase of the game. This item provides stats such as an additional 85 Ability Power and 3 'special passives' in which you gain +5% Move speed, 15 Magic Penetration, abilities and empowered attacks Critically Strike for 20% bonus damage against enemies below 35% Health. This is an important item for Gwen as her E  Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash synergizes very well with Infinity Orb. In the late game, this item on top of her Q Snip Snip!Snip Snip! , E Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash , and Ultimate NeedleworkNeedlework will allow you to 1v9.
  • Cosmic DriveCosmic Drive is another item that synergizes well with Gwen and her E Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash . The item grants an additional 75 Ability Power and 30 Ability Haste. Moreover, it has 2 'special passives': Hyperdrive: +5% Movement Speed; Spellweaving: Active abilities and empowered attacks grant 30 +70% Ability Haste as Movement Speed after dealing damage to an enemy champion. This Movement Speed decays over 2 seconds. Each source [enemy champion] has an individual 1s cooldown for triggering Spellweaving. This item is not required and can be built last but it enhances Gwen's ability to stick onto an enemy.
  • RiftmakerRiftmaker is no doubt one of Gwen's main items, which you want to build first. This item grants stats such as +150 Max Health, 80 Ability Power, and +15% Ability Haste. Like the previously discussed item, this item also provides the champion with 2 'special passives': Assimilation: +12% Omnivamp; Void Corruption: When in combat with champions, gain 1 stack(s) of Corruption every 1 second(s). Each stack increases the damage you deal by 3%, up to 3 stacks. At max stacks, additional damage provided by Corruption becomes true damage. This item synergizes with Gwen as a champion overall and with her Q Snip Snip!Snip Snip! , which if you recall, deals true damage when striking the enemy at the center of the ability. 


  1. Question: I thought Nashor's ToothNashor's Tooth is one of Gwen's core items, where the item? Answer: Although you are correct and Nashor's Tooth is indeed considered by many to be a core item, contrary to belief, it is NOT necessary on Gwen. While the item itself provides great stats, the main stat that players are focused on when building this item is the +50% Attack Speed. In addition to this, while the attack speed does sound tempting for Gwen because you desire to gain your 4 stacks on your Q Snip Snip!Snip Snip! faster, the attack speed that you gain from your E  Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash once you enter the middle phase of the game is already enough. Moreover, you're ultimately delaying your champion from hitting its 3 item powerspike with Infinity Orb. Trust me when I say this... Infinity Orb is a GAME CHANGERThe only difference is that you have a slower early game in terms of attack speed.
  2.  Question: What is the best boot enchant for Gwen? Answer: In the section 'Possible Enchants', I provide many different boot enchants. This is my checklist for building certain enchants starting with Ionion Stasis [ionion stasis]. This is an enchant that I would build if the enemy comp provides high burst abilities or lethal target-locking abilities such as Garen's ultimate [garen:ult], Veigar's ultimate [viegar:ult], Caitlyn's ultimate Ace In The HoleAce In The Hole , Yone's ultimate Fate SealedFate Sealed , Akshan's ultimate ComeuppanceComeuppance , Vex's ultimate Shadow SurgeShadow Surge , and many more. Of course, all of these abilities can be dodged using Gwen's Hallowed MistHallowed Mist . [ionion quicksilver]: This enchant is good against any enemy comp that provides high amounts of crowd control (cc). These are the two core boot enchants in my expert opinion for Gwen.
  3.  Question: What is the best tier 2 boot upgrade for Gwen? Answer: In the general perspective, you want to build [ionion boots of lucidity]; however, against heavy AP comps, build Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads and against heavy AD comps, build Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps .
  4. Question: If I decide to build a defense item, what slot should I build it in and what are the best defense items for Gwen? Answer: Against an enemy team where they have a champion or two with high DPS, I would build Frozen HeartFrozen Heart simply because it provides 80 Armor, 200 Max Mana, and 25 Ability Haste. Additionally the reduced attack speed effect on Frozen Heart is much better and more significant than Randuin's OmenRanduin's Omen . Its 'special passive': Winter's Caress: Basic attacks and magic damage caused by you or inflicted upon you will apply stacks of Chill. Each stack slows the enemy attack speed by 9%, up to a maximum of 4 stacks or 36% attack speed reduction. As for AP, you should build Spirit VisageSpirit Visage because it provides you +350 Max Health, 100% Health Regen, 50 Magic Resistance, and 20 Ability Haste. Additionally, its 'special passive: Blessed: Increases all healing and shielding effects on you by 30%. This item synergizes well with Riftmaker and any enchanter teammates that can grant heals or shields.


In the next page of this guide, we will go into the skill order. Depending on the matchup, you will want to begin with a level 1 Q Snip Snip!Snip Snip! or a level 1 E Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash . You can ask me more information on Gwen matchups on Discord via D4rk#6929 or on Wild Rift via D4rk#GWEN; however, there is a page on Matchups and I will provide everyone with the best info especially against Gwen's most difficult matchups.

Gwen Runes

Best Runes for Gwen

Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

ConquerorConqueror is Gwen's best rune. Lethal TempoLethal Tempo CAN be good but it only provides attack speed and nothing else. Sudden ImpactSudden Impact grants Magic Penetration and only has a 4 second cooldown. Bone PlatingBone Plating is the best rune to take in my opinion since it mitigates a lot of burst damage. Hunter GeniusHunter Genius provides ability haste upon unique takedowns. 

Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Second Wind
Second Wind
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

Hunter VampirismHunter Vampirism grants omnivamp. Second WindSecond Wind can be good and is for sustain in the lane mostly.

Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Nimbus Cloak
Nimbus Cloak

In this rune set, the only difference is that you have Nimbus CloakNimbus Cloak instead of Hunter GeniusHunter Genius . This rune gives Gwen more chasing prowess since Nimbus Cloak will give you a movement speed buff after using a summoner spell. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

A Thousand Cuts
A Thousand Cuts - Passive
Snip Snip!
Snip Snip!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Hallowed Mist
Hallowed Mist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Skip 'n Slash
Skip 'n Slash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always carry Ghost on Gwen. The movement speed synergizes with her really well and can help with escaping from or chasing enemies.
Standard spell to carry with Ghost in lane. Offers kill pressure and grants grievous wounds to whoever Ignite is inflicted onto.
Smite for Gwen Jungle.
Can replace Ignite if the opposing laner has a high burst (ex: Kennen).
In the scenario in which you do decide to use Flash instead of Ghost, there is a certain combo you can perform with this summoner spell under the 'Combos' section.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack

Not sure how I can insert abilities into the combo diagram but your first combo is E-AA-AA-AA-AA-Q-E or E-AA-AA-AA-AA-Q or AA-AA-AA-AA-Q-E. You want to have your 4 stacks of your first ability. In the middle to late phase of the game, using E first before auto attacking is less punishing since your E will most likely be available for use again. You can Q while dashing forward with E simultaneously. If you're fast enough, you'll preserve most of the snips to hit the desired target. Link: Gwen Combo #1 (3 Iterations)

Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Next combo is your all-in. This is one of your main killing combos since there is not many combos for a champ like Gwen. R1-E-AA-AA-R2-AA-AA-Q-R3. Your third cast of your ultimate combined with Infinity Orb will surely finish off the enemy(s). There can be many iterations of a killing combo. Link: Gwen Combo #2


If you for some reason decide to take Flash instead of Ghost, here is a combo you can perform on an enemy champion that is low on HP but is a little further away where your Q-E won't be able to reach the target. The combo is full stacked Q-E-Flash. This will essentially give you a boost of distance in order to hit the enemy. No video is provided. 

Gwen Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

Aside from a few tanks/bruisers, Gwen has a great time laning against tanks. In fact, she's a great pick against tanks. She has true damage due to her passive A Thousand CutsA Thousand Cuts and can shred tanks. One of, if not, the easiest matchups for Gwen is SionSion . His Decimating SmashDecimating Smash is easy to dodge and you can win trade simply by dodging his Q. However, if you get hit by his Q, you will have a harder time in lane. Once you are level 3, you can attempt to get good trades off of him. You can do this at level 1 even. Snip Snip!Snip Snip! or E Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash start against Sion doesn't matter. E start is the safer pick and Q start is to get better trading + maximizing your level 1 damage output onto Sion. Your W Hallowed MistHallowed Mist can "dodge" Sion's Q so don't be afraid to walk straight into his Q as long as you use your W.


More Info About Me

Hello everyone, my name is D4rk but you can essentially call me Dark. I'm a Grandmaster and a Top 50 Gwen (in the process of climbing) in the North American leaderboard. I'm not exactly a fan of how Wild Rift players build Gwen and I also won't force my beliefs onto such players but I genuinely wanted to spread my knowledge to all the Gwen enthusiasts on Wild Rift. I have watched/studied the best Gwen players on PC including but not limited to (Top 1 Gwen, Gwen mains, High elo Gwen mains, Challenger Gwens mains, KR Gwen, Top 1 KR Gwen, KR pro players that have played Gwen, LPL/CN Gwen) and likewise have asked in Gwen main communities of their opinions on builds and such ways to play Gwen. Gwen has a fine time in her early game with a good understanding of her limits and matchups. Additionally, she can 100% win skill matchups if the opposing laner makes a mistake and you're able to quickly punish. You typically want to begin with a E - Skip 'N Slash Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash start (E - Dash + increased range + additional attack speed + magic damage on-hit). This will give you trading opportunities and chances to bait out or escape from enemy abilities. However, a Q - Snip Snip!  Snip Snip!Snip Snip! start is fine, depending on your preference and how the matchup looks. Less about Gwen, more about me. I began playing Wild Rift in Season 1 and started as a mid lane main. As I got better, I explored different roles such as Support, Jungle, and Top. While I'm not playing Top lane at the moment, nor am I playing in the Mid lane. In fact, I'm a jungler right now. Gwen Jungle is something everyone should try since there's less stress as you're not dealing with the opposing champion matchups found in the Top lane. I have spent about 3-4 hours on this Gwen Guide so I hope everyone enjoyed reading through it and hopefully learning. Good luck on the rift!


Social Media

Instagram: d4rkyt__ (that's two underscores)

Twitter: RealD4rkYT

Discord: D4rk#6929

YouTube: D4rkYT via channel link

As for Discord, you can find me in the League of Legends: Wild Rift server via and in the TK League of Legends: Wild Rift server via where I talk about Gwen in threads!



What Gwen has to offer:

A Thousand CutsA Thousand Cuts - Gwen's attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the target's health. She heals for a portion of the damage dealt to champions by this effect.

Snip Snip!Snip Snip! - Gwen snips her scissors in a cone up to 6 times dealing magic damage. Gwen deals true damage to units in the center and applies her passive to them on each snip.

Hallowed MistHallowed Mist - Gwen summons mist that protects her from enemies outside of it. She can only be targeted by enemies who enter the mist.

Skip 'n SlashSkip 'n Slash - Gwen dashes a short distance then gains Attack Speed, attack range, and magic damage on-hit for a few seconds. If she hits an enemy during that time, this ability's cooldown is partially refunded.

NeedleworkNeedlework - Gwen hurls a needle that slows enemies hit, deals magic damage, and applies A Thousand Cuts to champions hit. This ability can be cast up to two more times, with each cast throwing additional needles and dealing more damage.

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