[2.0.0] Alistar Guide - How to properly support with Alistar
How to properly support with Alistar
Alistar Build
Best Build Guide for Alistar

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
As a starting item always pick
Boots of Speed
, you need to rush the [locket enchant] for the first dragon fight or to help in a situational fight at bot lane, the type of boots is up to you i usually go for [ninja tabi] because you don't really need the tenacity from
Mercury's Treads
on alistar because your [alistar:ult] is a purify and botlane early will have more AD damage than AP damage. After the first dragon fight you rush for
Zeke's Convergence
because when a fight happens you will be in the middle of the enemy team hence the passive becomes super useful. The other items are very situational, a good rule of thumb is to learn wich items counter wich champions. This build is built around the current meta especially the
Adaptive Helm
is there to counter kennen's ult
Slicing Maelstrom
but it is also a very good option if your team has no ap ruling out an
Abyssal Mask
Spirit Visage
is also very situational, is a good option if the majority of the enemy team has ap based damage but feel free to swap it for a
Warmog's Armor
to get way more hp than the previous option.
Other than this get creative always try to find the best item combos against any champ because this is the basics of support especially on a tank like
Alistar Runes
Best Runes for Alistar

In my opinion this is the only rune setup that alistar can really benefit off i guess you could go for
Hunter Genius
instead of
Pack Hunter
to get cc out more often but then you lose precious gold to snowball core items.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Alistar Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Always stay in front of your adc. He can't grab you otherwise you get a free combo on him or his adc or both.

this is your go to combo, if you struggle to do the second part of it just keep the skill pressed instead of timing it yourself it will fire at the right time always.
Flash +
then get behind your priority target and
to toss them inside of your team or under your tower, very effective in laning phase if they are too aggressive when there are no enemy minions under your tower.
You can also go for flash +
if you need a quick engage on the enemy and either your
is on cooldown or you want to save it to push something like a kennen away from your team once you engage.