by Tzeentch

[2.0.0] In-Depth Vayne Guide (Rift Academy #8)

Patch 2.0.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

In-Depth Vayne Guide (Rift Academy #8)

This guide will focus only on Dragon lane Vayne. My 2nd Favorite ADC of season 1.

Vayne Build

Best Build Guide for Vayne

Starting Items
Long Sword
Gluttonous Greaves
Standard Full build
Blade of the Ruined King
Statikk Shiv
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
Death's Dance
Quicksilver Enchant
Boots Enchantment
Quicksilver Enchant
Stasis Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


  1. Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King - A staple/Core item for vayne. It provides All 3 Stats that you need which are Attackspeed, Damage, and Lifesteal that vayne needs to scale up. The active part synergises really good with Night HunterNight Hunter to kite and chase enemies and the %HP damage works well with Silver BoltsSilver Bolts to easily kill both squishies and tanks alike. Definitely a must have no matter the scenario.
  2.   Statikk ShivStatikk Shiv - This one however is personal preference for ZealZeal upgrades during my climb I find Statikk ShivStatikk Shiv more useful in terms of offensive measures and let's vayne to clear for which she doesn't have any sort of waveclear. It's advisable to buy Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer if the enemy have lots of bursts potential.
  3.   Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge - It's obvious to buy this item if you are building crit to increase crit damage that lets you spike to 50% Crit chance. Overall a great powerspike item.
  4.   Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer - another great item for vayne, both good values to offensive and defensive purposes. Easily gives you more DPS to the fact that you'll get over 75% Crit with your total items which should suffice for teamfight DPS.
  5.   Death's DanceDeath's Dance - a much better item to take as last item since Guardian AngelGuardian Angel got recently nerfed. Death's DanceDeath's Dance is 100 Gold cheaper and just provides amazing stats with a strong passive that negates 30% damage. Paired with Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer you're just difficult to pin down and kill.


  1. Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant - Easily removed stuns or other debuffs that prevents you dealing damage. The bonus movement speed upon activation really helps you to position.
  2. [Stasis Enchant] - Great to take against enemies that are sticky and will most likely kill you if they get close. [Fizz:ult] and Death MarkDeath Mark are great examples to buy [Stasis Enchant] in the first Place.

Vayne Runes

Best Runes for Vayne

Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

You can't really stack up conquerer really fast except for just purely by just Auto attacks, TumbleTumble , and CondemnCondemn but when it does go fully stacked you hit really hard.

Brutal - Good extra stats for early game, pairs great with TumbleTumble for quick pokes.

Spirit Walker - Instant Tenacity from the get go with 50 HP. You can take hunter - Titan instead if you feel you can snowball.

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

Fleet is a much safer and beginner Friendly Keystone for vayne, you'll deal significantly less damage without conquerer but it's always good to trade out damage for early sustain. You can swap out to conquerer if you feel confident with your laning phase as vayne.

Triump - Good replacement for the lost damage without Conquerer, HP on takedowns provide outplay potential for clutch plays.

The rest are pretty mandatory can be be replaced according to your playstyle.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Night Hunter
Night Hunter - Passive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Silver Bolts
Silver Bolts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Final Hour
Final Hour
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Staple spell, no need to explain
Standard spell as well, mainly very useful for the movement speed
If your support already heals you it's advisable to take this instead

Vayne Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

You just outscale her by miles and you are much better in LvL5 Skirmishes against her. Her VolleyVolley will poke you but you just have to stand behind minions. Just bully her with TumbleTumble each time she goes for CS.


My Thoughts on Vayne

Vayne is an interesting Champion but is quite a questionable pick for Dragon lane in general, Really ironic that she works better in baron lane compared to dragon lane and one of the main reasons is because her early game is easy to bully and she has 0 Waveclear at all. But she has one of the best late game Scalings in the game purely because of her Silver BoltsSilver Bolts . But i somehow mange to climb to emerald by just spamming vayne. Diamond is definitely the next but I'm taking a week break from rank to reset my mindset from stress before climbing again. Definitely a fun Champion to play and carry with.


General Mechanics

Vayne doesn't really have some flashy combos like other Champions. I'll just note out the things that you always have to keep in mind when playing vayne.

Auto Attack Cancel With TumbleTumble .

This is very staple and a core Mechanic to play vayne at her fullest, cancelling the Auto attack animation with TumbleTumble as soon as you shoot a bolt out is important to immediately apply Silver BoltsSilver Bolts . The mechanic itself isn't really technical but it's clunky to do it Consistently without practice.

Redirecting CondemnCondemn with Flash.

This one is very stylish and will caught basically everyone off guard if you pulled it off. You can change the trajectory of CondemnCondemn with Flash since CondemnCondemn will knockback targets infront of vayne's initial cast point of the spell. You can stun targets on the wall instantly instead of walking around them or using TumbleTumble to do so.

Utilizing Your Invisibility Properly.

When you use TumbleTumble while Final HourFinal Hour Is activated you will be provided 1 second of Invisibility. The most common mistake that vayne players do is Auto Attack instantly after going Invisible which is the main cause why they instantly die and lost all ins. Proper way to do so is to Attack only when you're not invisible and Repositioning when you are invisible. 1 Second Free Repositioning tool is unique to vayne that makes vayne a deadly Champion in terms of 1v1 and both teamfights.


Current Meta as Vayne

In the current meta, Vayne is not really good. Similar to Both varus and ashe. Her weakness as super obvious and she's easy to bully in lane to be effective at all. But vayne teaches you how to kite properly since she dearly needs it to be good. But in the hands of a good vayne player she will definitely dominate  assuming she survives the rough laning phase on which my she's not very good at. Time and mistakes will give you knowledge and can learn from it never be greedy and it's better to be even against the laner rather than behind because you'll eventually outscale them. And LuLu now being added into the rift she did definitely become stronger than before.


Final Words

Thanks for reading my Guide and if you did all the way here. And as switching to ADC in season 1 as being formerly JG/top main it's definitely fun to try and climb out with like different roles. As of now, farewell and have great days ahead if you!

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