by SilverNova

[2.3] Evelynn Guide - In-depth Evelynn Jungle Guide

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage To the Moon
Evelynn is VERY WEAK right now. She has been nerfed about 4 patches in a row. ONLY PLAY HER IN RANKED IF YOU KNOW HER.
Patch 2.3
July 12, 2021 10:55

In-depth Evelynn Jungle Guide

Learn how to dominate over your opponents with this in-depth Evelynn jungle guide. One of the strongest junglers at the moment due to a lack of true vision. You can peacefully roam around the map and no one will know where you are until you show yourself.

Evelynn Build

Best Build Guide for Evelynn

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
Core Items
Oblivion Orb
Aether Wisp
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Infinity Orb
full build
Infinity Orb
Stasis Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Liandry's Torment
Void Staff
flex items
Lich Bane
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Quicksilver Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

First Purchase

  • Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome is really the only good buy. It builds into your core item and gets you the damage you need early to clear camps.

First Recall

Main Build

  • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb is your core item/power spike. Gets you ability power, penetration, movement speed, and an amazing passive that lets you clear camps super fast and takedown champions with ease. You will struggle super hard without this item.
  • [stasis enchant] is the best enchantment after infinity orb. Lets you survive all-ins and perform dives. No other enchant is better.
  • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap gives you the second power spike. After buying this item you are the strongest champion on your team. Gets you AP beyond your mind. A must-have.
  • MorellonomiconMorellonomicon is bought as your fourth item for extra penetration, ability power, and health which you need to avoid death. It also cuts health by almost 1/2.
  • Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment is useful against tanks, which most compositions tend to have. It also makes you bulkier, gets you health, and extra damage which is nice at this stage.
  • Void StaffVoid Staff is your final purchase to round out your build. By the time you'll be building it, a couple of enemies will most likely have a decent amount of MR. This lets you kill them too.

Flexible Items

  • Lich BaneLich Bane is bought if you feel like you need extra mana. I personally dislike this item as it synergizes poorly with Evelynn since she isn't a champion for auto-attacking, it is especially weak against champions like OlafOlaf , Lee SinLee Sin , and other melee matchups.
  • Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter is a good item in combination with Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment . Allows you to shred through tanks even faster. More of a utility item than damage, but it works.
  • Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant can be bought if the enemy team has a crazy amount of crowd control (CC), however, a good Evelynn player rarely needs this enchantment.

Evelynn Runes

Best Runes for Evelynn

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
  • Conquerer

Must have rune. You stack it really fast with Hate SpikeHate Spike and it is statistically proven that conquered deals more damage than electrocuting after you get 4 stacks.

  • Brutal

Gives you early damage and penetration, which allows you to fight almost any jungler at level 1 and 5+. The other options don't give you penetration, which is what you are after.

  • Hunter Titan

You take hunter titan because of tenacity, which will reduce the amount of time you'll be in a stun, silence, bind, etc. If you take any other rune, then you have to get Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads which isn't optimal because you won't be able to spam abilities as often.

  • Mastermind

Gives you more damage against epic monsters, which is perfect for the role of a jungler.

Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Vampirism
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
  • Conquerer

Must have rune. You stack it really fast with Hate SpikeHate Spike and it is statistically proven that conquered deals more damage than electrocuting after you get 4 stacks.

  • Hunter Vampirism

Useful if you feel like you need more sustain in contrast to damage. Evelynn is already very powerful with her executions, so this will help you live longer in ganks and fights.

  • Hunter Titan

You take hunter titan because of tenacity, which will reduce the amount of time you'll be in a stun, silence, bind, etc. If you take any other rune, then you have to get Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads which isn't optimal because you won't be able to spam abilities as often.

  • Pathfinder

This role is perfectly suited if you like to have faster speed when roaming through the jungle. Keep in mind that this rune is only good if you are a good ganker and know your routing. If you just randomly run around, or AFK farm then it is better to go for Mastermind.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Demon Shade
Demon Shade - Passive
Hate Spike
Hate Spike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Last Caress
Last Caress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take flash. Super powerful for flashing and smiting objectives or last hitting kills.
I mean... You're in the jungle. Good luck playing in the jungle without a smite.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Hate Spike
Auto Attack
Hate Spike
Last Caress

Your basic ganking combo. Start with AllureAllure . Once it hits full mark, use WhiplashWhiplash to charm them and gain movement speed. Finally use Hate SpikeHate Spike with auto-attacks in-between to get them low enough for an Last CaressLast Caress execution

Evelynn Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv
Master Yi
Master Yi
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo
Lee Sin
Lee Sin

He has very little damage. Only dangerous if he goes full lethality, gets fed, and can one-shot you with Demacian StandardDemacian Standard + Dragon StrikeDragon Strike . Otherwise, you should win every single time.


How to Jungle

EvelynnEvelynn has one of the craziest clearing speeds in the game. BUT! If you do it incorrectly, it can also take a very very long time. Here are some tips & tricks for clearing camps:

  1. Smiting at High Health
    A casual mistake that a lot of rookies do, is that they save their smite to kill the minion. When you get Infinity OrbInfinity Orb , you deal critical damage when enemies have less then 35%. This means that you should START with smite, and then use Hate SpikeHate Spike to kill the mobs as fast as possible.

  2. Using Invisibility to Full Potential
    Not a lot of players know this, but you can actually walk between the turrets in the mid lane without being detected. This is very useful when counter-jungling, as the enemies will assume that you are walking to your base when in reality you are walking to the other side of the map. Very useful for e.g. ganking top, taking enemy red, ganking bot.

  3. Abusing Zhonya's
    Using Hate SpikeHate Spike and [stasis enchant] will allow you to be unkillable, but the hate spikes will still go through. This can be abused when enemies jump on you, or when you perform a dive. ALWAYS use Hate SpikeHate Spike before stasis to land extra damage.

  4. How to use AllureAllure
    When going in for a gank, always use Allure on an enemy. Even if it doesn't reach full stack, it will apply a slow which will make it harder for the enemies to escape you.

  5. Ganking from Behind
    If you want to surprise an enemy, you should always go behind them instead of attacking from the front. By using AllureAllure while being behind an enemy, they will almost always walk towards you, which makes it easier to hit it rather than trying to catch up to them as they are running away from you. Remember that EvelynnEvelynn is an assassin. Your job is to kill someone, and get out! This is easier to do if they can't retaliate or flash away as they charmed with AllureAllure

  6. Empowering WhiplashWhiplash
    Your third ability is empowered when you are invisible. It deals 50% more damage and causes you to dash to your target when empowered. Therefore, it is pointless to use it against enemies or monsters when it is in the default state, as it takes 2 times more mana than Hate SpikeHate Spike and does 2 times less damage.

Pathing Guide

  1. Start at your red buff. Only use your Q until you get to your Blue Buff, then you can use QWE on Blue Buff. Otherwise, you will run out of mana when you take blue buff, and will therefore lose valuable time.
  2. After killing scuttle you should get level 5. You are now invisible and have your ultimate. Go top or mid, and try to get a kill.
  3. Recall. If you got a kill, you should have enough gold to get an Infinity OrbInfinity Orb or both components. Otherwise get Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed .
  4. Try to get bot to prepare for the dragon. If bot is pushing, you can try to dive if you didn't use your ultimate. Otherwise gank mid or clear golems and raptors.

My Statistics

Image 1 - 67,3% Win Rate (74 victories / 36 defeats)

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Love this guide <3 Is Liandry's still viable post 2.1a though?
3 years ago
Well explained but I disagree with that stasis and hate spikes combo and use of conqueror rune. Eve is an assassin and needs to burst down enemy asap so using stasis and conqeuror will slow the burst
3 years ago
Electrocute is also viable, but it is statistically proven that Conquerer deals more damage after 4 stacks which can be gotten from 1-2 Qs. Conq = More Damage.