[2.1a] Akali Guide - How To Kinkou (Midlane Akali 2.0.0)
How To Kinkou (Midlane Akali 2.0.0)
Akali Build
Best Build Guide for Akali

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
My Go-To Build explaination:
Hextech Gunblade: Scales really well with Akali
Rabadon's Deathcap: A massive flat Ability Power Boost
Hourglass: For the eventual mistake you will do in combos
Infinity Orb: Why did I change it?, Well because you can switch infinity for staff or morell when you know you can not burst the enemy team out of the game.
Lich Bane: For a stronger passive in the endgame
Guardian Angel: When you eventually do a mistake in the combos again.
Try to not back until hextech gunblade.
Liandry's- For Tanks
Morell- for anti healing
Void- For magic penetration
Lich Bane- Almost core, yet I value void more
Awakened- If you are feeling aggresive
Akali Runes
Best Runes for Akali

Just an electrocute build.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Bread and Butter lane combo. Speed here is crucial

For auto deleting enemies
Akali Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Hello, I am an Akali main in Wild Rift, I have played 423 matches with her in wr, and I hope my advice can teach you something when you try to pick her up.
She signifies high risk, high reward. In my opinion, she has the lowest skill floor, and the highest skill ceiling in wild rift, due to her kit. She has a high damage q, a w that allows you to be Naruto, an E that allows massive outplays, and her R can cleave the entire enemy backline to death.
However, this also comes with risks. She is the worst ever champ to make a mistake in the entire game, because playing from behind as Akali is one of the hardest experiences in the game. However, getting a few kills early on can guarantee the win for you and your team.
1. Intense Burst
2. Shroud
3. High mobility due to wall clip from E
4. One of the champs where it feels rewarding to learn
1. Very Hard to master.
2. You are very punished by mistakes.
3. Vulnerable without Shroud, needs map awareness.
4. Needs combos for maximum damage.
5. CC is very hard to fight against as Akali
Sooo, Akali is buffed in her laning phase. I mean.................. I am not a high elo Akali player, but this buff increases her mobility overall. I stil am 50-50 on the buff, so I am experimenting with the champion rune.
I will update this guide after Katarina release.
Combo update lmao

You might be asking, why do i pick E first instead of W? Well, my reasoning is: You only need 2 waves to get from level two, to three. You can proc your passive using E, yet you can not do that in W. You can also E snipe using E. E sniping, is used for hitting creeps in lane a lot easier. An E snipe can send you away from a Zed Shuriken, a Yasuo's tornado, an Ahri's Infinity Orb, and more. Being able to proc your passive in lane helps you a lot at clearing waves, and you need a lot of exp and gold, to get the damage you need.
Q is a bunch of kunai thrown by Akali, that deal massive damage. This is your go to damage skill in the game. Max this first, for more damage potential.

Early Game
First things first, wait for your JG to ward. If he wards blue, either: Ward the bush behind Red, or ward the bush in the river.
IF they do not ward blue, put your ward in the bush in the blue buff.
Okay, let us go to the thought process from level 1-5.
Level 1: Farm to level 2
UNLESS enemy JG is farming blue. If that is the case, try to get the most last hits in lane while watching him. Preferably start moving towards blue when blue has 900-1000 health left.
Level 2: Passive Proc
Ok, so you now have a shuriken. Use it as a snipe and closer. To use E as a closer, hit the creep closest to the enemy. Then use Q then after that try to hit them with your passive.
Level 3: Go Big, or Go Home
This is the part where you can defeat an enemy champ. Smoke regens your energy. So you can Q-AA-Q-AA-W now. If you have a bit of harass earlier, you can use ignite to gain a lead.
Level 4: Prepare to roam.
Just keep doing what you are doing earlier(harass and focus cs) then prepare to roam.
Level 5: This is where the fun begins
This is the part where decisions are now harder. You can roam, and try a sneakie in dragon lane, orrrr wait for the enemy mid to roam to dragon, then kill them.
The first option is good, if you know you can burst dragon without using R2.
The 2nd, is good if you are playing against another assassin, because they have used all their skills.
It is just your call after this point. Hope I set you up for the game after.

The most basic, and most efficient Akali combo ever. Harass, creep clearer, and a lot more can come from this combo.
R-E-wait for mm to flash-AA-Q-AA/R2
The assassination combo of akali. You always end up the opposite direction from where you dashed from R. Remember that so your R is an autohit.
R-Q-Flash- wait a bit - R2.
This is effective in teamfights, because you flash away from the backline, then allowing you to kill the low health backline after the teamfight.
You Q while in R.

This is the part where you must start chasing kills. You can push, but it is really slow and must only be done when you are in a very safe position. Your decision making and map awareness are the most important parts of your ability during the midgame.
For example, a lot of the enemy team is currently missing. What are they doing? Are they attacking the dragon? Are they planning to get dragon? or are they heralding. You should try to solve two of them at the same time. Ward the dragon while heading to gank dragon lane. Focus on their ADC, try to always go around the enemy backline if possible. Try to participate in many team fights, but never start a team fight. You will get shredded immediately. If you found yourself in area where you have nothing to do, push, if you cannot, try to secure the scuttler, and if you still somehow can not, get cs then roam again.
You can also fake the enemy midlaner, especially if they benefit from roaming, by faking your gank. You move towards a lane, stop a bit, signal to your team, then duel the enemy mid. Only do this if you are ahead, or if you have an ace up your sleeve.
You can split push quite effectively if you use the mobility of w and e. Your damage to the turrets might be lacking, but your wave clear is decent. Ward your side bushes if you do this.
Preferably, you should have a decent amount of kills after this phase.

Now, this is the part of the game where you can duel almost everyone 1v1, except the bruisers. You must use higher caution when roaming now, because the enemy team is very bunched up and is probably a cc minefield. Aim for the squishies, use the shroud wisely, use ionian adeptly, and do not do stupid decisions, such as fighting without your team. Ward Baron, and help with your team's push or def.

Some other tips
How to easily proc her passive in lane
Once yu mastered her, you should be able to do 1st-passive-1st really fast
as in really really fast. Like you should be retreating to the ring after q.

You can wall clip using E.
You can shuriken a random jungle monster for escape
Before you do anything, be sure in what to do. If you are gonna flash-Q, or you are gonna full send directly to the enemy team, know what you are doing. Fi you are gonna bait the entire enemy team to use cc on you, but press hourglass before you do so, always have an idea and visualization to what will happen.
Counter build.
She loses a lot of fluidity from pc, but her main combo is still very fluid
Do not think of dodging, while dodging, it will cause you to get hit
You gank a lane, win, then immediately rotate to tower as long as you think you are safe that you can take turret plating or even the turret itself
never ever full send a tank
Waiting in bushes can payoff, bring deward on bushes just scan, wait for mm. or squishies. You should combo really really fast in this case though. If they Ionia's assume two things: The enemy team will come, and you should decide if you should hit the enemy with an E or use your E to get away.
Well that is all I can say in making this guide. Hope you now have at least a slight understanding of her mechanics.
For non PC MOBA players
Q-1st skill
W--2nd Skill
E- 3rd Skill
R- 4th skill
This is my first guide so can you give guidelines in how to improve