[4.1a] Pyke Guide - How to carry with pyke mid !
How to carry with pyke mid !
- Insane roaming
- Deny vision
- Playmaker and good follow up
- Hardcarry and make team snowball
- Always gankable
- Bad push
- Don't like cc
- Need help for damage
Pyke Build
Best Build Guide for Pyke

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The build is usually comprised of three lethality items and two "tank" items, such as a Guardian Angel or a Maw of Malmortius, or even an Amaranth Twin Guards
Those items will help you with their lifeline and avoid getting oneshotted before a teamfight
If you're up against an AP burst champion (such as Annie or Zoe), consider pre-ordering an hexdrinker as soon as you spawn. The extra magic resistance will help you stay in lane since most AP champions rely on poke damage.
You can build Serpent Fang in first, depending on the enemy team's shields (strong against champions like Sett, Karma, Lulu, etc.). Same for edge of night if they have good cc.
The boots and the final two items are adaptable. Personally, I build according to the enemy team, with a preference for defensive items. For example, if there's a lot of crowd control and critical strikes, a Edge of Night and a Randuin's Omen would be perfect, if there's a lot of AP damage, I'll finish building Maw of Malmortius, and so on.
Pyke Runes
Best Runes for Pyke

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Pyke Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Pyke mid Gameplay
This is how to lane with pyke mid :)
At spawn, place a pink ward in the left bush on midlane or in the middle of the river, back and take a sweeper: this gives you vision for a possible 1:20 scuttle gank and you have the sweeper charged for roams (note that the pink ward disappears if the sweeper is activated).
If the matchup is unfavorable or even, freeze the wave and look for grabs under tower (if he takes your berries, it's a free kill).
If the matchup is favorable, look for 1v1s and maybe even a first blood.
Freezing with Pyke is a clear advantage for two reasons: it avoids poke and you're always gankable by the jungler. If you burn a flash, it's a free kill when the jungler arrives 😊
At level 5, it's an expressway to the bot lane, so make a roam as soon as you have ult, it can lead to double kills because you're unpredictable with the W and sweeper.
In mid/late game, if the game is an ARAM mid, look for grabs where there is no vision (remove it with sweeper), 1 grab = a possible engage. You can also catch in bushes and wipe a team if a member of your team finds the right engage.

Pyke vs others assasins
Pyke is classified as an assassin support.
Why is he an assassin:
-He builds with lethality items
-Has a lot of mobility -Invisibility
-Can solo squishies
What does he do better or worse than different midlane assassins? (Zed Akali Diana…)
-Better: Invisibility and regen, can play fights in multiple stages and look for flanks, good cc, good against bruisers/tanks.
-Worse: Lack of damage on his own, heavily relies on his ultimate, so he needs to be played as a catch or as a follow-up to engage.

Pyke vs mid supports
Pyke is classified as an assassin support.
How is he a support:
-Pyke gives gold by executing enemies with his R
-He can stack a shutdown for his allies
-Participates greatly in reducing enemy vision
-Possibilities for catching and engaging
-Great roaming
What does he do better or worse than different midlane supports? (Lux, Morgana, Galio)
-Better: Gives gold on his ultimate, snowballs heavily, contributes a lot to team vision, stacks shutdowns, heals in fights.
-Worse: No peel, most of the time his cc lock is only on one person (Q) unlike Galio, for example.