[4.0a] Gwen Guide
Gwen Guide
- - Good 1v1 potential when lvl 5
- - Crazy Tower damage with 2 items
- - Strong Late game
- - Good for lane bully
- - Has one of the strongest abilities in the game (2nd ability)
- - Can choose to engage or disengage with her abilities
- - Very squishy without 2nd ability
- - Hard to comeback when falling behind
- - Easy to immobilize if team has good cc
- - Bad at team fights without 2nd ability
- - Hard to master even if easy to learn
Gwen Build
Best Build Guide for Gwen

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starter Items:
For starting item, always start with this
Amplifying Tome
. since you need your core items ASAP
Core Items:
You always want to prioritize
Nashor's Tooth
every game.
Riftmaker offers gwen lifesteal and extra true damage when she wants to get close to her enemies (note: when the sciccors are more closer it deals true damage with
Snip Snip! ). So go this item first since this is where gwen can really do some damage.
Nashor's Tooth Is a MUST 2nd items since this item can give gwen attack speed to easily proc her passive
A Thousand Cuts .
With these 2 items gwen is at its full potential, but we still need to add some finishing touches to her build.
Rabadon's Deathcap Big damage spike with this item and a must have in every game you play. But you can always go situational items first since this item is go big or go home.
After Core items:
All these items depend on what you need but for usually after the core builds you wanna go:
Rabadon's Deathcap if you can't build this item first
Void Staff For enemies building too much magic res items
Lich Bane Good for enemy champs trying to get on your face like
Lee Sin ,
Nautilus , and every meelee champ trying to get on your face, this item helps to deal damage up close.
Cosmic Drive Reduces ulti cooldown if you do rely on it too much. It also grants movement speed, which can be really useful to chase down cowards afraid to fight!
End game Items:
Guardian Angel this item is great if you want to feel safe and survive more fights.
Crystalline Reflector for champs that deal way to much ad
Liandry's Torment Great pair with Elder Dragon, also great for dealing extra damage to enemies that keep escaping with one health
Banshee's Veil is also a good situational item if enemy team drafted too much ap, it also gives a free shield to get you out of cc so you don't have to worry more with this item.
Boots to take
Basically, take
Mercury's Treads
if you need mr and cc reduction such as cc from
Light Binding
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
, and etc (note: there are some champs that can't reduce cc like yasuo's tornado).
And then take
Plated Steelcaps
for extra armor and also if your facing an ad champ in baron lane.
Most popular upgrade to get is [stasis enchant] , its because of how broken this item is if used right. You can get out of situations, delay enemy team so you can bait them into your team, dodging cc or any champion abilities (especially if you can dodge [malpite:ult], you are a goat).
These next 3 however are only situational and can win you games if used properly,
Quicksilver Enchant is an item that helps you if enemy team drafted too much cc. i usually build this for
Pick A Card yellow card,
Infinite Duress ,
Light Binding , and
Dark Binding . Of course gwen already has a ability similar like this,
Hallowed Mist , but sometimes i used it way too early and of course there are some cc champs you cant block such as
Infinite Duress and
Shield Vault .
- Next one is
Teleport Enchant which is useful if enemy team drafted useful champs for teamfights such as
Katarina ,
Galio ,
Leona ,
Malphite , and etc. Of course the only way out of an argument is to not be in it, so thats what you want to do if you take
Teleport Enchant . Gwens turret damage can get extremally dangerous mid game, especially with her 2 core items (
Nashor's Tooth and
Rabadon's Deathcap ), its even to the point where ending the game is an option for her which is insanely broken. But however keep in mind that
Teleport Enchant can only be useful for split pushing the map, so make sure to know when to split push right.
- Last one
Glorious Enchant , which is kind of uncommon but it is very useful once you know how to use it, can not only grant Gwen more movement speed, but can also provide Gwen with more S P E E D. I love this item for champs that have high mobility or they just run too fast, champs like
Riven ,
Lulu , its always annoying to chase them down. This item is also gives you free [ghost], so you can easily get away, kite, and do a lot with this upgrade. But still this upgrade is also optional.
Gwen Runes
Best Runes for Gwen

Take this if your fighting melee champs like pantheon or nasus.
can be changed if you aren't confident with skirmishes.
Hunter Vampirism
is really good for gwen especially when your carrying, i sometimes survive fights cause of this rune)

Take this if you know your gonna reach late game or if you want to reach late game.
can be changed with
Hunter Titan
if you want more health and survive more cc

Take this if your fighting a hard matchup, of course you can exchange
Sweet Tooth
Hunter Genius
if you want to play safer
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Combo #1
Skip 'n Slash
Hallowed Mist
----> AA ----> AA ---> AA ----> AA ---->
Snip Snip!
This is a quick combo to kill your opponents with your ult. Of course you can use your
Hallowed Mist
whenever you want but this is usually my ideal combo
(Note: this does not have to be in order, you can always adapt combo you need to use)
Combo for teamfights
Skip 'n Slash
Hallowed Mist
----> AA ---> AA ---->
----> AA ---> AA ---->
Gwen Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Level 3 is when you can start killing him. Just make sure to wait out his
Aegis Assault
and you should be good.

New Section
Okay thats all i have to say for now thanks so much for reaching it this far if you have and have a nice day