[5.0] Malphite Guide - Geodude
- Very easy to pick up and master
- Extremely strong versus physical damage champions
- Teamfight winning ultimate
- Strong versus attack speed champions
- Weak against high Magic damage comps, since you will be forced to build Magic Resitance, which lowers your damag output and also is not increased by your W [Malphite:2]
- Can feel a bit useless in fights when ultimate is on cooldown
- Very mana hungry early, if using Q [Malphite:1] a lot
Malphite Build
Best Build Guide for Malphite

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
You want to build items that grant Armor, since your W
and E
Ground Slam
scale with armor. The more armor, the more armor and damage you get.
Starting Item:
Ruby Crystal is your best choice into most matchups, since you want to rush boots and the HP will help you survive any types of dmg while amror would only help vs AD.
Cloth Armor might be good into very specific matchups like tryndamere who only deals physical damage, but your W
Thunderclap will already grant you a lot of Armor, so HP is probably the best.
Amplifying Tome is you want to poke down the squishy
Teemo early even harder, but it is really not needed and just makes you squishier.
Legendary Items:
- [Iceborne Gauntlet]
will proc everytime you use your WThunderclap and the damage of this item also scales with armor. That is why it should be almost always on your build as first or second item.
- [Sunrife Aegis]
just grants you mor HP, waveclear and quite a lot of damag to champions, too. The problem with stacking a lot of armor is, that you won't have as much HP, that's why Sunfire is a good item to balance out this weakness a bit. -
is another very good item on malphite, since the damage it deals scales off of your armor and HP, while also granting you some HP and a ton of armor. -
Frozen Heart
is another high armor item, which you should only build if the enemy team has a lot of attack speed. Your EGround Slam already slows the attack speed of the enemy a lot, so this is only really good, if they have multiple auto attackers you want to slow down in team fights.
Force of Nature or [Kaenic Rookern]
can help a ton vs magic dmg, since most matches won't be just AD-Damage enemies. Keep an eye out for who is fed on the enemy team, and if you really need another amror item, or should go for MR, so you don't get oneshot by veigar or so. -
Amaranth Twinguard
is another high armor item which will increase your damage output by a lot and also helps you vs magic damage. -
Randuin's Omen
is a very good pick, if the enemy has a lot of critical hits going on or if you just need more HP and Armor. Look at their items and champions. Typically very good vsYasuo ,
Yone ,
Jinx ,
Zeri ,
Caitlyn ,
Jhin ,
Tryndamere etc.
Divine Sunderer
is a very niche item, but it can be very strong vs high HP targets, likeSion or
Dr. Mundo . Keep in Mind that Spellblade Items don't stack their bonus damage, so you should not build [Iceborne Gauntlet] and
Divine Sunderer together.
Malphite Runes
Best Runes for Malphite

Standard Runes into almost every melee champ

Teemo Begone
is a very stong champion vs
and other ranged champions, like ADCs. But you have to have the right runes for those matches. You can't proc
Grasp of the Undying
often vs ranged champions, but you can hit them with your [Seismic Shard]. And since they are very squishy and don't have a lot of resistances, [Seismic Shard] combined with
Summon Aery
or even better [Arcane Comet] will poke them low.
Go Q first and max it first in these match ups. When they drop low enough you just ult them and press all your buttons like a maniac. Manaflow is mandatory here, due to Q-Spam.

AP malp oneshot? (I don't like AP Malp, you will die too much to be useful most of the time)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Unga Bunga

Malphite Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Summon Aery
or [Arcane Comet] and
Manaflow Band
, get Q lvl1 and poke him down.

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